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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I'm So Jealous!!

Oh, I'm so jealous of YaYa, to the point of stomping my feet and crossing my arm. Not only is she going to all the fabulous D.C. stops I mentioned last week, she's also visiting the USS Maine memorial *AND* Mt. Vernon. Mount Vernon!!!! Ugh. Not fair! LOL

Lisa just told me that I should make sure to educate YaYa about the various sites she'll see in D.C., and with something like the Maine memorial I'm sure I'll have to supplement what her teacher offers up. 

"Manassas too. You should teach her something about that battle." Lisa said. 

"Manassas is the southern name for it. Call it by it's rightful name, Bull Run. And I *have* taught her about it, since she was a toddler."

"July the 21st it was the year of '61
we met 'em at Manassas but they called it ol' Bull Run
Ole Patterson had orders our armies should not meet
but Johnston slipped around him
ensuring his defeat"

Which is the first verse of "Lay Ten Dollars Down", a Civil War era ditty I've sung to the kids in this family for twenty years. 

See, it's all synchronicity, in a very dorky fashion.

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