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Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Thoughts - Destiny vs Free Will

Why do people wonder about whether destiny or free will controls their life? The ideas are not mutually exclusive. Everything we do is already written in our grandchild's history text, and thus set in stone, but the words on that page were written by the actions we take in the present. Free will, destiny, God's plan - all present, all complimenting each other.

A Pitiful Slate

I am no rookie to Presidential elections, having followed them since 1984 and studied them all in depth. Believe me when I say, no two cruddier choices have ever appeared on such a ballot. If not for the Senate race, I may have to abstain.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Junie is binge watching season six and she's sweating whether Monica chooses Richard or Chandler in the finale. Her money's on my boy Chandler. "You made my girlfriend THINK!"

This will Probably End Trump's Run

Donald Trump's comments, made in a public setting, may be the nail in his electoral coffin. Odd that its discovery was timed to knock the release of Hillary's papers from the news; hypocritical that it will help elect a woman married to a man who has, without question, harassed and exploited, and possibly even raped, women; but the comments are inexcusable all the same.

Friday, October 7, 2016


Tonight my YaYa is going to her first homecoming. :) That puts her one up on me, and God Bless her for it. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Funny . . . but stay safe.

Stay safe Florida. Seriously.

My Thoughts - atheism

I firmly believe atheists spend more time dwelling on God, albeit from a confrontational POV, than believers do. My word, how exhausting it must be. Just convert and free up your schedule already.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

My Thoughts - On Gullibility in the Electorate

I think it's hilarious that Americans spend their days bemoaning the duplicity of politicians and mocking them for saying "whatever they have to say to get elected." 

Then, magically deliciously, every four years a candidate reads a bunch of comforting clichés written by their staff, and those very same Americans get stars in their eyes and declare "Mein Gott, he/she really understands me! Look how Presidential he/she is! I know who *I'm* voting for!" 

Either/Or people. You can't have it both ways.


Tim Kaine