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Monday, June 5, 2017

The Marshall Plan

This is also the 70th anniversary of George Marshall unveiling the Marshall Plan during a commencement speech at Harvard.


I have not forgotten that this is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. Thank you for your sacrifice en route to victory.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Happy Birthday LuLu

Happy 14th birthday! Thanks for making sure my pictures always look good, and for listening to me rant about boys. You've been there for me no matter what, and I appreciate that. I know we argue but it always works itself out in end. Love you! - YaYa

Times Have Changed

June 4 1940: We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

Winston Churchill June 4 2017: Run, hide, tell. (the new UK anti-terror slogan) 

Farewell Great Britain. T'was nice to know you.

Happy Birthday!

Happy 14th birthday to my OJ/Livvie Lu/LuLu/Centerpiece! I love you more than lips can tell. Xo 🎂

Wonder Woman

For her birthday today I took LU to see Wonder Woman at the Avalon. The verdict? It was great, excellent even. It is easily the best DCEU movie and on par with the top Marvel films. I don't understand why Steve worked for the Brits - he should have reported to Pershing, who might have done something about the problem - but otherwise, all good. Go see it already!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Time and the Rani

At one point the actress playing the Rani, a renegade female Time Lord, says "This is idiotic," and I'm not sure if she was reading dialogue or just telling the truth. A stupid plot, less than B movie action sequences, a four dollar budget . . .sigh. But it holds a special place in my heart, as long ago it was the first (then) new Who I'd ever seen, broadcast out of a Madison PBS station only a year after it played on the BBC.

No One is Ever Fogotten

Very moving. The Archdiocese will assume the costs of burying the indigent of Milwaukee County, regardless of faith, a task that previously cost taxpayers $1000 per burial.

Paradise Towers

A great episode of Doctor Who, based on the novel High Rise, that was fun to watch and stands the test of time.

This seems . . .pretty clear

Why is this not obvious: if, as many Democratic politicians say, we'll meet the goals of the Paris Accords to spite Trump -- then you're admitting the Accord was superfluous and mere virtue signalling.