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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Junie's Flowers

I bought Junie flowers this morning and she made them into this (her first ever) arrangement!

Beautiful! It's so nice you buy your daughter flowers. It will be a wonderful memory for her one day, that her daddy bought her flowers!

Tax Money at Work

Just absolutely ridiculous.  What an overreaction and an insidious abuse of administrative power. 

Snooze at the Zoo

Earlier this month our friend JJ took LuLu and Junie to Snooze at the Zoo, an overnight campout at the Milwaukee County Zoo. 

They had a good time, despite the heat, and all hands reported rave reviews of the dinner spread LOL

Monday, August 22, 2016

A teen? Yeah. I can believe it.

Learn This

Having just left a post where the Crusades are being wrongfully touted as an act of Christian aggression, may I kindly remind you of *actual* history: 


My two week summer vacation (from school, not work) ended today. Bitterness envelops me. However, it was neat seeing all the 1L's dressed to impress in their Sunday best while everyone else slouched around in their jeans and shorts. A few 1L's stopped me for directions and advice on how to use the printer, so I guess I now look like a veteran.

Mars Cheese Castle

In late 2011 Team Slap ventured near the Illinois border to visit Mars Cheese Castle, a retail store that's a local landmark in southeastern Wisconsin. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

A Plank Competition

We're having a plank competition in the living room. Right now it's YaYa vs LuLu on elbow planks, but Lisa  and I have taken turns on straight arm and the elbow version.