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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Truly Romantic Weather

 Current temperature: negative 9 degrees F, with a wind chill of negative 18. #Toasty

Hershel Shanks

Hershel Shanks, founder and editor of Biblical Archaeology Review, a fine magazine I subscribed to in the past, passed away Feb 5th. RIP #biblicalarchaeologyreview



 Old TVs
FREE 53207-4460
FREE old TVs. Apparently they all work. Please take all.

- YaYa

Happy Valentines Day!

If You Have Acne . . .

 If u or someone u love struggle w acne...been using this same tube a couple months, a lot of product here. Affordable and the claims on the tube are actually TRUE. Best I’ve purchased. - Lisa

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Deadly Cold

 Welp. That's gonna suck. Stay inside, stay safe - and think of everyone that doesn't have that option. - Me

Please God let everyone be inside tonight and off the streets. - Lisa

The Kids

 Mom flex - How’d the beast and I make these? Omg they are so beautiful, well spoken and smart... and funny! Omg they are so funny, I laugh everyday - Lisa

h/t to Julie O for the YaYa pic, Slap Shoots for Lu and Smiley, Lisa for Junie

Friday, February 12, 2021

Calm Down

#True - but Huckleberry doesn't get angry, he hides in his crate. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 Actual pics of me and my hip during this Polar Vortex.

Larry Flynt

 RIP to Hustler founder and free speech advocate Larry Flynt

WTH is this?

 Got this in the mail a couple days ago, no idea... I’m stumped - Lisa

Update: I guess it's a "brushing" scam

By definition, ‘brushing’ is receiving an ordered merchandise to your home that you did not expect,” said Brian Ogelsby with Better Business Bureau.

The BBB says companies, usually foreign, third-party sellers are sending the items are simply using addresses they discovered online. Their intention is to make it appear as though you wrote a glowing online review of their merchandise, and that you are a verified buyer. They then post a fake, positive review to improve their products’ ratings, which means more sales for them. The payoff is highly profitable from their perspective.

A possible silver lining is that the government says you can keep whatever is sent.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Monday, February 8, 2021

Note that the lawyer was the hero

From the Forest Home Cemetery Facebook page

 In 1842, Clarissa and Samuel Brown became a part of the story of the Underground Railroad in Milwaukee. In July, Caroline Quarlls (in photo), a 16-year-old slave from Missouri, escaped from her mistress and made her way to Milwaukee. Upon arriving in the city, she gave a barber named Robert Titball $85 to hide her.

Secretly, Mr. Titball met with Attorney Horatio Wells in order to claim reward money. Instead of helping Titball, Wells contacted Attorney Asahel Finch Jr. who recognized that Caroline was in grave danger. He found Caroline and hid her along the banks of the Milwaukee River. After making some arrangements, Asahel Finch Jr. took Caroline to the farm of Samuel and Clarissa Brown, located between 17th and 20th and Fond du Lac Avenue.
It was Samuel Brown who took Caroline to Prairieville (Waukesha) hidden in the back of his wagon and to the home of abolitionist Lyman Goodnow. Caroline continued her journey with Goodnow through the Underground Railroad to Detroit and into Canada.
A historical marker is located on the corner of 17th and Fond du Lac Avenue that recognizes the involvement of Samuel and Clarissa Brown, the Underground Railroad, and the help given to Caroline Quarlls.
Samuel and Clarissa Hoyt Brown (Section 14), Horatio Wells (Section 27) and Asahel Finch Jr. (Section 19), are all buried at Forest Home Cemetery. Their simple markers do not reveal their wonderful story.

No Bill, We Aren't

 No. And I can’t stop thinking about people stuck outside or the few unwilling to come in. Please God keep them safe. - Lisa

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Tuesday, February 2, 2021