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Sunday, July 9, 2017

It's been exactly thirty minutes since we ordered here at Omega, there's still no food, and the nearby tables swear like they're paid by the obscenity. So, basically every late night visit to a restaurant I've ever had. 

Update: food was great when it arrived tho
Aaand,  coming home from the bike ride we realized I'd locked up the house .  . .but left the keys inside.  So for the moment we're stuck on the deck lol.  Hope Lisa likes sleeping under the stars lol

Update: I called The Holder of the Spare

Camp Time!

This afternoon Melissa and I dropped the girls off at camp. If you're friends with YaYa or Lulu it'll be a bit before they're back with their beloved phones. Lisa and I celebrated the quiet house with a long nap then a brisk 20 minute bike ride as the sun set.


RE pro-refugee George Clooney moving from London back to the US because of safety concerns: family first, then ideals. I'll give him a pass.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

A complaint

A rare public complaint: you may remember that on Lulu's birthday we went to the Avalon with a gift certificate and the card had no value.  It had been given as a gift by an upstanding parent of a friend with proof of purchase.  To their credit the theater honored it and even gave OJ another,  smaller gift certificate for the trouble. Today we returned and they would not honor that gc,  saying IT had no value! After an obnoxious managerial powwow the manager said we must have used the card (this was our first time back) but then honored it with a not so subtle implication that we were dishonest.  I shop local and am loathe to go elsewhere, but I will NEVER purchase or accept a gc from them again,  and I strongly urge all of you to practice the same caution.

Spider-Man: Homecoming

LuLu treated me and Smiley to Spiderman: Homecoming this afternoon.  I didn't love it,  although Smiley liked it more than I did. It started out cute, then became ponderous and pointless,  only to sharpen after the genuinely tense scene on the way to the dance. Way too much time tying Spidey into the MCU, at the cost of the story.  (wth was up with the Iron Man Lite Spidey suit??) Michael Keaton was great,  Zendaya was useless,  and Holland fit the role just fine.

Head to head,  DC wins this round with Wonder Woman.

My Thoughts

Take care of yourself and you are better equipped to take care of your family.  Take care of your family and you can better help your community.  Take care of your community and your city improves.  Take care of your city and your nation is stronger.  The stronger the US,  the safer the world.  These aren't platitudes,  they are #truth.