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Friday, July 21, 2017

Descendants 2

Junie  is super excited for the premiere of Descendants 2 tonight lol.  She's had it on the calendar and is messaging me about the behind the scenes preview 😀
YaYa's home!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Smiley's Stiches

Smiley's  stitches look ratchet.  Having them near the sweaty armpit of a preteen was not an act of Providence.

OJ Simpson is granted Parole

I'm very pleased that OJ Simpson was granted parole. Keeping him in prison on the robbery charges would have been simply punishing him for a prior crime for which he was acquitted. The Nevada Parole Board rose above the fray and defended the integrity of the justice system. I applaud them.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Doctor Who Products

These are some Doctor Who items I owned in the late '80's, having ordered them from my Doctor Who fanclub newspaper. Sadly, they are long since lost to time (pun partially intended). 

The Menard's Bird

Last month when I was shopping at Menard's Smiley and I came across an injured bird sitting atop a pile of lumber. 

We petted it for a moment, and then it went on my hand. 

For the rest of the shopping trip I walked around the store with the bird on my hand, like Mary Poppins! 

Just before it was time to go, the bird's wing seemed to straighten itself out, and it flew away!

Prayers for John McCain

I disagree with him on much - I almost abstained from voting in 2008, although my partisan loyalties would lead you to think otherwise - but I join in wishing John McCain success in his fight against cancer. Prayers Senator.

My Thoughts - PBS

I watch plenty of PBS.  Despite my station in life I financially contribute to PBS.  But I object strongly to $445 million of taxpayer money going to NPR and PBS.  The government should not be in the business of running a media outlet aimed at their own citizens, especially one with a clear ideological slant. If you don't see the problem there,  you are blinded by your own politics.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Spent much of the afternoon/evening visiting here with my nieces, and Jeanne Scorsone and LK dropped in for a bit. So did Choco, the dog LuLu walks!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Smiley - the tissue removal and cancer screening

I am very anxious about Smiley this morning, and am posting constantly as a defense mechanism. That doesn't excuse you from liking them.

Update on Smiley: the procedure is done. In ten days we'll return to remove the exterior stitches, and by then we'll know the test results. The doctor seemed very confident they'll come back negative.