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Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Pitiful Slate

I am no rookie to Presidential elections, having followed them since 1984 and studied them all in depth. Believe me when I say, no two cruddier choices have ever appeared on such a ballot. If not for the Senate race, I may have to abstain.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

This will Probably End Trump's Run

Donald Trump's comments, made in a public setting, may be the nail in his electoral coffin. Odd that its discovery was timed to knock the release of Hillary's papers from the news; hypocritical that it will help elect a woman married to a man who has, without question, harassed and exploited, and possibly even raped, women; but the comments are inexcusable all the same.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Presidential Race isn't a Sure Thing

Having been obsessed with Presidential elections since 2000, it's my gut feeling that the Trump campaign has passed the point of no return, and the office is Hillary's. BUT, looking at the electoral map on the liberal site electoral-vote, it's tight. She has 323 projected electoral votes right now, and you need 270. Florida (29) is up for grabs, and if it goes to Trump, AND he squeaks out a pair of smaller states (WI?) she falls short of election. I'm not saying it'll happen, but as it stands, it's not going to an easy win for HRC.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A House Divided

This house is quite divided on the election. One kid (I will protect their identity) is very pro-Trump; Junie is vehemently in the Clinton camp. The other two believe both are bums and not worth arguing about. Lisa is extremely anti-Trump ("Don't make plans for our 20th anniversary until after the election. I'll divorce your ass if you vote for him). whereas I will protect Trump from the machinations of the MSM but have not yet decided if I should vote at all (a first for me). #ElectionYearFun

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hypocrite Much?

The youngest Clinton is on record scolding her friend Ivanka over her Dad's history with women. Maybe Chelsea should question *her* father on his harassment, exploitation, and alleged rape of women over a thirty year period. How about that?

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


If your argument against Trump is that a citizen is incapable of governing without devoting themselves to a lifetime of governments service first, then with respect, our Constitution and this great experiment has failed, and we are but a kingdom by another name.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


While, at this date, I find a Trump victory unlikely, do not buy into any polls that show a widening lead for Clinton. Trump is most likely affected by inaccurate polling because most supporters are unwilling to publicly risk attack by admitting allegiance. In the electoral world, this is known as the Bradley Effect (after a California race where liberals were too embarrassed to admit they were voting against a black man), and/or the Shy Tory Effect (named for British voters who were embarrassed to admit to being conservative).

Thursday, June 9, 2016

America, 2016

Just stop

Hilary Clinton tweeted Donald Trump and told him to delete his account. She should fire the intern that wrote that. The Queen of deleting emails should never have brought up the subject. The jokes write themselves.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trump's Cinco De Mayo

ROTFLMAO. "I love Hispanics!" I actually think he has no beef with Hispanics, and that the security of our border is a legal and defense issue not a racial one, as our beloved media and the nutty left would have you believe. But that line. Just. Sounds. Odd. LOL

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Nominee is Set

Ted Cruz has withdrawn from the GOP race. The nominee WILL BE Donald Trump. It's time to unify the party for the general election.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Primary Nonsense

Ted Cruz isn't rigging the system against Trump, even with his public collusion with Kasich. Sanders independent voters aren't being denied their rights because they aren't allowed to cast a vote in a primary for the *Democratic* party. The rules were in place when they signed on for the job, and just because you're losing you don't get to pretend that it isn't so. Soooo much immaturity in this election year.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

 Pictures of the protestors outside a Donald Trump event at UWM. Note the second picture.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

 Saw some anti-Trump protesters as I was driving home from Marquette. They were holding up their signs on Clybourn, which was odd - since it was blocks and blocks away not only from the venue but from the barricade cordon, which itself was blocks from the site of the GOP town hall debate. Kinda low effort on their part, but ok then.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Need I Say More?

 Pete Rose and Mike Tyson both came out in support of Trump.....need I say more? - Lisa

Friday, March 11, 2016

Trump Protests in Chicago

I know somebody at work who tried to attend the Trump rally in Chicago. She said protestors trapped her in the parking structure and admits to being scared. She took video of their pathetic, violent actions. The more the extreme Left strikes against Trump in their usual loud, threatening manner, the stronger he grows. Right now people would vote for him just out of spite.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

1964 Redux

So Romney has cast himself as Nelson Rockerfeller to Trump's Barry Goldwater. It's 1964 all over again.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Super Tuesday 2016

Barring a miracle, it's Trump vs Clinton in November. The GOP effort to stop Trump was too little, too late, and failed to address the anger the "common man" felt towards both Washington and the pc police. Sanders tried to ride that burst of anger from the opposite side of the track, but it looks like Democrats want more than just free stuff and empty promises in exchange for their vote. Huh. Whodathunk it?

I'm torn. Support Trump - and I don't buy *all* the vitriol lobbied against him - or vote my conscience and hope this is another Goldwater debacle that rejuvenates the party. Mein Gott, what an election year.

Super Tuesday results (so far):