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Showing posts with label New Years Eve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Years Eve. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Ma Baensch Marinated Herring

My maternal grandmother would eat this every New Year's Eve. I guess there's a tradition that says eating it at midnight will bring good luck for the year , but she seemed to have a genuine affection for it too . Odd , as I don't remember her enjoying this or any fish the rest of the year . 

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Years Eve 2016

This year, for what may honestly be the first time this century, Lisa and I headed out alone for New Years Eve. We signed up to do another painting at Splash Studio to ring in 2017. 

Look how purty we are!

The project started out with a yellow disc.

Then, a white ring around the disc. 

Then teal around that, and a bunch of blending. 

Starting at the corners, you being to fill in the background with dark blue arcs. 

Being veterans, Lisa knew to paint the sides of the frame. 

You draw in the moon. 

And shade it properly. 

The trees .  . . oh, don't get me started. I found the trees a pain in the butt. LOL

2017 was nearing . . . 

Once we added snowflakes to the painting, it was done. 

We each signed our respective halves. 

Then midnight came, and we kissed, had champagne, and danced before heading home. 

Happy New Year Everyone!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

 Good Riddance 2009, you won't be missed! - Lisa

Enjoy your New Years Eve everyone!

I've been neglecting this website. I don't think I've made a 'live' post in all of December, with the stuff you've seen automatically moved over from the 'scheduled' pile. I'm not at all sorry for that, as I needed the break, but I do feel obliged to at least post something new to end this year. Well, not "new" but certainly new to this site. It's a collection of Facebook status updates from the last six weeks. Exciting innit?

As for New Years Eve Lisa, Ginger, LuLu and I will be spending the evening at home. YaYa's at a sleepover, while Smiley is partying at my Mom's place. We have plans to make homemade onion rings, sloppy joe's, and spinach and artichoke dip, while enjoying some margaritas, with cider for the kids.

There's not much to recommend this crappy, taint of a year. There are three exceptions that come to mind: the birth of my new Godson on December 10th, the publication of my columns/public reading of my Halloween story, and last, the Grand Restoration of the Proper Order of Events in the Universe.

By which, of course, I refer to my Yankees taking a 27th - yes, 27th - World Championship.

Anyhow, 2010 has to be better. It has to be, or all is lost. And on that cheery note, on with the show!

* * *

December 22nd: In the midst of our first family fun night . . . homemade tacos, now getting ready to play Topple and Go Fish
[this is a deliberate effort on our part to structure together time with the family. In the end, Week #1 was tacos and bingo instead, but it went great. Both of my older girls took time to tell me how much they loved it over the next few days, and YaYa went so far as to add "Family Game Night" to every Tuesday on her calendar!]

December 17th: So Smiley is wrapping presents with Lisa at the dining room table, and he spots the Zuzu pets we've kept hidden. Speech problems? Not today "Zuhzu Pets!" he yells, inspiring his two year old sister to run around the house repeating news of the sighting.

December 11th: Spent all evening getting the house ready for a visit from Smiley's speech therapist, only to have her cxl this morning because of illness. Good luck keeping this house clean until the rescheduled appt.

Regarding a news report that the remains the Soviets had were not, in fact, Hitler's: I'm not a conspiracy guy. The Towers fell because of the airliners, Oswald killed Kennedy, FDR didn't set out to sacrifice the Pacific fleet, etc. But I think the Ruskies were full of shi* about Hitler's remains. I don't think they ever found the corpse, or at least couldn't ID it.

December 9th: Pretty crappy night. Lisa broke her glasses, I lost five pages of newly written text due to gremlins in the computer, it's snowing, and [soap operal] As The World Turns was cancelled. :(

December 8th: Just gave a hitchiker a ride, which would be a first for me. He came begging for a lift at a gas station, drunk and stranded at 7 at night. Gotta love the South Side.

[I had a 200 pound advantage on the man, and while I agree it was foolish and I won't do it again, I don't think I was in any danger]

[the next night I came to an abrupt stop when a blind man was nonchalantly walking in the middle of a large intersection. With his cane tapping in front of him, he was making a wide, meandering circle in the road, bringing traffic to a stop from all four directions.]

