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Showing posts with label NKOTB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NKOTB. Show all posts

Sunday, December 7, 2008

YaYa and LuLu's 1st Ever Concert: NKOTB in Milwaukee - part 1

As the New Kids October 22nd Milwaukee concert neared, I knew my time at my job was coming to a close. Layoff talks were in the works, business was down, and more and more of the owner's family were 'visiting'. But the clearest sign that my blood was in the water was my utter inability to secure primo concert tickets from my business contacts.

It was writing on the wall, I tell ya.

But life goes on. Lisa and her friends had tickets - not great ones, but tickets - and that was good enough. We'd had some discussions about taking our oldest girls to the the second Chicago show a few days later, but given the uncertain future we'd decided to skip it.

I'd play Mr. Mom for a night with all the kids, Lisa would go and see the Milwaukee show, and all would be well.

But think back to that post about climbing a tree. As the hour of the concert approached I realized I had that same anxiety in my gut. I diagnosed this as a clash between the sensible path outlined in the paragraph above, and a budding idea in my head. I examined my subconscious actions during the day; I'd taken out a large cash withdrawl from the ATM, I'd all but forced the Lump and Smiley on their grandparents, and I'd found myself scanning Craigslist for NKOTB tickets, just 'cuz'.

Apparently, my gut had decided to take the girl's to the Milwaukee show, but my mind had yet to sign on.

So in honor of the tree climbing, I said F it and with half an hour until the (official) start of the concert I told the girls to get dressed - we were going to see their first ever concert.


We drove downtown and miracle of miracles, found on-street parking only a block away from the venue.


I told the girls to hold my hand and waded into a group of scalpers. No one had three consecutive seats and I moved on. One guy started following us, kind of a creepy guy actually, saying he could grab a third ticket to add to his own. Lo and behold he lived up to his word. But they were the paper version, the kind you print out at home from Ticketmaster online. All well and good - they're the only kind I use - but buying it secondhand I had no guarantee these weren't useless copies.

So pushing my luck I told him he'd have to accompany us to the turnstile before I'd fork over any money. He all but thought that was crazy, but did it anyway. Once the usher confirmed they were legit we stepped outside and completed the deal.

Three tickets for $70. Not bad.

So we got in and the girls had to use the bathroom. Absorbing several 'awwww, what a great Dad' comments from hot women, I let the girls wait in the inevitable queue for the ladies room. I was already all pins and needles at this point. a) it was already past their bedtime; would the girls be good? b) would they be scared off by the noise and screaming? c) would they be alarmed by the sudden rush of male paramedics entering their ladies room to attend to a woman who'd fainted inside?

While they were inside and I was thinking all this, Nikki K, cousin of some of my employees and heroine/photo provider from the Chicago concert, recognized me and stopped to chat. I wasn't the most social I've ever been - see the above paragraph of worries - but it was nice seeing her. She'd won backstage passes (grrr) and told me to look for her and her friends onscreen.

[props to her again, as many of the photo's you'll see in these shots were liberated from her online postings]


Meanwhile, in a seperate part of the universe Lisa and her three childhood friends had enjoyed several local bars, all of whom were playing NKOTB exclusively.



The blonde doing her Donnie 'face time' best in the above shots is Jolene, who also gets props for donating a lot of the pics on these posts.

They were supposed to be sitting in the 400's, the upper level of the Bradley Center. On the other hand the girls and I were led to a section in the 200's, and the usher led us down, and down, and down . . to the first row of the second section, front and center to the stage and only three or four feet from the arena floor - with a very good, clear shot of the B stage.

I couldn't believe it. Three of those seats for $70? Booyah baby!

My camera phone shots suck and distort distance at that range, but this should give you some idea of the location.



To be continued . . .

Saturday, November 29, 2008

God Bless the DVR

Just to show my readers that all this time out of work hasn't been a waste, I've recently mastered Donnie Wahlberg's rap from Dirty Dancing (track 7 of The Block)

With her itty-bitty waist and a pretty pretty face
and the leanest,meanest, maddest, baddest body
didn't have no time to waste, she was looking for a taste
yeah, and she was wanting me to party

Speaking of Donnie, man he ticked me off on the American Music Awards. His voice was gone. Nevermind that Joe's was strong, or that Jordan's voice kicked ass as always (although he looked tired) - that rough patch of Donnie's is what I imagine most people will remember.

