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Friday, February 10, 2023

Only she used a different letter in place of "H"

A chat message from Junie this morning

I might’ve missed this bus bro. Lacing up converse LITERALLY takes three minutes from my day wth. kms.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Nugget's Meal

 The sound of Nugget’s cricket snacks chirping is so unnerving. - LuLu

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Knock at the Cabin


Yesterday, after the art show, Lisa and I took in a showing of  M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin.

A vacationing gay couple and their daughter are held captive by four home invaders who believe the world will end unless they convince the family to willingly sacrifice the life of one of their own. Are they insane, or prophets of the apocalypse? Or have they targeted the couple in a complicated, twisted version of a hate crime? The couple must decide before time runs out for them - and maybe the world. 

This is, by my count, the eighth Shyamalan movie Lisa and I have watched in a theater. It's kind of a tradition of ours. And as much as we love his work overall, there's never been a film where we didn't identify a conspicuous flaw that knocked you out of the moment, even if only for a moment.  It was just his "thing."

I'll be danged if I found any such flaw yesterday.

Start to finish, it worked. It kept you terrified for the family, constantly feeding you just enough clues to make you start to believe the intruders, before tossing doubt into the mix and bringing you back to Earth. The backstory of the couple? Not a bit of it was superfluous, all of it clearly shaping the events of the day. The acting? Spot on. Dave Bautista, man, he deserves to move past the spectre of "wrestler turned actor." 

Now kudos of course to Paul Tremblay, the author who penned the novel on which the film is based.

There are, the internet tells me, significant plot points that diverge from page to screen, but clearly having Shyamalan work off a strong pre-established source paid dividends here.  (that doesn't explain the Airbender debacle, but still). 

I grade this a solid A. 

Go see it!

Hostile Architecture

I hate hostile architecture...just seeing any version of it makes me sad for humankind. - Lisa

Paint & Play

So yesterday evening Lisa and I (and, independently, YaYa and her BF) went to see Smiley's art show at his school. 

Now I  thought it was to be an exhibition of visual art work - you know, painting on a wall, sculptures on a pedestal. Nope. It was something far better, a combination of art, music, and game. 

A music major would perform a solo piece of classical music, while a single art major would stand in the front of the room, canvas to the crowd, and paint a piece in only the time provided by the music. When it was done, so was the painting. When it wasn't their turn to paint, each art student would complete the same task at their seat, but with dry media. 

Smiley painted to "Watashi No Uno" accompanied by a great pianist who was at our house for Halloween, as she's a friend of Dem's. 

After the intermission the six art students rotated out, and he jointed us to watch the rest of the show

After the show each drawing was up for sale for a $5 donation to the school, and we took home 5 - two of Smiley's (the dual faces and the flowers), a sarcastic Shrek work that he thought was hilarious, a drawing by his ex CeeCee (which we gifted to her) and a drawing of a woman in the woods the we all admired. 

Good job man! We're proud of you!!

* some pics courtesy of Yaya

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Happy 150th Birthday!

Thomas Andrews, the Irish ship architect who designed the Titanic, and died aboard her, was born this day in 1873.

May you continue to rest in peace sir.


Old is a 2021 horror film by M Night Shyamalan that follows a group of resort guests who become trapped on a beach where they begin to age rapidly.

 Although it’s an ensemble cast, it focuses primarily on a married couple and their two young children. The children are there, at least at first, just so the audience can quickly grasp the physics of the beach, as we watch them age into adults in a matter of hours.  But the story quickly becomes that of the marriage, and how our relationship with time and death alters how we deal with one another. It’s almost a sweet romance,  if you disregard the blood and fear and supernatural murder.

I’m a fan of Shyamalan, but like most of his work there are flaws that jump out at you. Once again, a mentally ill person is given the role of villain in his films. Once is fine. Twice is co-incidence But when four or five of your movies use “mental illness” and “criminal” as synonymous, you’ve got some explaining to do.

