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Thursday, March 10, 2022

My Thoughts - The Milwaukee Public Musuem

Repairs are needed, but I'm conscious of the deliberate portrayal of their woes that the Milwaukee Public Museum is crafting in the media. They want a new, smaller, building, and they're in full spin mode to get it. 100 million in (alleged) deferred maintenance does not somehow make a quarter billion dollar move justifiable. My vote is NO.

Dan is "they"...I think he just started doing $10 instead of $5 - Lisa


RIP Emilio Delgado

Emilio Delgado, who played the iconic Luis, owner of the "Fix-It Shop" for 40 years on Sesame Street, died today at the age of 81. 

RIP sir, you were a big part of my early childhood. 

On the Milwaukee Public Museum and their push for a new building

Repairs are needed, but I'm conscious of the deliberate portrayal of their woes that the Milwaukee Public Museum is crafting in the media. They want a new, smaller, building, and they're in full spin mode to get it. My vote is NO.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Margaret Farrow

RIP former Lt. Governor Margaret Farrow

On Online Packers "fans"

Packers fans - the online version - are embarrassingly naive in general and ignorant of the game and the business behind it. Not to mention they write like they were held back 3x in second grade. You are, in part, representing me when you speak, so, ummmm - DON'T.

Packers fans - the online version - are embarrassingly naive in general and ignorant of the game and the business behind it. Not to mention they write like they were held back 3x in second grade. You are, in part, representing me when you speak, so, ummmm - DON'T.

Cafe India

 Waiting on a to-go order. Lemonade w raspberry schnapps. Yum!  - Lisa

Don't know what to try? Order this. You won't be disappointed!

Monday, March 7, 2022

 Happy Birthday to my son Smiley! I love you very much! I hope your 17th birthday was memorable! You are the best son a mom could hope for. - Lisa

Sto Lot!

With the day almost over I don't want you to think I forgot it was Smiley's 17th birthday! We celebrated yesterday, being the weekend, with a friends only party at Axe Milwaukee and a family get together after at our house. Sto Lot my son - I'm very happy you were born!

Smiley's 17th Birthday!

With the day almost over I don't want you to think I forgot it was Smiley's 17th birthday! We celebrated yesterday, being the weekend, with a friends only party at Axe Milwaukee and a family get together after at our house. Sto Lot my son - I'm very happy you were born!

Sunday, March 6, 2022

186 years ago today the brave defenders of the Alamo gave their lives in the cause of Independence. RIP.

26 years ago today my cousin Jon survived a horrific car accident.
And finally, 21 years ago my niece Stacey was born. Happy Birthday!

March 6th

 186 years ago today the brave defenders of the Alamo gave their lives in the cause of Independence. RIP.

26 years ago today my cousin Jon survived a horrific car accident.
And finally, 21 years ago my niece Stacey was born. Happy Birthday!


ISO: Large dog kennel and a dog bed for our new doggo - Lulu

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Swan Lake

 Lisa and LuLu *finally* got to see a performance of Swan Lake together!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 “Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return.” Always a favorite mass for me. - Lisa

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

 Happy Fat Tuesday! I celebrated with a paczek! Just one... Lisa

Our Huck

 Said anyone ever mad at anyone in Team Slap:

A-B-C-D-E, F-U
And your mom and your sister and your job
And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art
Fuck you and your friends that I'll never see again
you can all fuck off
(Even our craigslist couch) lmao
But no one dislikes Huckleberry no matter what!!!!!
****Although he did eat 4 full boxes of girl scout cookies while left alone yesterday!!!! - Lisa

 Happy Fat Tuesday! Celebrate with some paczki!

Fat Tuesday

 Happy Fat Tuesday! Celebrate with some paczki!

Monday, February 28, 2022

That's Nuts

Sigh. . . just stop the world from spinning already. This is screenshot directly from

Remember folks, if Putin decides to nuke us, make sure you socially distance and mask up to avoid Co^^d during the attack!

How to Survive Covid during a Nuclear Attack

 Sigh. . . just stop the world from spinning already. This is screenshot directly from

Remember folks, if Putin decides to nuke us, make sure you socially distance and mask up to avoid Covid during the attack!