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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Start of Lent

 This morning we kept the kids home from school long enough to attend Ash Wednesday Mass as a family.

I took #TeamSlap back to our church for an all-you can eat Ash Wednesday fish fry, which also featured yummy baked cod.
It cost an arm and a leg, but that's what I get for breeding so often and besides, I assume the money went to help the church.
Note that Princess YaYa seems annoyed and dismissive of the camera, because at least one of them needs to play that role at all times. Off camera however, they were all good.
The bottom pictures feature Junie playing a game called "Is it broken?". In the game either Lisa or one of the kids holds up a French fry and you have to guess if it's one long one or two pieces deviously masked by their sleight of hand.

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