Dude, you've been doing this for twenty-five years. If you're voice isn't there, as it sometimes won't be after three months on the road, then work the song around the problem. Don't just push ahead and risk ruining the song.

As a longtime fan of Donnie my sister C took umbrage to my protest, and then - get this - made fun of me by saying 'Oh, what are you going to do about it? Go on your blog and write 'my sister C' made me mad?'.

Yes, yes as a matter fact I will.

Lisa rated it an average performance but noted an increase in The Block sales in the hour after it played.

[You should see the inside of our van when NKOTB's on the radio, or when the CD is playing. At times I'll kill the volume just to hear the kids chime in with spot-on lyrics and background vocals, and they'll even imitate some of the hand moves. It must look dang strange if you're in the car next to us at a red light]

[Single is getting a lot of airtime here, with interest in it increasing organically. Even Chris' baby-daddy has acknowledged liking the song now]

BTW, my DVR automatically deleted the VHI NKOTB footage from September. If anyone has a copy, drop me a line.

* * * *

As long as we're discussing TV:

fringe Pictures, Images and Photos

One of the few new network shows I've taken a shine to is Fringe, although unlike my unequivocal love of Lost I think of Fringe as a guilty pleasure. The mad Doc is great, as is Dawson's Creek guy (no Wikipedia look-ups for this post, no siree) but . . .

I think they try a little hard to stretch the limits of 'fringe' science each time. Eventually the gimmick will wear off and it won't be pretty. Plus the actress that plays the main lead drags the show down. She mopes around looking perplexed and troubled at all times, like a toned-down female Shatner, and sometimes her Australian accent pops through. When the accent stays put, it's just as bad; a generic, bland telemarketer version of American speech.

My recommendation: have her kidnapped by the big-bad corporation (all companies are bad, dontcha know) and replace her with a more capable actress.

Another new guilty pleasure of mine is The Dish, Style Network's version of Talk Soup, starring Danielle Fischel of Boy Meets World, who turns out to be quite funny.


Lot's of HGTV still in the rotation here, and I've developed a fondness for Trading Spaces. Prior to this year my only exposure to the show was an episode starring the daughter of my then-boss, but I've grown to appreciate it, ESPECIALLY a whack-job Hildy episode. I still say they intentionally mess with people's rooms for the inherent drama, but it's always fun to watch a train wreck in progress.

National Geographic would still be my favorite channel if it wasn't for their new found fondness for shows about prisons, both here and abroad. I get it folks. If you smuggle heroin out of Turkey bad things will happen to you and your (formerly) private regions during 25 years in a Turkish hell-hole. Why is this on TV twice a day, and why is it remotely worthy of NatGeo?

On the subject of horrors that are substantially less troubling, we've taken a shine to VHI's Scream Queens, in which contestants engage in acting competitions for a role in Saw VI.

It's fun, it's interesting, at times it's funny, and it's a (tiny) look into the making of a film. It also has the advantage of showcasing Lindsay Felton.



Although a little short for my taste, she has many of the typical DannyGirl ideals: short hair (a must), brunette, smart, a cute nose, curvy, capable, and . . oh. Dangit. It slips my mind. What's that other attribute?


I'm sure I'll remember eventually ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday YaYa!

It's been a grand 7th birthday for my YaYa, with plenty to write about, but it's also been such a busy 24 hours that I'm too winded to write about it now. But I'll give you a hint: the guy in the picture is Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block.

Tired or not, I felt it'd be bad karma to go to bed without blogging a Happy Birthday wish for my firstborn :)

Happy 7th Birthday YaYa, and 100 - no 107 more! You'll never know how much your Mom and I love you :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

NKOTB @ the AllState Arena in Rosemont 10/047/08 pt 4

Lisa wouldn't let me take our camera into the venue for fear of it being taken away. I was pretty sure in this day of camera phones that the 'NO CAMERAS' warning on the ticket was gobbledygook. But to be fair at our entrance they did actually stop and search some purses, so let's give the idea the benefit of the doubt.

Here's what our view looked like. It isn't as bad as pictured, not by a long shot; the camera phone is just low quality and seems to accentuate the distance.



Here's one of the girls that left because of the Farter, playing with a New Kids doll.



