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Thursday, March 24, 2005

A much needed LOL Break

Two serious posts about the Terri Schiavo case appear below, and I encourage you to read them . . .

 . . . but to break up the gloomy karma, I present this little ditty:

While researching my son's circumcision several links popped up on the search engine, among them the sponsored link below:

Circumcision Sale  - New & used Circumcision. Check out the deals now!

Personally, if I was in the market for a circumcision I'd avoid the used model, but to each his own.


Response to a Comment on My Schiavo Post

Please note that I was unable to post this email as a comment because of it's length; my post on the subject is found below.

For the record, although it wasn't mentioned in the piece, I was deeply annoyed by the political interference on this matter - both by the GOP who I do believe acted out of moral duty, and the Dems, who ran interference on strictly political grounds.

This should never have been a matter for Congress or the White House.

Any email comments will be posted on this site, provided the language is suitable for everyone. Please limit them to 2000 characters or less so I can post them in the comments section.

Danny-please post to your site...

First, let me begin by saying that anyone who does not have a Last Will and Testament, should see very clear that each person needs one.  If you have not seen what happens to those who do not have a will, as in this case, then they are either blind or stupid.  It is my humble opinion that we are far more humane to our animals that to our family members.  If a horse has a broken leg that is in a section that will not heal very well, we put the horse to sleep.  If a dog gets Parvo, we are told that it could be almost $3,000 and we will only get a 50% chance of survival.  It is considered by most to be humane to put the animal to sleep.  Why can't we euthanize our family members?  To have a person starved to death is not humane at all.  It is a horrible, painful death.  It is not even something that occurs to POW's.  To stay on subject, the Schiavo case has really shown all of us that we have a lot of opinions on the subject of death.

Here are my opinions on her case.  1st, There was no will and the husband is trying to act on the wishes that she had told him.  I think the family is blind to the fact that she will not ever recover and she most likely does have brain damage that will not return.  All of these medical cases that have been brought by her family are irrelevant because NONE have ever been comatose for over 15 years.  I have seen recoveries, but all within a 2-5 year period leave the hospital and then go into rehab.  She has been like this for well over 15 years.  It is not going to happen, and we should be humane about this.  The President has no authority on this matter (sorry Danny), and this should be handled by the state not the President.  Another reason I feel that this should have been left alone by the President, and other Federal Judges, is because the medical interpretation is vital to this case.  In fact it is Paramount.  On CNN, Dr. Gupta stated "You can not interpret this from a video; you need to see the patient in person.  Aside from the Judges, and Dr's in the state of Fla. who reviewed her file and saw her, no other judge or President has seen her in person.  The tapes are impossible to review and interpret in this case. Because of those things, I feel that all of this political interference is not good for the person at all.  If they do not see her in person, and know what the legal interpretation is in this case, for them to say that "she is not in a comatose state" is a premature statement and thus makes the person look like an idiot.  I realize our President and the courts are trying to act on good faith, but in regard to the President, his interference on this issue does interfere with states rights.  I am sorry but the legal system is working, the family may not like the outcome, but it is working.  They are right it is not humane to starve a person, but in this case the family needs to let her go.  Whenever emotion interferes with the law, there are problems.  Too many Judges have seen her, neurologists have seen her, this is a grey area, but they need to let her go.  If they think starvation is not humane, then let us have legislation that allows us to find a much quicker way to put them to death.  Once again, weneed to learn from this and have a will for our family members.  We all need to make sure that if we think starvation is not humane, then have the congress begin legislation for euthanasia.  Once again, the family needs to let her go, and let her die.  I would haunt my wife if she allowed me to stay comatose this long.

I am sure I will here from this one.  Danny for the record:  I think Bush (both of them) acted in good faith.  I just think that since they have only seen videos, that they are opening themselves up to scrutiny, and opening themselves up to the states rights issue.

Let me hear what you think...


The Post about Terri Schiavo March 24th

Moments ago, the Supreme Court refused to hear a last minute appeal to save the life of Terri Schiavo.

It surprises me how saddened I am that she is about to die .

