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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Sawyer Goes AWOL

Lost dog. Blond w tags. Name: Sawyer. Half huskie half golden retriever all harmless and foolish and blond. Has tags. Leapt from a car window he opened himself so quietly I didn't even notice til I got to my destination. He was still in car at Howard and clement. After that he escaped so quietly I didn't notice. I know that's absurd. Plz call tags if u see him. He won't hurt you. Has no jumping manners tho ...pic of his brother and apparent accomplice - Lisa

hey, our dog Sawyer got loose. he’s super friendly and is sure to come up to you. Please contact the numbers on his collar. he has a collar and a harness. Somewhere in the bayview/st francis airport area - LuLu


Obviously, this ruined our morning. Four people, three cars, and we didn't so much as get a glimpse of him. I was mad at Lisa for losing my boi and though I hid it well (but apparently not), and so there went our day. 

Luckily, sometime around 11 Lisa called the pound and yup, they had him; he'd been picked up by the St. Francis police and escorted to the pound. He left the house with a harness, two collars, tags, and a microchip, but they claimed he had no tags and no chip (MAADC found the chip right away). 

Anyway, the dumb boy is home where he belongs. 

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