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Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Custard visits the window!

The elusive one-eyed Custard continues to become more social. She not only came downstairs, she's actually sitting in the window!

Friday, April 29, 2016

A poor kitty hit by a car

As I was turning off Oklahoma this morning I saw a dead raccoon in the intersection and thought, well, nothing. Then I saw it was a cat. Then I saw it was an injured cat. Then I saw it was an injured cat about to be run over by a bus. I stopped my car and got out (almost losing my driver's door to traffic) and scooped her up. She was unable to use her hind legs so I put her in the car and called the owner. After a half hour of pet sitting Jade is back at home and seemed to have regained use of her back legs.

Monday, March 28, 2016

 Here are the flowers I bought Lisa for her Easter gift. And here is our elusive one-eyed Custard scurrying away after being caught trying to eat them.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday, July 20, 2015

Custard takes a leap of faith

While I'm bored and lonely, I might as well mention that a couple of weeks ago our one eyed cat Custard jumped out of Yaya's second floor window, landed on the cement fifteen-twenty feet below, marched up the back porch, and meowed until the frightened kids ran downstairs to check on her and let her in. Just jumped. No reason. Crazy - and lucky - cat.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Angelcakes gets a kitty bed!

Lisa found a toy cat bed at a church rummage sale and, as she predicted, Angelcakes claimed it for her very own. Not bad for a buck!

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Are cats intimidated by themselves in the mirror? Cause I heard scratching and hissing and found Custard clawing at my mirror and scratching it up.  - Lu

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Introducing our new cat, Custard!!!

Our new pet, a one eyed 2 year old female that has been transferred from a humane society near Reedsville. It's our second one eyed cat , although this one actually had it removed ,while GusGus just lacks the use of one of his.

it was the eye that sold me on her. We looked at a couple others but it was always going to be her.
As usual the adoption process took forever, but Junie and LuLu held up well. I think the society makes you wait to see if you crack. If you don't they figure you'll keep your cool with the pet.
I feel kind of guilty because my friend Fred has a cat he needs to part with but his cat ventures outside and my nerves just can't handle that, as Team Slap can attest.
The Humane Society named the cat Baby Girl but Junie has changed the name to Custard. I'm not sure that's a final decision.
Welcome cat to the circus that is #TeamSlap!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Neighborhood Kitty

This is a neighborhood kitty that was on my porch just now. I enjoyed a swell ten minutes playing with him. He at up a saucer of milk and has lost his collar since the last time we saw him, but some house in this neighborhood has claim to him.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

GusGus ran away - again.

GusGus ran away this afternoon, and an extensive search of the neighborhood turned up empty. Luckily I checked the backyard again (for the 1000th time) and he came strolling up as if to say "What up bro?". This is not a housecat for the faint hearted.