Anyway, after the show I put feelers out on craigslist for pictures/video of the show and I'm glad to see the comraderie among Blockheads is still intact. Aside from a very sweet reply from a fan who refused to accept anything in trade, I also obtained photos from a cousin of one of the managers at work.

Her pics . . are better than mine.

















Thanks to Nikki K for the use of those pics!

Finally, one more of Lisa from the pre-show


NKOTB at the AllState Arena in Rosemont 10/047/08 pt 3

~ cont. ~

After they returned to the main stage they sang 'Twisted'. When I reviewed the album I didn't care for this song, but it's grown on me to the point where it's now among my favorites on the record. Joey did a dance to the song that I feel was strongly influenced by his time on Dancing with the Stars, but while I listened to the song something or another was going on - perhaps the girls in front of me left at that point - and I missed most of the dance. I did note enough of it to shake my head at Joe's shirt, which seemed to be emblazoned with a shiny gold eagle across the chest and shoulder.

One of the neat things about being introduced to the group via Lisa was the absolute immersion in live NKOTB (at last count Lisa owned 26 tapes of NKOTB performances/concerts). Because of that I assumed everyone would recognize what happened next, as it was a big part of the concert repertoire back in the day. Not so. My sister, despite her obsession with NKOTB as a kid, never made it to a concert and had no clue what I was talking about.

When he took the stage alone to sing 'Baby I believe in You' Jordan appeared in a unbuttoned, billowing white shirt, his bare chest and abs exposed to the audience. This, I'm afraid, bordered on uncomfortable for me, but I gotta admit the guy looked good. The last time I saw him was at a club in Milwaukee four or five (?) years ago. I was no further than six feet from the guy and he looked easily ten or fifteen pound overweight. Obviously Jordan's turned things around since then.

He follwed this by breaking into his Platinum solo hit 'Give it to You'.

Joe followed this up by singing his Gold solo hit 'Stay the Same'. I've heard this live multiple times, but THIS WAS FAR AND AWAY THE BEST PERFORMANCE OF IT I've heard. He started out accopala (sp?) and just kept it tight and strong the entire way. I was blown away and he left me with the impression that, in retrospect, that song is much better than I once realized. Damn right that was an audience singalong!

Next up was Donnie's signature 'Cover Girl'. I thought it was campy, but who cares? I love Donnie. Lord knows if wasn't a New Kid he'd have beat the sh*t out of anyone who said they like 'em, but he remains the most dedicated and loyal of the guys. I don't think anyone can question his leadership role in the group, and props to him for that.

After I'll be Lovin' You (Forever)' and 'Click Click Click' (the song that allegedly brought them back together) they finished the concert with their Top 20 hit 'Summertime'. A definite sing-along, Pure New Kids and pure Pop magic.

Ah, you knew there'd be an encore didn't you? They quickly returned for 'Step by Step', then exited again. Chris motioned for me to exit the aisle but I rather disgustingly waved her off. "Wonder what song is next?," I jokingly asked Lisa and she replied with the cutest 'i don't know' shrug and a laugh.

Moments later, they emerged in Celtics jerseys for a version of 'Hangin' Tough' that morphed briefly into 'We Will Rock You'.

Was I waving my hands in the air? Was I waving them like I just don't care?

F yeah.

Look, I said to myself before the song started, 'this might be the one and only chance to hear this song live. Gotsta do it man' and so booyah, there I went. There was a SEA of arms going back and forth - hell, even Farter was doing it - and it was just plain kick ass.

And that was that. We went back to the hotel room and Chris wanted to hang out, but Lisa and I decided to go out. We visted a nearby bar for a second and then hit Steak 'n Shake, loaded to the brim with New Kids fans.

[I overheard one say this was the first time she understood what 'give you some grown man' meant in the song Grown Man. My word woman, tell me you've actually been on a date in your adult life. What the heck did she think it meant? The same woman went on about how she couldn't look at 'sweet Joey' the same after Twisted.

Once again folks, they are thirty-something men, men who have been married/divorced, have kids, etc. They are no longer - as if they ever were - pristine sixteen year old virgins. Get over it.]

A great time and a great concert - my favorite concert to date, beating out Prince for the title.

