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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Let's forget the election for a minute and ponder the wisdom of Hillary, who will probably be President, fostering a drumbeat of aggression and antagonism towards Russia that has already led to what the MSM says is a return to the Cold War. Why? Seriously? Because they hacked your email and exposed your bs? The electorate barely paid attention. Back off already.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Luke Perry Turns 50!

We are old

The Odd Couple

I didn't realize Matthew Perry's show is in its third season. This is the first time I saw it and it wasn't bad at all. There were even some Friends jokes for the insiders!

Say What?

“We are a nation of Hispanic roots, and that’s a proud part of who we are, and that’s why we have the Mes de la Herencia Hispana, to remember that we’ve always been a Hispanic nation since our very first day.” —Tim Kaine. 

Yup. Lots and lots of Hispanics in the original British 13 colonies, dontchaknow. Lottsa Armenians and Koreans too. 

Good grief these Dems would tell you we've always been a nation of Vikings if they thought it would earn a vote.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

A Nice Workout

I enjoyed a nice hour long workout with LuLu this evening. We were two of only five people in the gym - we went during the Packers game lol!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Pet Peeve in Movies

Nothing in fiction (especially movies) annoys me more than when the hero gets the jump on the bad guy and knocks him out, then grabs the girl and says "Let's go!" 

Let's go? Let's go and leave the psychopath who wants me dead alive and well to finish the job? 

The hell with that. You've got him down, now cut his throat. #EndTheThreat

YaYa's Homecoming 10-7-16

Earlier this month YaYa and her boyfriend attended the Homecoming Dance at their high school. She asked me to accompany them to the Art Museum first to photograph them, and I happily obliged. 

Unfortunately, most of my pictures sucked, although YaYa was kind about it. Plus a security guard kicked us out, saying they don't allow their site to be used for "commercial enterprises." Huh. As far as I know, I've never made a dime off of this blog, but allrighty. 

She looked happy. Like, really, honest to goodness, genuinely happy, and that, in turn, made me very happy for her. 

By all accounts the event went well and she had a blast. I'm proud of that girl. She's growing up into a fine young woman. 

I love you YaYa!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Tonight's episode about Lincoln's assassination was excellent from the first minute until the last. If this is indicative of the course the show will take PLEASE please tune in!

Monday, October 10, 2016


On one hand it's a bad movie. But it's also a great one. I taped this back in the '80's and literally watched it dozens and dozens of times. "There can be only one!"

My Thoughts - the influence of celebrities on the electorate

If your vote is in any way influenced by the opinion of an actor, singer, athlete, or reality star, kindly resign your adult card.

The Mothman Prophesies

I really like this movie. One of the creepiest ones I've seen, reviews be damned.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Thoughts - Destiny vs Free Will

Why do people wonder about whether destiny or free will controls their life? The ideas are not mutually exclusive. Everything we do is already written in our grandchild's history text, and thus set in stone, but the words on that page were written by the actions we take in the present. Free will, destiny, God's plan - all present, all complimenting each other.

A Pitiful Slate

I am no rookie to Presidential elections, having followed them since 1984 and studied them all in depth. Believe me when I say, no two cruddier choices have ever appeared on such a ballot. If not for the Senate race, I may have to abstain.

Saturday, October 8, 2016


Junie is binge watching season six and she's sweating whether Monica chooses Richard or Chandler in the finale. Her money's on my boy Chandler. "You made my girlfriend THINK!"

This will Probably End Trump's Run

Donald Trump's comments, made in a public setting, may be the nail in his electoral coffin. Odd that its discovery was timed to knock the release of Hillary's papers from the news; hypocritical that it will help elect a woman married to a man who has, without question, harassed and exploited, and possibly even raped, women; but the comments are inexcusable all the same.

Friday, October 7, 2016


Tonight my YaYa is going to her first homecoming. :) That puts her one up on me, and God Bless her for it. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Funny . . . but stay safe.

Stay safe Florida. Seriously.

My Thoughts - atheism

I firmly believe atheists spend more time dwelling on God, albeit from a confrontational POV, than believers do. My word, how exhausting it must be. Just convert and free up your schedule already.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

My Thoughts - On Gullibility in the Electorate

I think it's hilarious that Americans spend their days bemoaning the duplicity of politicians and mocking them for saying "whatever they have to say to get elected." 

Then, magically deliciously, every four years a candidate reads a bunch of comforting clichés written by their staff, and those very same Americans get stars in their eyes and declare "Mein Gott, he/she really understands me! Look how Presidential he/she is! I know who *I'm* voting for!" 

Either/Or people. You can't have it both ways.


Tim Kaine

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

YaYa the recruiter

On Monday Yaya  went back to her old elementary school and gave two recruiting speeches on behalf of her high school. Lisa attended both, and reports that she was persuasive and eloquent. #ProudPapa

The Presidential Race isn't a Sure Thing

Having been obsessed with Presidential elections since 2000, it's my gut feeling that the Trump campaign has passed the point of no return, and the office is Hillary's. BUT, looking at the electoral map on the liberal site electoral-vote, it's tight. She has 323 projected electoral votes right now, and you need 270. Florida (29) is up for grabs, and if it goes to Trump, AND he squeaks out a pair of smaller states (WI?) she falls short of election. I'm not saying it'll happen, but as it stands, it's not going to an easy win for HRC.

Down 4

I'm down four pounds this week and am at my lowest weight since 2006, and only four pounds removed from my lowest weight of the century.