I would not want to share Terri’s fate - I dread the possibility - but the way her life is about to end is wrong.

It’s not strictly an anger fueled by religion or personal belief, for while I’m pro-life, I’m also pragmatic.

Had she put a living will in place, had she clearly and openly discussed her opinion to loved ones, had she even jotted her thoughts down on a napkin at some long ago dinner, I would honor the decision to let her go.

But in the absence of a living will or concrete proof of her wishes, I believe we have the duty to error on the side of life.

The quality of that life may be debatable, but it’s also irrelevant.

If I had to choose, I would not select the life of Christopher Reeves, Larry Flynt, Stephen Hawking, or a thousand others who have persevered in the face of reduced capacity.

I doubt Terri would have wanted their lives anymore than I do.

And part of me feels that if Terri had a voice, she wouldn’t choose her current life either. It’s hard to see a twenty year old photo of a beautiful young woman and think this is what she wanted.

If she could wake up fully coherent for five minutes, maybe she’d tell her parents to let her go.

Or perhaps she would wake up and say that some part of her still resided in that body, that some unrecognized core of her existence still lived on in a hospital bed in Florida.

Perhaps she’d tell her husband to let her time on Earth run its course.

I don’t know, and more to the point neither does anyone else. No group has a stranglehold on what’s right and wrong in the Schiavo case.

For that reason, if nothing else, I think society should error on the side of caution.

The arguments to the contrary are loud and compelling. Her existence, by our measure, is pitiful. She is not some innocent victim of fate, having succumbed to her the effects of her own failings. Her spouse, by all measures of law and ethics, should trump the wishes of her parents. She is reliant on artificial means to live beyond a week.

It’s still wrong. It was a year ago, it is today, and no matter what society says in a hundred years, it will be wrong then too.

But there’s a purpose to everything, and if nothing else Terri has issued us all a clear warning to make our wishes known while we have the chance.

So, if I fail to fill out this form or that, or just never get around to it, pay attention:

If I’m in a similar situation, my wife - no one else - has the right to determine my care. Though she disagrees with me on this issue, as is often the case, she’ll do what’s right.

And to her I say:

When you reach the point where you think enough is enough, push forward a bit.

If I’m wrong and there is no God, I gain nothing by moving on. If there is a God - and there is - then I win no brownie points for cashing in my chips sooner than I need to.

In clear conscience move on with your life.

And then, when you know it’s time, let me go.

Excuses, Excuses

Yes, I know: I should have posted by now.

Not some measely pics or a glorified diary entry, but an honest-to-goodness 600 word "please someone, offer me even a low paying writing job" column.

But in fairness, not only has my work schedule changed for the first time in years (throwing my whole sense of time and place off) but two of my kids are very sick with the flu.

One went to the hospital for dehydration/vomiting Tuesday night, the other woke up imitating her sister just a few hours back.

Add a newborn to the mix and you could almost say it's not an excuse, it's a reason . .

I hope to get a proper post up today (Holy Thursday)



Bedroom Lights

Our bedroom features a leaded glass panel above one of the windows, which my wife chose to keep uncovered when we moved in.

In addition to making it impossible for a third shifter to sleep in total darkness, it casts wonderful rainbows and other assorted goodies on the wall throughout the day.

Here's a pic of the treats it creates in the evening:

and my girls' serving as Vanna White wannabees:

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Congrats to the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Panthers (my old school) on advancing to the Sweet Sixteen!

Next up, a wupping on Illinois!


Winter in Wisconsin

One of the great things about a digital camera is that I can now take pics like the one above without fretting about wasting film...this is a pic of a late winter storm that hit March 18th.

The Post about my 31st Birthday and The Done List March 19th

Today is my thirty-first birthday.

If you're expecting me to whine about the onset of old age, forgetaboutit.

Oh, I know my life story is nearing (or past) the midpoint of the tale, with nary a plot line to be seen. And sure, I haven't fulfilled my dreams of finding the Ark of the Covenant and defeating Belloq, or moving to the South Pacific and operating a sea-plane taxi, and yeah, I've yet to publish a book.

