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Monday, November 6, 2017

Two Toms!

 Aargh! We found another inflatable turkey in our basement, so we switched it out with the new one I foolishly bought last night.


 Nice of Hollywood to stop molesting and raping each other long enough to mock prayer and tell us how to vote in the wake of the Texas church shooting. #IAppreciateYourGuidance

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Thanksgiving Tom!

We took Halloween Tigger down and put up a brand new Thanksgiving turkey!

Saturday, November 4, 2017


My Facebook is cluttered w/sponsored ads for Scientology, atheism, liquor, and crappy ebooks. I liked the app better when the Russians ran it.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Congratulations to the Houston Astros for winning the World Series!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Reformation Day

As Lisa is Lutheran, I am compelled to point out that today is the 500th anniversary of the day Luther allegedly nailed his 95 Theses to a church door, starting the Protestant Reformation. (He sent the letter that day, but probably posted it on the door in mid-November). So, from a die-hard Catholic, and for the first and last time in my life: Happy Reformation Day.

Friday, October 20, 2017

WTH Junie?!!!

Junie was eating on the couch and got crumbs on the seat. I told her to clean it up, and then, from experience, told her "And that doesn't mean brush it onto the carpet." I left for a second, came back, and you know what she was doing? SHOVING THE CRUMBS INTO THE CRACK OF THE SEAT CUSHION. WTH?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Sons of Anarchy

I've finished season three. It wasn't my favorite. The whole Belfast excursion played out like a (violent) comic book, and too much of the season was handcuffed by the events of the previous finale. S3's finale to tho, nearly salvaged the year. My word, that episode was good.

Friday, October 13, 2017


Smiley called my attention to some kids in the yard. When I came out the back door and barked they dropped whatever they grabbed and booked it down the alley. As there's only one redheaded, freckled black kid in the neighborhood, it wasn't difficult to track him home and speak to his grandfather.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Differing Opinions

Whatever else happens, at least the f'ing Red Sox have been eliminated.

My teacher said if the red soxs won he would buy us pizza. So no it's not great  - LuLu

Driving with YaYa

I drove solo with YaYa last night. She did fine, but I am not constitutionally suited to driving with any student driver: this fact is so well known that YaYa  actually complimented my performance at the end of the ride, instead of the other way around! 😂

The Return of the Hip

After a week of tranquility the hip roared back overnight. No sleep, an icepack , and a Sons of Anarchy marathon = my Sunday night. Feels better now, so we'll see.

Saturday, October 7, 2017


I was very proud to see Lulu attend her school Homecoming Dance Friday night (technically, the Fall Ball, as they don't have a football team). I haven't had a chance to ask her about it yet, but she texted me these pictures and said she had fun!

For Sale (or gifting)

We are replacing each of the kids bed frames. One is a solid wood loft bed with plenty of storage drawers. Another is a Bilt Rite dresser and headboard. A third is a masculine brown frame with bookcase headboard. I'm not looking for a lot, but we'd like something, but if your needs are pressing a gift is not out of the question (we've been there). Let us know

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

If Words matter, then the should matter

You're not a terrorist unless your violence is committed to further a political aim. Quit trying to shift the definition for your own agenda. Post all the memes you want, until/unless it's shown the Vegas killer had a political goal, he's not a terrorist. He's just a murdering a$$hole.

What an Idiot

Dumbest FB comment of the day: a man received a final "I love you" text from his dying spouse, a victim of the Vegas shooting. A woman commented on the article that the wife was selfish and that she (the commenter) would expect her spouse to call, not text, such a sentiment. FU lady.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Tom Petty

RIP Tom Petty

update: Hold up - TMZ and Rolling Stone are now reporting Tom Petty is still alive.    
 " LAPD says information about Tom Petty’s death “was inadvertently provided to some media sources,” says it has no details"

Update 2: I've been burned before, but it appears Tom Petty has now truly passed. RIP


The kids are not parrots of my views; more often than not they swallow the indoctrination of this society whole. So trust me when I say it was from his own heart that Smiley penned a school essay against the NFL protest of our flag; he was the only kid in class not to ape the party line of his teachers. #proud

So Bay View

How the Bay View nutters on Facebook view local politics:

A Procedure on the Hip

Having a procedure to reduce the hip pain

Update on the hip procedure: it was an X-ray guided cortisone shot into the ball of the joint, and I watched it live on a screen in front of me. Contrary to how it was advertised, it was painful as hell, but the local they gave me kicked in (after) and I enjoyed a blissful couple of hours with the hip of old. Now it's sore, but we'll see if things improve. September was more or less wiped out from the pain, and I'm looking forward to getting back to (my) normal.

The Vegas Shooting should not be exploited for gain

I'm reposting this, NOT out of partisanship, but to call attention to stupidity (from any side) in the wake of this tragedy.  

Quoting HRC on Facebook today: 
"The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.
Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get."

Yeah, I'm pretty damn sure no silencer was going to muffle the sound of what is reported to be a fully automatic rifle with a theoretical firing speed of 700 rounds per minute. 

I know Emmanuel Rahm's mantra of "every media tragedy is a [political] opportunity", but sometimes,  just be a human f-ing being.

Junie the Businesswoman

Junie has started a slime business at school, earning pocket money every day. The other night she had me seal little nickel-sized bags with a lighter, like some second rate pot dealer. lol

Is ISIS responsible for Vegas?

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the shooter in Vegas, but that smells like bullsh**.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

A Debate

LuLu just cut the lawn and couldn't get the mower started. 

Lu: Just start it for me Dad. 

Me: No, no, I'm all for gender equality. 

Lu: That doesn't apply to some stuff. 

Me: Yeah, and I notice that "some stuff" is whatever is hard or dirty. 

Lu: Whatever. It doesn't begin to make up for the centuries of oppression at the hands of men. 

me: LOL. Go spin that crap to a liberal who cares. Nutter. Now try.