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Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Saturday, April 27, 2024

No. No there aren't giant spiders on Mars

I have mellowed a lot over the years, and even look at some of the old posts here and shake my head thinking "What was I thinking?"

But my distrust/disfavor for the media . . . ohhhhhh, that's a constant. 

There is no reason for EVERY. SINGLE. MEDIA SITE to run versions of the same misleading headline. Clearly, they mean to imply that spiders have been spotted on Mars, even if that belief is only held by the reader long enough to click and read the article. 

Ratings/engagement/clicks - that's what matters. 

Once you do read it - if you do - they quickly explain what it really is (and it ain't 8 legged arachnids). To quote a USA Today summation: 

The features known as "spiders" form when the weather starts to warm during the Martian springtime.

As the sunshine falls on layers of carbon dioxide deposited over the dark winter months, the ice begins to melt and the warmth causes the lowest layers of ice to turn to gas. The carbon dioxide gas warms and builds up before eventually breaking through slabs of overlying ice, dragging dark dust with it to the surface that shatters through like a geyser.

So no harm no foul, right?  I mean, they even put spiders in quotes, so who were they fooling? Except that after decades of the media dumbing down America, no one bothers to read the article, or think on their own. They just spout off in the comments, quoting their own moronic conspiracies. Take a look at this - I could have included page after page of this stuff. 

God help us all. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thank Goodness for Those Experts

: shakes my head:

It's not a US newspaper,  it's British. But I assume oxygen works the same way across the pond. 

Friday, January 31, 2020

Media Manipulation

Another lesson on how the media lies to manipulate you, without technically telling a fib. I mean, they do put a comma in the headline. 

25 years for shooting a police dog? The headline not only enrages the sympathies of the Left, it also placates the presumed call for harsh justice by the Right. 

Note: I'm Conservative, and think 25 years for shooting a dog is NUTS. 

Alas, either way the headline is horses$it. He got 5 years for shooting the dog, and 20 for armed carjacking and kidnapping. 


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Welcome to the Midwest!

Huh. I guess climate change pushed Oklahoma into the Midwest.  #NewsToMe #TheMediaIsInfallible  #EitherLearnGeographyorGetAnEditorEitherOr

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


When Trump, of all people, calls you rude and people nod their heads,  then you need to reevaluate your life.  I'm looking at you Mr. Acosta.

Monday, October 15, 2018


WISN 12 started the 10 o'clock news by saying there was a missing and endangered girl, a situation complicated by a problem with the state's Amber Alert system . . . And then promptly cut to Packers coverage.  Then Brewers coverage.  Oh, and THEN the endangered girl.  SMFH. #GetYourPrioritiesRight

Friday, October 5, 2018

The FEMA Test

Me, after the FEMA Test

And legitimate kudos to #NBCNightlyNews, who reported objectively on the record employment levels in the US (a 49 year unemployment low), and the booming economy. I didn't think the MSM had it in 'em.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Hollywood Double-Standards

Rosie O’Donnell:  “f*ck u u closeted idiot"
Kathy Griffin: "Look at Miss Lindsey Graham trying to be all tough! What?Does Putin have a picture of Lindsay f*cking a donkey?"
Bill Maher joked that Graham needed the “stabilizing influence of his dead boyfriend" John McCain.

When they're not busy supporting pedophiles (Allen and Polanski) rapists (Cosby) and creeps (Weinstein) Hollywood is busy being homophobic.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


To be clear - the national media IS the enemy of the people, a tabloid propaganda service, centralized in the hands of a select few, that is dedicated solely to causes they believe in, few of which are pro-American or even driven by fact. The loss of local papers (MJS now regurgitating text from USA Today) has been a serious blow to truth and the power of the 1st Amendment.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Nice Job

Apparently ABC News is unaware that Walker is Governor, not a Congressman.

Please ABC, try not to so easily feed my scorn for the media.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


North Korea fires a missile into Japanese airspace. The media: The first lady wore stilettos to Texas! How awful! #MSMpriorities

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Media Loves Division

Did you know there was a white nationalist march scheduled in Virginia yesterday? I didn't. And I'm willing to bet you didn't either (unless you're on their membership list, in which case, eww.) Ignore it, let them march in accordance with their Constitutional rights, and all they hear is the sound of crickets. But instead the press, pretending this was newsworthy and not a gathering of kooks, gave them all the publicity and notoriety they desired, and brought along Soros's Antifa to make sure there was suitable dramatic tension. Congratulations, MSM, you proved yourself unworthy of respect yet again.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Media. Doing Media things.

My how quickly the media abandoned the dire threat of nuclear war as soon as they had a white power march to cover. Have you heard anything about North Korea today? I'm not sure why those idiots in the march weren't just ignored, instead of pimping them in the press, and it's certainly been no more violent than BLM, but whatev -I don't pay their bills. George Soros and his ilk do.

Again: if yesterday the media was screaming war and telling you how to avoid fallout from a nuke,  and today they tell you the end of the world is a march in Virginia,  then by definition they were wrong - or lying to you - at least once this week. #TrustThemNot

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

He Sucks

Jim Acosta doesn't deserve a job as a YouTuber,  much less a national reporter.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I'd like to point out that the Hallowed Press, they who insist they are the gatekeepers of freedom, spent 24 hours obsessing over a flubbed line at an awards show, then the next 24 criticising someone for putting her feet on the couch in the Oval Office. #WayToExerciseThatFirstAmedment

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The US Did Nothing

Russia threatened and harassed Ukraine, then walked in and took Crimea from them by force.

The US did nothing.

Russia shot down a passenger jet.

The US did nothing.

Russia sent troops into the Middle East, negating a ban enforced by 12 US Presidents.

The US did nothing.

Russia taunted our naval vessels.

The US did nothing.

All of that was under OBAMA and yet the press is trying to convince us that *Trump* is somehow selling us out to Moscow? Good grief, get off the drugs. #DoNotTrustTheMedia

Sunday, January 29, 2017

My Thoughts - on the "Muslim" Ban

 I appreciate that Americans tend towards hysteria of late, but let's deal with facts. It cannot be a Muslim "ban" if Malaysia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Chad, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, etc. are not included on the list.

Here are the nations - NOT the religion - subject to the temporary ban: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia. All 7, with the exception of Iran, have no functioning government capable of vetting emigrants.

Many Presidents, including liberal darling Carter, have enacted bans on immigration from specific countries. Quit listening to the lying MSM and do some thinking for yourself.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


I'm watching a Jon Benet Ramsey Dateline special. I find it deliciously hypocritical that the press hounds someone to speak, then castigates and vilifies them for doing so.