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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Introducing our new cat, Custard!!!

Our new pet, a one eyed 2 year old female that has been transferred from a humane society near Reedsville. It's our second one eyed cat , although this one actually had it removed ,while GusGus just lacks the use of one of his.

it was the eye that sold me on her. We looked at a couple others but it was always going to be her.
As usual the adoption process took forever, but Junie and LuLu held up well. I think the society makes you wait to see if you crack. If you don't they figure you'll keep your cool with the pet.
I feel kind of guilty because my friend Fred has a cat he needs to part with but his cat ventures outside and my nerves just can't handle that, as Team Slap can attest.
The Humane Society named the cat Baby Girl but Junie has changed the name to Custard. I'm not sure that's a final decision.
Welcome cat to the circus that is #TeamSlap!

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