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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016

An update

Aside from my son being a complete spoiled jerk for two days in a row, and a funeral on the horizon, I spoke to my Mom today and was alarmed at the precipitous drop in her intelligibility. I literally could not understand a single word she said. I immediately called my Dad who said the cause is unknown; not a stroke, but perhaps caused by a lack of oxygen. Life, at the moment, is not kind.

Also - while walking to pick the kids up from school I stopped to talk to one of their classmates. A minute later he crossed the street on his bike and was struck by a car. He's OK, but man, what a day.

Challenge Accepted

The best thing about living in a First World country is I can leave my water running all day so it's nice and cold when I get home #MyWaterChoice

Saturday, September 10, 2016


I'm watching a Jon Benet Ramsey Dateline special. I find it deliciously hypocritical that the press hounds someone to speak, then castigates and vilifies them for doing so.


Clinton is trying out claims that her slip in the polls is due to inherent sexism in the electorate. Odd she didn't mention that when she had a 15 point lead weeks ago.

Friday, September 9, 2016

The Aftermath of Losing Jaspare

Long night, less than two hours sleep. We still sent the kids to school, over their sincere objections, because keeping them busy is the best medicine (we hope). I went to the gym to avoid emotional eating, and now I hope to zz for a few hours.

RIP Jaspare

I lost my husband of 28 years, I will miss him, and I couldn't find a better man to love. Love you Jaspare, my teddy bear. -  Grandma J

R.I.P Grandpa Jaspare

I first met my stepfather-in-law when I was 20, on the day I met Lisa. The details are fuzzy, but within minutes of being introduced he either called me a Polack, swore at me in Italian, or otherwise violated social etiquette.

Sensing a kindred spirit, I returned in kind. 

He laughed in reply, and I liked him immediately.

Within a few months our trips for coffee together at George Webb's became routine.Although I didn't realize it, he became the one, in Lisa's words, to vett me for her family. 

A year later he was called in front of my parish priest to vouch for our upcoming marriage. My mother-in-law had already told the priest she dissapproved of the wedding - if my 19 year old daughter said she was engaged, I'd do the same - but Jaspare went to bat for us. According to the priest, he advocated for us in a manner more Perry Mason than retired factory worker. 

I owe you for that Jaspare.

He had his flaw, God knows, just like us all. But when we had kids he became a beloved Grandpa, one especially close to YaYa. 

I owe you for that too Jaspare. 

A few months ago, just after a house fire that drove my in-law's into temporary housing, he was diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor. 

Yesterday Team Slap went to say our goodbyes at his hospice. The kids hugged him and told him they loved him, and broke down in tears. I found myself crying too, and thanking him for being there for the family. 

Shortly after midnight, he passed away. 

Rest in Peace Jaspare. 

We love you, and we'll miss you. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

LuLu says goodbye to Grandpa Jaspare

I love you grandpa. Your going to a better place, there will be lots of chocolate pudding for you to eat and you'll see your mom and dad and you'll be happy. I love you very much. LuLu

An emotional evening. Goodbyes are hard. - Me

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Smiley and Ginger at the Park

There's no significant event behind this post. It's just a random visit to the park after the first day of school. Enjoy.