December 8th: Took the kids to school, went to Mass (Feast of the Immaculate Conception), shoveled my walk, now writing and working up the nerve to hit the road to get some things done. Or, I may nap. Either/or.

December 6th: An unusually quiet and Hallmark-y morning, with Lisa sitting with the two oldest girls in the living room, teaching them to sew so they can make their own costumes from some old sheets they found. Oh, and 'Bama crushed Florida. What a nice weekend so far.

December 4th: On hold or voicemail, on hold or voicemail it's all I ever get. I know I'm not a phone person, so I'm just as guilty, but I do, when required, answer the phone AT MY JOB . . .

December 2nd: I bought Smiley a gumball from a quarter machine. He rejected it when I brought it home, pointing to his teeth and starting a fit. Ten minutes later I asked if we were cool. "na-uh," he said, patting his breast. "ooo bwoke my [h]eart". Jeez, what a momma's boy lol

November 23rd: I just took the garbage out and happend upon a possum in our backyard, the first I've ever seen. It looked at me as if to say "WTF dude?", then calmly walked beneath the trampoline. I've been wondering what's been crapping in our (fenced-in) yard. Now I know.
[I don't live in the country. I don't like sharing my backyard with a petting zoo. Ick.]

November 21st: F*! I forgot the baby shower for my best friends wife. I lost the invite but had assumed - there's that word - that it was closer to the due date. No way to get Lisa and Grace home to attend. My status as "Tre's Loser Friend" is assured. &*^@!

November 17th: As of an hour ago my Mom was out of surgery and doing well (knock on wood) [after spending several weeks in a nursing home to recoup, she's back home and back on track]

November 17th: Angel (one of our cats) knocked over a fishtank last night and ate YaYa's Beta. Tears this morning, mitigated by her respect for Angel's prowess. We'll have to buy another soon.
[Actually, while she did knock it over, I later found the Beta on the floor (deceased of course)]

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Eve 2008

Yeah, I've got a ton of Christmas posts on back-order, but I figured we'd skip ahead and jot down a post about New Years.

It wasn't the most exciting of nights. It was the first time I've had New Years Eve off in more than a decade (I might have 'officially' had a night off, but I assure you it was riddled with phone calls and double-checking things) and what does Lisa do? She has to go to work.

So until she got off at 11 in was me and the kids. I'd drafted my niece to babysit from 11 on so we could go out, but she got an invite to a party and 'volunteered' her mother in her place. My sister showed up super early at six, which turned out to be a good thing as the kids were set to be a handful.

Before Lisa left she made a cake the kids frosted - and with the proper utensils. I assure you, this was a posed shot ;)



I'd done a good deed by downloading a two-CD set of Hannah Montana that the kids jammed out to.



Then YaYa did the dishes before settling down to blog a Happy New Years post on her site.



Smiley got a train set from his Great Aunt Royette for Christmas, and I set that up for him. He had a blast.





Here's the Lump. That's not 'red eye', it's just her devilish nature spewing forth.


Then the kids just kind of chilled out for hours, disappearing at times to watch the Disney Channel countdown upstairs. In the meantime I made a run to the liquor store, where I had to park two blocks away because of the traffic at the store.

At ten - two hours later than I intended thanks in part to the line at the liquor store - I rounded up the kids and celebrated 'midnight' and the turn of the New Year.


Lisa had bought noisemakers, glow in the dark bracelets, and whatnot, while I supplied cranberry juice 'champagne'.





No one could figure out how to make the kazoos work, except for Smiley and the next day, the Lump! Everyone else was symied.


Apparently the power of suggestion is as powerful as advertised, judging by this photo. It's non-alchoholic LuLu!






When Lisa came home I was rip roarin' to go out, but she was feeling worn out and sick and asked to stay home. Not . . .the answer I was hoping for, but I understood.

By midnight Lump and Smiley were fast asleep of course . .


But the rest of us gathered in our bedroom to ring in the New Year.





Happy New Year everyone!
