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Sunday, July 26, 2020

In those 250 pages MPS sent out did anyone find a definitive time of logging in and out daily. I need to know a schedule, they have jobs etc. Help?! - Lisa


ISO: a skateboard please :)  

- Junie

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Squeaky Toys

He’s had this $4.99 squeaking steak home for 3 minutes and it’s already broke. Ugh. Ok, He loves the squeaky stuff. What squeaky stuff doesn’t break and how much is it gonna cost me? - Lisa

A Message from Lisa

Sunday, July 19, 2020


This crawled into Lisa's shoe during a picnic on Sunday.

Update: apparently its a harmless cicada

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Melting Pot

Wow, just heard someone use the term “melting pot” in reference to American race relations goals. I’m over 40 and haven’t heard that since grade school. So much work to be done... - Lisa

Sunday, July 5, 2020

New Party Options

Our appetizer and desert game just got upped thanks to an alley pick up. Thank you!  - Lisa

Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy 4th!

Flash back 3 years. My favorite holiday sure isn’t the same this year, but Happy 4th anyway!

No Coward

Proud to say my dog ain't afraid of fireworks - unlike yours.

Monday, June 22, 2020

How Father's Day Went

Father's Day 2020 went well, even if Covid cancelled the annual hike the day before. In the early afternoon LK and I visited with my Dad, the first face to face meeting with my parents since before the pandemic.  Then I went home and grilled steak,  baked potatoes,  and fresh asparagus for the family before opening my cards and gift.  Later,  LK made me beer bread. A very nice family day.

Monday, June 15, 2020

The New MPS Schedules

Can I just say the new MPS school schedules suck on all levels. My high-schoolers left for the bus at 7:50 last year, this year they’ll have to leave at 6:50. Up by 6:15am? My teens?! 🤣 This is gonna be interesting! 

Not to mention the middle schooler will need to leave to walk at 7 and be home by 2:20. I sure hope Dan is on a 1st shift schedule by then! 

What happened to the proposed later more sensible schedule? Which of you supported this? Name yourself, lol.
- Lisa

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Thursday, June 11, 2020

My Thoughts

The Left controls academia, the news media,  Hollywood, the technology sector,  and most mayoral/city government positions. In other words,  a whole lot of our most important institutions. If institutional racism is real - and I'm not saying it's not - then which "side" is really to blame?


*pic for attention* does anyone have any knee high socks they are willing to get rid of? I started rollerskating and these kind of socks are great for comfort 😁

Monday, June 8, 2020


86 degrees outside/75 inside, and, no lie, Lisa turned on a space heater today.

2020, Everyone

I agree

BLM and Covid

However you feel about the protests, it's obvious participants feel the cause worthy of risking the spread of Covid.

To bitterly compare their actions to your right to drink in a bar or go to a concert is ridiculous. Just stop. 

But I will say, there should no longer be an argument against in person voting. The value of a ballot outweighs the risk; if you were willing to protest in a group, you can stand six feet from someone at a polling station.