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Thursday, June 8, 2017

LuLu's 8th Grade Graduation!

Some photos from the graduation tonight! Gonna miss these people! - LuLu

A Wonderful, Wonderful Dish

Grilled talapia tacos with marinated red cabbage and fresh avocado slices. Best meal here at El Fuego EVER.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Time Lash

Time Lash gets a lot of bad press in the Whoverse, but I liked it. Sure, it had the single most embarrassing set in Who history (see pic) and the inclusion of HG Wells was both pointless and silly. But other than that, Mrs Lincoln said the play was fine.

Good Hearts :)

Super proud of Lisa, Lu, Smiley, and Junie, all of whom answered a last minute request for help and spent the evening working at the local soup kitchen.

Thurman Munson

Today would have been Thurman Munson's 70th birthday. RIP pinstripe great, RIP.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Congrats Scooter Gennett!

Former Brewer/current Red Scooter Gennett tied a major league record today, blasting 4 home runs and knocking in 10 RBI!

The Two Doctors

Troughton was underutilized, but otherwise a strong script and an entertaining episode. But the level of violence was questionable for Who, with the constant threats to eat humans, the murder of a secondary character, and the Doctor himself cavalierly killing a foe.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Gulf Crisis

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, and the UAE have cut ties with Quatar. This is important. Qatar stands accused of backing ISIS, and its neighbors are not happy.


Outside Little Caeser's was a young woman holding a sign that said "deaf and homeless. Please help." As i was walking by her a car honked loudly and her head snapped to the side to look 😂 lol

Wicked Tuna

We Love this show!

The Marshall Plan

This is also the 70th anniversary of George Marshall unveiling the Marshall Plan during a commencement speech at Harvard.


I have not forgotten that this is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Midway. Thank you for your sacrifice en route to victory.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Happy Birthday LuLu

Happy 14th birthday! Thanks for making sure my pictures always look good, and for listening to me rant about boys. You've been there for me no matter what, and I appreciate that. I know we argue but it always works itself out in end. Love you! - YaYa