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Showing posts with label car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car. Show all posts

Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Car Accident

 On the way home from work this morning my van was struck by a car that ran a four way stop at full speed. I saw her coming at the last second and hit the gas, which meant she hit my rear panel and not the driver's door. Two witnesses stopped, and one of them stayed with me until the cops arrived. I was fine at first but my lower back, neck, and elbow are sore now, and somehow the nail on my pointer finger was bent back and burns like heck. The van is drivable. #itcouldbeworse

Monday, January 12, 2015


Yeahhhh, so this just happened.

Kudos to Socialist and JJ, both of whom were willing to help us out with rides this morning. The tire is now replaced. The rim was also damaged and cracked from the flat, but Ray Tann Tires patched it. They won't guarantee it'll hold. But since the alternative is a new wheel, I'm happy. Ish.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Our van is acting up again, temporarily stranding #TeamSlap - minus me - and leading Lisa to launch an epic salvo at my inability to keep it roadworthy this week. In fairness, we are T-minus 9 hours until payday and a date at the garage

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Van is Back

My van is back. The serpentine belt, tensioner, and something vitally important and impressive (but illegible on the receipt) were replaced. All things being relative, it wasn't that awful in overall price, coming in at just about 2x the cost of LuLu's teeth - and those things were just useless chunks of calcium. All kidding aside, I could use a nice bandage to stop the financial bleeding, but the important thing is we're back on the road and I've helped our moribund economy.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Bad Day

So far today: my car battery died after work but the repair shop doesn't have the size in stock and won't until early afternoon. My watch stopped too, and my cell phone is acting up. YaYa came home sick from school in what I am certain is a deliberate attempt by the universe to scratch any attempt to enjoy what little remains of the day with my wife. Oh, and then when I had YaYa carry out a bag of garbage it broke all over the sidewalk and she refused to pick it up until I threatened all manner of terror. I have also not slept in close to 20 hours, and won't have the chance to for another four or five hours. Miserable, miserable day. Happy 12/12/12!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Prometheus, The Westing Game, and 100,000 Miles

Last night, as Lisa took the kids to dance class, our van passed the 100,000 mile mark on the odometer. To celebrate, it wouldn’t start on the way home. Luckily, it appears to have been just the battery. A jump start got Lisa back on the road, but I do not like the coincidental timing; it seems too much like an omen for my liking.


Last night I also watched  Prometheus, the Ridley Scott prequel to Alien.

 It’s a beautifully filmed movie, and I think  Noomi Rapace does a good job of anticipating the feminine warrior that comes to fruition in Ripley. (Kudos also to Michael Fassbender for a magnificent job portraying the android, David.) 

There were many questions left unanswered by the film, and many relationships that existed in a vacuum and were never explored – David and his creator, the creator and his daughter, the frigid captain, the tame affair between the lead scientists, and so on. In some ways the film seems incomplete and vague. Personally, I don’t mind the ambiguity regarding the plot points, because in real life this situation would never lend itself to a tidy and comprehensive denouement. The relationships? They bother me a lot more. Why bother bringing them up at all, if they are to serve no purpose?

Overall, I loved the film.  Grade: A

I’ve also finished reading The Westing Game, the Newberry award winning young adult novel by Ellen Raskin. 

Yes, the Wisconsin setting was swell. But . . . this book won a Newberry and has been read and beloved for more than 30 years. I have to ask: WHY? The mystery at the core of the book was OK, but nothing special, and the writing (if the late Ms. Raskin will forgive me) is slipshod and devoid of style or skill. I don’t see the charm or the value of the book, and I’m going to grade it a C.

Book #79 of the year

Monday, April 30, 2012


Just off the phone with my insurance company. My babysitter, who was taking my kids to their dentist appt on Friday, caused a fender bender with my van. No one hurt, no damage - a fact the other woman admitted to me the next day on the phone. Naturally, she has since contacted a lawyer who claims both she and her daughter suffered bodily harm in the accident. What a crock of shit - yet another example of why there HAS to be a hell. I refuse to admit people like this don't slowly, meticulously roast in the afterlife.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Ten min ago I saw a driver from Illinois came to a complete stop on 94 just west of downturn. No mech trouble, just came to a stop, got his bearings, and drove off. Nevermind the cars swerving to avoid him, natch. What an ass.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Progressive Roadside Assistance

God bless Progressive's roadside assistance program. It may just be the smartest purchase I've made in years. I blew a tire today on the way to work and once again they proved their worth. By my count that'd be three tows + that would have come out of my pocket since the 1st of the year.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dan went to pick up the van from the shop, which we haven't been able to use in months. AS HE PULLED IN, the escort failed. UGH....are we forever destined to be a one car family?!! Atleast this one car can fit the whole family...sigh. - Lisa

Life is Hard

 Finally FINALLY got our van's transmission replaced after five months!! Of course, good w/ the bad, as I was pulling into the shop my Escort went belly-up. I had to push her in from the median and leave her in the parking lot. Lisa's bummed, but the way I look at it, that car was in need of work for a bit - 'twas nothing but the Grace of God that she held out until that moment. That'll do pig. That'll do.