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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Shower Time

Shower time - LuLu

Richard Lewis


Comedian Richard Lewis, a staple of late 20th-century comedy now more known for his role on Curb Your Enthusiasm, has died at 76 after a heart attack. 

I certainly knew Lewis and his work, although little stands out in my memory. You know what I *do* recall? That he made a habit of canceling his shows in Milwaukee over the years, leading to a lot of bad blood here in the Brew City LOL. 


Here we go Again

Yesterday it was yesterday was a balmy 77° Fahrenheit (25 Celsius). Late in the evening there were thunderstorms that lit up the night sky.

This is what I woke up to in the morning:

Just in case you think I'm fibbing, check this out:

In a 14-hour period the temperature dropped 51 degrees (or in Celsius 28 degrees, from 23 to -5). It was the fastest temperature drop in the recorded history of Milwaukee. In the subsequent two hours, it dropped even lower. 

The climate is going kablooey, and yet my kids still can't figure out how to properly sort the recycling.  Make it make sense.