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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Lunch for Later - Volunteering for The Street Angels

This month we again volunteered for the Lunch for Later program with The Street Angels, a program where you prepare box lunches that are then distributed to the homeless community in Milwaukee. This time, at Lisa's request, we signed up to do 140 of them on her birthday as a gift to her while she was out of town. 

A few weeks ago we got all the kids to decorate the lunch bags. 

Recognizing that 140 full lunches was going to hit the wallet hard, I asked for some donations from my co-workers. I was expecting a box or two of snacks, and maybe a few drink mixes -  all of which would have been received with gratitude and thanks. 

What I got instead was an all out effort. Three co-workers personally donated food to the effort, and my company stepped up and purchased all  the chips for the lunches. 

Just incredible. Wow. 

Then I sent Smiley and Junie hit Woodman's to get the bread, lunchmeat, cheese, etc. 

Seeking to avoid the hassle of keeping our dogs and cats at bay, we assembled the lunches at my mother-in-law's place.  Now I could lie and say it was a wonderful bonding experience . . . BUT. 

In reality every single one of these people annoyed the heck out of me and I not once, but TWICE, stormed out and drove off before losing my s$@t  and saying something I would regret. 

Yeah. Not exactly a hallmark moment. But that's reality baby. 

Anyway, they got the job done. Later that night I returned with Junie to get all the lunches. 

Now you may ask, what's with the luggage Danny? Were you moving the in-law out? Ah contraire mon ami. That was the luggage we took to Vegas, which alas was cracked and rendered useless for Lisa's trip. We instead used it to transport the bagged lunches. 

Lisa's Mom also donated a bag of winter gear she knitted for the homeless. 

Today after school we dropped it all off. I took Dem and Beca, our exchange students with me, and later (since the drop off was on 27th near Mitchell) I took them on a tour of my old neighborhood. 

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