NKOTB @ The AllState Arena in Rosemont 8/04/08 Pt 2

Once more, for the record. I am a fan of the New Kids on the Block. I am not gay, nor am I trolling for ladies (although that'd be a heck of a plan, come to think of it). I do not profess my fandom to draw attention to myself, to be 'different', or to secretly ridicule the group.

In the '80's I was ashamed to like them, calling them 'New Fa*s on the Block' while secretly borrowing my sister's Hanging Tough cassette. By the early '90's, when 'Call it What U Want' and 'No More Games' hit the radio I admitted 'some' of their stuff was 'ok'. According to Billboard I was one of only 100,000 or so people to consider buying a copy of 'Face the Music'(I didn't).

When I married a diehard New Kids fan and was exposed to many, many hours of their work my respect for them increased. When Joe and Jordan went solo I was exposed to the intense love their fans still hold for them and I found myself openly rooting for their success.

Now, I just plain dig their music and wish them well.

As for the criticism of their predisposition for dancing, well, I feel no need to apologize for it here. I enjoy the hell out of watching someone dance well and my only regret is I can't do it myself.

Anyway, back to the concert on October 4th -

At 9 o'clock the lights went out for NKOTB to take the stage. There was a noticeable shift of energy in the air, a different 'karma' to the room. As the video played to introduce them the screaming and cheering increased in scale, seeming to peak as the opening lines of 'Single' were performed offstage. Not so. When the guys finally appeared, rising from below the stage on a platform Donnie, (as always) in the lead, the screams reached a point where they had a definable weight, slamming against you like a shockwave.

I turned towards a misty-eyed Lisa and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm happy for you," I said.

As I noted, the band opened with 'Single' [love the 'let us sing it in a harmony' line] followed by 'My Favorite Girl' and 'Right Stuff'. No surprises there, it was identical to what had been broadcast from Boston on VH1.

Here's the whole set list, memorized by yours truly as the concert went on and verified online afterwards.

“My Favorite Girl”
“(You Got It) The Right Stuff”
“Didn’t I (Blow Your Mind This Time)”
“Valentine Girl”
“Please Don’t Go Girl”
“Grown Man” (With Nicole Scherzinger)
“No More Games”
“If You Go Away”
“2 In the Morning”
“Dirty Dancing”
“Baby I Believe in You”
“Give It To You” (Jordan solo)
“Stay the Same” (Joey solo)
“Cover Girl”
“I’ll Be Lovin’ You (Forever)”
“Click, Click, Click”
“Step By Step”
“Hangin’ Tough/We Will Rock You”

'Didnt' I (Blow Your Mind this Time)' and 'Valentine Girl' were odd but pleasant choices, and 'Please Don't Go Girl' was of course a mandatory staple. I don't think 'Grown Man' adapted well for the stage, even with Nicole Scherzinger appearing in a pre-recorded video. It just didn't work.

Then a surprise. Donnie and Company performed 'No More Games'!

Best believe I rapped along, and did it a HELL of a lot better than anyone in the vids I've seen from the show.

They followed that up with 'If You Go Away', and at the end ran a video montage of everyone they cared about that's passed away since their breakup. Among the faces were Donnie's father and Danny's Mom (it's been nine years since she passed. My God time flies)and manager Dick Scott. Also included was Tupac and Biggie (on the same screen. All hell broke loose in Hell with that one) and then . .

Kurt Cobain!

Here I let out a roar, as did a guy in the same section wearing, of all things, a Nirvana t-shirt. For the record, Kurt got a good round of applause from the crowd.

AFter this the guys took to a circular platform near the rear of the floor seats. They performed 'Two in the Morning', which has become a favorite of Lisa's because she say's the lyrics sound identical to what I say to her, and then 'Dirty Dancing', with some playful roughhousing between Jon and Donnie at the beginning of the song.

The crowd, as a whole, did not seem to know the words to the song but oddly reacted feverishly to it, screaming and waving their arms and enjoying the hell out of the tune. I'd say it ranked as one of the more crowd pleasing songs of the night. The concluded their time on the smaller stage with the Beatle-esque 'Tonight'.