And the end, the very last few minutes? No, it isn’t a problem with a “twist” – he’s moved past that. It’s that it wasn’t believable. And when you watch a movie about a beach that turns you old in a day, and it’s the ending that makes you say “man, that wouldn’t happen,” then you done messed it up.

Grade: B 


Ofc. Peter Jerving.


Milwaukee Police Officer Peter Jerving was shot and killed by a suspect near 14th and Cleveland overnight.  The officer returned fire, fatally wounding his own killer. 

In an odd twist of fate, four years ago yesterday another officer, John Rittner, was shot and killed only blocks from last night's scene - and Lisa and I know the area well, and I consider it my (extended) childhood neighborhood. 

To make the events even more tragic, the killer had that very day been given a suspended sentence by a  Judge for a 2021 hit and run. I understand the jails are crowded, and that not every vehicular crime necessitates time behind bars; the sentence might have been the correct move. But man, what a tragic decision it turned out to be. 

RIP Officer, RIP. 

A Sweet (Literally) Valentine's Treat!

Aldi. About $1 a piece. 200 cal. Super yummy. Sweet Valentines day treat! - Lisa

Monday, February 6, 2023

5th Grade

Lisa's 5th grade teachers name: Mr. Brem. 

Mine? Miss Kotowski. She was young and pretty, had previously dated a guy who played Ronald McDonald, her favorite Buck was Terry Cummings, and I believe she was dating a race car driver at the time. 


The secret to a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then to have them as close together as possible. - George Burns

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Congratulations Smiley!

This kid got accepted at UWM. No decisions about where he will actual attend yet but CONGRATULATIONS Smiley!!! We are proud of you and love you! - Mom and Dad

photo by Yaya at Slapczynski Shoots


 An homage to my hometown by YaYa

Slapczynski Shoots

The Mini Piano of Yore

I still have the songs memorized by numbers Frere Jacques was 1231 1231 345 345 565431 565431 151 151 ...I could do more but u get the Idea lol - Lisa

Saturday, February 4, 2023

So, Elle Was Better. Your Point?


a conversation between my father and i:

me:  what your LSAT score 
him: I don't remember. 157? or 159
me: elle woods did better 
him: no sht she got into Harvard


Friday, February 3, 2023

Bruh - shoot it down already!

Meanwhile, in Milwaukee . . 

64 Years Since the Music Died


64 years ago, in a lonely cornfield in Iowa, the future of Rock 'N Roll left this Earth. 

Imagine striking down Lennon and McCarthy after Rubber Soul, with their greatest work, their greatest influence, left to come. It would have been the only comparable tragedy. 

RIP Buddy. You are still missed. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Ramen Station

After dropping off YaYa at her boyfriend's dorm, I treated Dem to dinner at Ramen Station in Madison, not far from the college. 

He loved the ramen but I thought my dish was pretty average. 

Good for Classic Slice!

Ok. I will never trust a word out of this dudes mouth. He's a liar .....that cookie is AMAZING. And Classic is never closed, how about respecting the fact they closed for EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION. 

I mean, if you've had Classic's food you know they didn't need his review. They're gonna be just fine lol. He just could NOT fathom why they didn't stop every.single.thing and fire up the stove for his one slice. SMH...the entitlement lol

My always order (enough for 2): A shippee ahoy slice, spinach artichoke dip, and a cookie.

- Lisa

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Collectivo Art

Wednesday night Smiley wanted to work on his art portfolio at Collectivo and invited me to keep him company over some coffee. 


A recreation of actual events in Junie's life yesterday: 

Groundhog Day. Again.

 How'd I know? Brrr - Lisa

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Apparently, it's Retirement Day

Tom Brady announces his retirement from the NFL (again). 

Dr. Phil announces he's retiring his show after 21 years on the air. 

And Ozzy Osbourne says he's done touring. 

They say things happen in threes . .  .