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Showing posts with label LuLu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LuLu. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2022

True Crime Fans

I think some true crime fans are unable to identify the real devastation caused by some of these people that y’all fawn over. An interest in true crime shouldn’t overrule basic human decency.  

It makes me sick to see people comment “one of my favorite serial killers” under the new Dahmer movie posts like…. Y’all. Have some tact.

- YaYa

people simping over ted bundy and saying they wouldn’t mind being killed by him😬. like what. imagine having absolutely no self awareness to what your words mean - LuLu

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

What Can I Say?

This is how LuLu's boyfriend was dressed when they picked me up from work yesterday  He's a good guy and good to Lu, and you do you boo, but . . . LOL. 

Ah, to be young. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Lunch at Omnicron

Here's a few rather pointless shots from a lunch I had with LuLu yesterday.  Points for remaining in business even while named after a pandemic variant, and for the perfectly done eggs over medium. Yum.

Yes, it was lunch. Yes, we still each ordered breakfast.  Yes, after refusing to eat any egg not scrambled or hard boiled for some 46 or 47 years, I have in recent times widened my repertoire. Yes, it was too much food for a person to consume in one sitting.  And yes, I ate every bite.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Lu and I witness a crash on 94

As Lulu and i were driving west on 94, a pickup that was towing a boat abruptly changed lanes and caused two SUV's to crash.

I saw the accident unfold and reacted in plenty of time.  For a second so much debris flew up into the air that I wondered if the truck bed had lost cargo too.

I pulled up in the right shoulder alongside the Chevy.  With the airbags deployed you couldn't see the inside of the car. I opened the passenger door. The lone occupant was the driver, a woman in her late fifties named Lori who was unhurt but disorientated and could not reach the seat belt release. I climbed in - moving a stack of Lisa Gardner hardcover mysteries from the library out of the way - and undid the belt. She asked me to call for help and I said that was already taken care of.  

Meanwhile Lu was on the phone with 911. I went to check on the second driver, who was a little banged up but predominantly just angry at the owner of the boat, who had not stopped and who kept driving away. The man tried to move his car out off to the side (the accident effectively blockaded three lanes) but I told him there was no chance; his tire was flat and the tie rod looked broken. 

911, btw,  was watching over the traffic cams and scolded me (via Lu) for walking in the traffic lanes but, whatever.  Lu waved to the cameras, as she stood with the first driver. 

Lori, the driver, was still visibly shaken.  

"This is my first accident," she said 

"Ever?," I said. She was near sixty, and had probably been driving 40 years. 


"Then you're very lucky.  And you still are -  you're able to walk away from this."

Anyway, with deputies pulling up on the scene we said goodbye and left - after I congratulated her on her taste in books. 

An hour later, by the way, we're driving in the Town of West Bend and a pickup truck with a bed full of lumber lost its load in the street in front of us. No harm done tho.

Not a great day for driving I guess. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Grasshopper (free) (not so outdoorsy) Picnic

Should you search through this site, you'll find that many - not all, but many - State Fair weeks I would take some combination of the kids on a Grasshopper Picnic; so named because we would usually share a Little Caesar's pizza in Whitnall Park, and finish by catching a jar or two of grasshoppers that we released in our yard. 

Alas, this year, three considerations have affected this outing;

1. I maintain a glorious array of bird feeders, and bringing the grasshoppers home would be ensuring their quick demise at the hands, er, beaks, of my pretties. 

2. I'm planning on going to the Fair tomorrow, and the kids work. 


3. When I drove by a field this week and suggested it as a location, LuLu called it "more like a tick picnic."


So, improvisation. Today all the kids who live at home were working, but Junie and Smiley had a few hours free around noon. Alas, Smiley made plans for coffee with a friend, so Junie and I went to a small, local Italian grocery store that has a hot food counter, and bought some vittles. 

A cup of chili and a dark rye roll for me, chicken tenders and potato wedges for her. Oh, and she bought me an oatmeal raisin cookie and apple juice. 

We ate in the car and talked about the Aubreys (band of the great Finn Wolfhard) and the upcoming school year, and the siblings. What I remember best is her shock when I told her I sometimes stopped at that store for lunch when I had a morning class at Marquette. The idea of me having a life independent of their memories remains largely theoretical for all of them, I think. 

Afterwards we bought some school supplies and visited YaYa for a bit. 

Anyway, *maybe* we'll pull off a catch-and-release genu-wine Grasshopper Picnic. But if not, this was mighty nice too.

Thursday, August 11, 2022


having control of the speaker at work is going to my head. - Lulu

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

ISO Baby Gate

ISO a dog gate with a door!!!! Dogs are wreaking havoc up the stairs but the stairs are a little steep to be continually stepping over a gate. 

if you have anything you want to trade for lmk! 
pic of the mess maker. - Lulu



I posted awhile ago about a baby gate but didn’t get any response. Our pup has taken to chewing family photos stored upstairs. So a baby gate is needed so thought I would check here first 👍🏻

Monday, June 13, 2022

I Need

i need a rich aunt who’s living to pay my living expenses - LuLu

Sunday, June 5, 2022


huge post 
plz take what you want from the boxes. i will not be holding anything.
if it’s not gone in a day or two i’ll donate to goodwill or throw out   - LuLu

list of random items 
-makeup caboodle 
-closet organizer (jewelry or small items) 
-ikea shelf 
- posters (beauty and the beast live action, supernatural, wonder woman)
-gel lamp 
-scarf or belt hanger organizer 
- instant coffee single packs 
-picture frame 
- cork board picture holder (?)
-wonder woman dvd movie 
-winter hats 
-mesh basket very sturdy 
 -hat with a tiny corgi on it (super cute) 
-a pen organizer/ mani pedi supplies holder 
- a gymnastics stretcher that goes over your door. (think a pulley system that stretches your leg up while you pull with your arm?) 
may be things not listed

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


i will never forget being told this by someone who had two cents to their name - LuLu

Friday, May 6, 2022

Madison culture is going to the docks to vibe and finding someone fishing at 2 am - LuLu

Monday, March 14, 2022

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Swan Lake

 Lisa and LuLu *finally* got to see a performance of Swan Lake together!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Happy Daughter's Day!

Happy Daughter's Day to my three girls.  I love you all very much and I'm proud to be your Dad.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

First Day of College!!!

And that's a wrap! LuLu starts school today with her longest day of the week!
Have a great year OJ!

 Team Slap is all back to school!

- Lisa 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

LuLu moves into the Dorms

Lisa, Junie, and I moved LuLu  into her UW-Madison dorm today. The whole process was relaxed and unhurried, and we were able to stay to see her room 90% finished. This is the second kid we've moved out, but the first that is outside of a viable retrieval radius in case of a zombie outbreak, and knowing that - and that I won't see her for months at a time - made it rough. But life is change and turmoil, and I am wholly confident she'll do great and emerge an even stronger student that accomplishes great things! We love you! Go 

Monday, August 9, 2021

The Suicide Squad

I watched The Suicide Squad tonight with Lulu and I really liked it. It was far more enjoyable than the 2016 mess, with a stronger cast, better writing,  and enough action and humor to forgive a sometimes lackadaisical and meandering plot.  It's worth your price of admission (or subscription.)

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Best way to spend my free time is with this chunky monkey and her big sis 💕 - LuLu