But let's look at the positives: I've sired three fine children, and . . .

Well, I've sired three children.

But never fear, I'm genetically immune to being depressed on my birthday.

My family is oddly enamored by them, insisting that each and every one be celebrated with cake, gifts, balloons, and irrational glee. My Mom still calls me promptly at midnight, both as the day begins and ends, to wish me a happy birthday.

Coming from a family where birthdays are subdued and well, normal, my wife can't understand this fascination.

She plays along (throwing me an opulent surprise party on my 30th, for example) but for the most part chalks it up to another one of those things she should have thought long and hard about before the wedding.

Let me tell you, that list is growing mighty long . . .

Anyway, in honor of my own Special Day, and at least in part to refute my own growing sense of loserdom, I'm going to rip off a concept I saw online, "The Done List".

[Sadly, as my Mother reads this I have to leave some good things off the list - wink wink nudge nudge - but even so, there's some stuff to make her blush. So Ma, close your eyes.]

In my thirty-one years I've:

    1. Flown in a helicopter
    2. Won a Super Bowl pool
    3. Saw Robin Yount collect his 3000th hit
    4. Met Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin
    5. Traveled to Arizona to watch a spring training game
    6. Graduated from college
    7. Rode a horse
    8. Attended a Presidential Inauguration
    9. Been a school boardmember
    10. Testified at a murder trial
    11. Flown cross-country just to attend a concert
    12. Cut the opening day ribbon for a fair (alongside a Congressman)
    13. Out-raced a hurricane in a Ford Aspire
    14. Attended a major-league baseball game in another state
    15. Been VP and treasurer of the staff Sunshine Social Club
    16. Been written up at the same job for having a surly attitude
    17. Milked a cow
    18. Slept overnight in bed with a corpse - not intentional
    19. Drove a member of the Black Crowes to the airport when his wife went into labor
    20. Drove from Wisconsin to Georgia stopping only for gas (twice)
    21. Been to the Country Music Hall of Fame
    22. Once arranged female 'companions' for a visiting rock band
    23. Wrote a book (unpublished)
    24. Caught a foul ball at a MLB baseball game
    25. Rode in a sailboat
    26. Attended a minor league baseball game
    27. Present at the births of all three of my children
    28. Been within 100 feet of a gunfight
    29. Been ticketed by the police for 'parking' with a girl in a public park
    30. Subsequently dumped by my girlfriend when she found out
    31. Broken a bone/had stitches
    32. Had the power go out during my tonsillectomy, in one of the biggest rainstorms in Milwaukee history
    33. Been accosted outside a porn shop by a man wearing rubber gloves - on Good Friday
    34. Marched in a parade
    35. Had to call 911 - conservatively - three dozen times
    36. Been mooned by an irate customer yelling "why don't you just F* me up the ass? It's what you're doing anyway!"
    37. Won second place in a spelling bee
    38. Broke a ceiling tile while playing football at work
    39. Had a 'friend' steal from me
    40. Took an IQ test while horribly intoxicated - and managed my best score ever
    41. Ate buffalo
    42. Went to Disney World
    43. Wrote a love poem to a TV star
    44. Been grand champion of two pinball games
    45. Been a best man twice and a godfather to two children
    46. Snuck into a concert rehearsal
    47. Had my ear pierced
    48. Shaved and/or Naired my back
    49. Had teeth pulled
    50. Got married

Not exactly Churchilian in scope, but it'll do for now.

By the way - Happy Birthday to me!

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Parker Update

As of yesterday the little guy clocks in at 8 pounds 2 ounces. Pretty impressive considering he weighed in at 7 pounds 4 oz when he left the hospital last Wednesday.


Ps. his umbilical cord finally! fell off yesterday

Thursday, March 17, 2005

To Those Who Update via Email

The last few posts have multiple pics attached, and within a week I hope to be adding pictures to the posts about DC and other golden oldies.

As always, if you can't comment on the site, feel free to email me and I'll post your relevant - and flattering - email here.