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Showing posts with label Sawyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sawyer. Show all posts

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Sawyer Goes AWOL

Lost dog. Blond w tags. Name: Sawyer. Half huskie half golden retriever all harmless and foolish and blond. Has tags. Leapt from a car window he opened himself so quietly I didn't even notice til I got to my destination. He was still in car at Howard and clement. After that he escaped so quietly I didn't notice. I know that's absurd. Plz call tags if u see him. He won't hurt you. Has no jumping manners tho ...pic of his brother and apparent accomplice - Lisa

hey, our dog Sawyer got loose. he’s super friendly and is sure to come up to you. Please contact the numbers on his collar. he has a collar and a harness. Somewhere in the bayview/st francis airport area - LuLu


Obviously, this ruined our morning. Four people, three cars, and we didn't so much as get a glimpse of him. I was mad at Lisa for losing my boi and though I hid it well (but apparently not), and so there went our day. 

Luckily, sometime around 11 Lisa called the pound and yup, they had him; he'd been picked up by the St. Francis police and escorted to the pound. He left the house with a harness, two collars, tags, and a microchip, but they claimed he had no tags and no chip (MAADC found the chip right away). 

Anyway, the dumb boy is home where he belongs. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

ISO Baby Gate

ISO a dog gate with a door!!!! Dogs are wreaking havoc up the stairs but the stairs are a little steep to be continually stepping over a gate. 

if you have anything you want to trade for lmk! 
pic of the mess maker. - Lulu



I posted awhile ago about a baby gate but didn’t get any response. Our pup has taken to chewing family photos stored upstairs. So a baby gate is needed so thought I would check here first 👍🏻

Monday, June 13, 2022

ISO Dog Gate

ISO a dog gate with a door!!!! Dogs are wreaking havoc up the stairs but the stairs are a little steep to be continually stepping over a gate. 

if you have anything you want to trade for lmk! 
pic of the mess maker - LuLu

Monday, March 14, 2022


We adopted a brother for Huckleberry (on March 4th) and named him Sawyer, iykuk. They say he's 2yo but his paws and behavior say puppy all day. Here's a picture of movement as usual!  - Lisa

Saturday, March 12, 2022

The Newest Boi

 We adopted a brother for Huckleberry and named him Sawyer, iykuk. They say he's 2yo but his paws and behavior say puppy all day. Here's a picture of movement as usual! - Lisa

Sunday, March 6, 2022


ISO: Large dog kennel and a dog bed for our new doggo - Lulu