[sidenote: two rows down sat a man and his wife. The guy was a no-good sap who refused to move or even try to have a good time, but that's beside the point. The dude couldn't stop farting, nasty wretched bubbles of dead cow or pig or whatever. It wasn't too bad where we were - we only got the one whiff - but the poor girls in front of us had to literally leave their seats because of it. 'Hey,' I told Lisa. 'As long as they know it's not me I'm cool with it.']

[sidenote 2: during one song, I forget which, Lisa leaned over and pointed out that she couldn't see Jon on stage. 'Maybe he fell off a horse,' I said, referencing the infamous cover story used when he was asked to leave the group. As Jon was/is her favorite, this was met with an icy glare]

After this was 'Twisted'. When I reviewed the album I didn't care for this song, but it's grown on me to the point where it's now among my favorites on the record. Joey did a dance to the song that I feel was strongly influenced by his time on Dancing with the Stars, but while I listened to the song something or another was going on - perhaps the girls in front of me left at that point - and I missed most of the dance. I did note enough of it to shake my head at Joe's shirt, which seemed to be emblazoned with a shiny gold eagle across the chest and shoulder.

~to be continued ~

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

NKOTB at the Allstate Arena 10/4/08 - Part I

You know the hardest part of arranging the trip to see NKOTB in Chicago wasn't finding a hotel, paying for the tickets, or finding a babysitter; it was deciding who we'd ask to use the third ticket that Jolene had forfeited.

We asked my nephew, but he had a date for homecoming. Our niece KayKay briskly turned down what would have been her first ever concert, unquestionably out of the inherent anxiety/fear that runs through my gene pool. Her claim that she didn't like them was absurd, since she's even used NKOTB for a music class project. Whatever.

We thought about YaYa but weren't confident she'd keep her cool. So in the end we decided to give the ticket to our friend Chris. Saturday morning we did the standard routine with swim class, dropped the kids off, picked up Chris and headed for Chi-town.

We got to our hotel and I went in to check-in. The lobby was already filled with New Kids fans, mainly young women with an assortment of homemade and official shirts declaring their love for one or all of the group. There was a married couple checking in at the same time, and they were attending the concert, so at the very least I knew going into it I wouldn't be the only guy at the show.

The three of us headed down to Chili's for dinner but it was packed to the rafters with New Kids fans, none of whom were probably older than ten when the band broke up. One shirt read 'MILF', and another 'I'm Legal Now', so there was little doubt what they hoped the guys would be doing after the gig. We headed out for a neighboring restaurant, then picked up some booze and headed back to our room to get ready.

Man I hate pictures of myself. They just sooooo fail to capture the rugged glory of my features.

[overheard in the liquor store: a cell phone call where the guy in front of me was ridiculing his friend for not coming to the concert with him. "You screwed up man, there are THOUSANDS of chicks here and every one of 'ems gonna leave that arena dying for a man . ."]

When the time came we walked to the Allstate Arena, a five minute stroll down the road.

We got there plenty early and spent a good half hour walking around trying to get to the front of the already crowded merchandise stands. I had more success than Lisa and Chris - a man of my size typically doesn't make a beeline for the pink baby-doll 'Click Click Click' shirts - but the one item we had our eyes on was sold out in everything above 'medium'. It was a black hoodie with NKOTB across the back shoulders and the number 08 below it - $75 I think.

Anyhow, Lisa and Chris got some more drinks while I went to the restroom. As you can imagine the men's room was rather deserted while the ladies room line stretched on forever. As I was standing at the urinal doing my business a group of women, sick of waiting, came in and walked right past me. "Hi," one said. "Hello," I said. It was he first and only time in my life I've thought a companion in a men's room was hot (minus that time at band camp of course).

Later I brought this up to a security guard I was chatting with and he promised swift retribution. "Why?" I said laughing. "For a second I thought I was in the opening scene of a porno. It's all good."

Our seats were Section 216 Row Q Seats 58-60. Not great seats by any means, since Jolene's original plan to attend meant finding three and only three consecutive seasts, but they were aisle seats and with a good view of the stage and a video screen. Since it lacks a zoom my camera phone does a lousy job of capturing the true distance, but here goes:

While the opening acts were on stage (Colby O'Donis and Natasha Bedingfield) I wandered off to a now deserted merchandise stand.

I bought a poster ($10), a tour book ($25), a keychain ($5) and passed on the tees. I asked for a set of $10 magnets first and foremost but the girl left that to last, and in the meantime another customer had requested the last one on the table - uh uh sister. I had a hissy and said that I'd ordered it first. You better believe I walked away with them.

