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Showing posts with label GusGus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GusGus. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, May 12, 2014

He's Back

The runaway (cat) has returned, current typhoon be danged!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

GusGus ran away - again.

GusGus ran away this afternoon, and an extensive search of the neighborhood turned up empty. Luckily I checked the backyard again (for the 1000th time) and he came strolling up as if to say "What up bro?". This is not a housecat for the faint hearted.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

In Which GusGus and Angel attempt a Breakout

Both cats object to the brand of cat food I bought recently and have turned feral, trying to grab table scraps and on lieu of that going on a hunger strike. Fine with me, ya picky buggers. BUT, they both bolted out the back door today and ran off. I found Angelcakes in the backyard but GusGus wandered into the neighbors yard. I had to corral him for a bit, and when it came down to it here was the pivotal moment: 

I was behind the shed alongside the porch when he appeared again on our porch. 
Seeing me he was ready to bolt, and so I acted immediately, vaulting up and over the side of the porch in a feat of athletic derring-do that I would judge impossible for a man my size. GusGus seemed equally stunned, and I got the $^#@  in my arms and back inside. Unfortunately, now every muscle in my body - all 8 of them - ache. 

And yes, I surrendered and bought them their normal fare.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A New Cat for Team Slap

Tonight I took the kids to pick out a cat from the Humane Society.

Idiotically, I took them along and so suffered through two plus hours of misery w/ Junie and Smiley, while LuLu was cool and YaYa was very helpful.

The cat we wanted was adopted out. We chose another but he was too eager to flee and would prob drive me nuts worrying about his whereabouts. We settled on a 4yr old male short haired cat named Flock(!) who has lost the sight in one eye due to glaucoma or cataracts (I forget which).

Anyhow, he seems to get along with Angel, which was our main concern, and he's a loving and spry cat. LuLu wanted to change his name to David, but I told her to reserve that for her future son. We may go w/ the name of the cat we originally wanted: Gus-Gus.

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