At 9 o'clock the lights dimmed again and it was time for the New Kids to take the stage . ..

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cleaning House: 'NKOTB Footage'

AOL is shutting down not only the journals but all of the member websites that have been created over the years through AOL Hometown. Both my wife and I have a few of these one-page wonders floating around, and rather than lose them to history I'm going to copy them here (if/when possible). Feel free to ignore any further posting with 'Cleaning House' in the title, unless you're curious.

* * * *


We are huge fans of New Kids on The Block, Joe McIntyre, and Jordan Knight. We have a large collection of video tapes available to fellow fans. We dub on a double deck vcr with new vhs tapes for quality recordings. Let us know what you have to offer - we respond to all legitimate email!
We are also interested in buying rare NKOTB footage, music, and memorabilia.
In particular, anyone with footage of NKOTB's Face the Music tour,Joe's June 20th 2001 Madison (Wisconsin) performance, or the mysterious NKOTB coin, PLEASE WRITE US!!!! For any questions, please contact us at:


The following is a breakdown of what we have available:

#1 NKOTB's 1990 "Magic Summer" concert out of Petersburg, F.L. This is very clear, very well taped, and in its entirety. Shows all the magic tricks. Crowd noise was muffled so you can hearthem very well over the crowd.

#2 - Japanese "No More Games" concert in entirety with NKOTB'S Sony and Honda commercials. Their arrival and all interviews are included on this tape. Good quality.

#3 - New York and Rhode Island American Pay Per View Specials. Includes pre-concert footage. NY good quality, RI excellent.

#4 - NKOTB foreign footage from 1994 overseas tour. Includes the videos to "Dirty Dawg", "Never Let You Go". Footage from Spain, Britain, Italy, Israel...and more. Lots of heated discussions w/ the press over their "image change" and such. Great rare stuff! Poor visual quality, great audio. Worth while, really!

***If you're interested in something you don't see listed here, such as television appearances from back in the day, please let me know as I may have it amongst many mixed tapes.
HOWEVER, keep in mind mix tapes take a lot of time and effort to make, so contact us for trade/cost details****

*** UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE (such as when our baby actually learns to sleep at night!) we won't be accepting any request for mix videos - we don't have the time!****

Some of those include: Oprah Winfrey Shows, Arsenios, Mickey Mouse Clubs, Regis and Kathy Lee, Leeza, Good Morning America, America's Most Wanted, Entertainment Tonight, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Connie Chung, Soul Train, Rosie 'O Donnell, Queen Latifah, Politically Incorrect,TRL, Friday Night Videos, The Apollo, or whatever else you can think of!


#1 - Joe McIntyre Press kit (videotape) from the Fantasticks Includes sound bites, songs, trailers, film clips. The best you're gonna get short of the film....

#2 - Joe McIntyre takes over Australia, 1999. Performances of "I Cried", "Stay The Same". Interviews, and television appearances, including a judge on "Hey Hey It's Saturday". Also, a home video of a rare mall performance of "Stay The Same" and one other...

#3 - The coveted JOE MCINTYRE New Year's Eve 2000 Boston Concert. Celebrate Joe's birthday and New Year's Eve 2000 overand over and over. Excellent copy, concert in entirety. This is the 11 pm show. He performs all his hits, "Right Stuff", "Please Don't Go Girl", "Wild Nights" (w/ sister Carol), and dedicated a Frank tune to his (now ex) fiance, Nina, whom he points out in the audience.

#4 Jordan takes Korea by storm. 1999. Performs "I Could Never Take the Place Of Your Man", "Close My Eyes". Also on piano, by the Sylistics, "You Make Me Feel Brand New", and NKOTB's "If You Go Away. This tape includes many television appearances Jordan made in Korea, also chats/fields online questions from Korean fans. Great footage.

#5- Donnie footage tape. Interviews for a few of his movies. In concert w/ Marky Mark. His tv appearances, like Politically Incorrect. This is a very very long tape, with lots of great stuff.

#6 Meet Joe Mac pay per view - a concert performed in Boston and aired on pay per view in November 2001. Features Joe BARE-CHESTED and later in a KILT! Yum!

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