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Thursday, November 3, 2005

The Post about the 2005 MLB Season, or why my summer didn't suck Nov 3rd

Knowing that I’m a huge Yankees fan, a lot of sarcastic folks have been asking how I felt about the White Sox winning the World Series.

My answer: I love it. If someone other than the Yanks had to win, at least it was someone in pinstripes.

[Their win also meant Boston sat home this year. All true Americans have to love that.]

And in truth, I’ve always been a bit of a White Sox fan. I even took my father down to a game in Chicago a few years ago. I like their park, their history, and the way they never tolerated failure, or used a ‘curse’ as an excuse for it.

As an added bonus, they also aren’t the lousy, much hated Cubs.

Still, this affection met with the strong disapproval of my brother-in-law. “Milwaukee used to be in the American League Danny. The White Sox were our sworn enemies!”

[To which I replied: “We once fought a war with Japan, but the last time I checked you drive a Nissan.”]

Chicago’s victory was a pleasant end to a great season of baseball.

True to my word I boycotted my hometown Brewers after ‘04’s ‘last straw’ heartbreak, save for that one trip to see the Yankees. They flipped me the bird in the best way possible, ending a consecutive streak of losing seasons that stretched over a decade.

J.J. Hardy and Rickie Weeks looked pretty good in their first year in the bigs. my team favorite Bill Hall had a breakout year, and the pitching staff continues to perform above expectations.

In the AL East, despite a disastrous start and pitching injuries that would have buried a lesser club, the Yankees fought back and took the division crown. Sure, they bowed out in the first round of the playoffs, but I’ll tell ya what: I cried when they took the division.

I didn’t cry when my kids were born, for Pete’s sake.

It meant more to me than the championship years at the turn of the century. Everyone had written them off for dead, but they’d scratched and clawed their way to the top on the backs of guys like Shawn Chacon and rookie Robinson Cano. That’s my team, baby. I didn’t think their pitching was strong enough to survive October, and it wasn’t, but I loved ‘em anyways.

In the AL Central Minnesota finally took it on the chin, and good riddance. Cleveland shocked me though; they just might be back to mid-90’s form.

The NL West was a joke, though thankfully Steroid Barry sat out most of the year.

Like most people, I was surprised to see the Braves take the NL East.

Like most people, I wasn’t surprised to see the Braves lose in the playoffs.

I’m ecstatic that the Astros made it to the big show, primarily because of manager Phil Garner. He deserved better talent than what Milwaukee gave him to work with, and I’m glad to see him doing well.

All the better that they got to the Series by wiping out the detested Cardinals and their incredibly overrated manager.

For AL MVP, it has to be A-Rod. Not because he’s a Yankee, but because his numbers, when combined with stellar defense at third base, put him heads and shoulders above David Ortiz.

In the NL, the MVP should go to Andruw Jones. Pujos deserved it in past years, but take away Jones and the Braves go nowhere.

Cy Young? I’d go with Roy Oswalt and just about anybody from Chicago’s staff.

What a great year for baseball. And best of all?

Only four more months before Spring Training . . .

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Short Movie Reviews Nov 2nd

We rented Dominion last night, the prequel to Exorcist. Oh, we'd seen the version that appeared in theaters, but I was estatic to see this one released in full. (once upon a time, the producers believed Dominion to be too arty and intellectual and reshot the entire movie with a new director - the ok Exorcist the Begining).

I  believe it was a solid, well-crafted prequel to the king of horror movies. Subtle and morose, most of the horror was internalized in the characters - Merrin's loss of faith, Rachael's guilt, etc. It was much better than the version that was in theaters and a nice addition to the Exorcist collection.

I do wish the exorcism itself had been more dramatic; it was, after all, Father Merrin's first battle with Lucifer, but it's worth your time.

Over recent weeks I also rented Gus Van Sant's Last Days, a movie based loosely on the last hours of Kurt Cobain's life. Despite being a huge Cobain fan - check out Slivers, the new collection that was released on CD yesterday, btw - it was disgustingly boring and tedious. Skip it.

Kingdom of Heaven had my vote despite being having characters that were horribly agnostic and PC for crusaders a thousand years ago in Jerusalem. Then I caught some of the true story of the characters background , realized the movie was 99% drivel even by Hollywood standards, and said the hell with it.

Just my opinions.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

The Post about K4 Soccer November 1st

Let’s get one thing straight: no matter what you may read below, I still hate soccer.

And not just because the French like it, although that’s reason enough. There are many rationales, in fact, but if you need just one: I have to believe that if God had intended feet to be the preferred tool of athletes, his foresight would have squashed the need for Odor Eaters in the world.

That being said, the only sport open at the K4 level is soccer, so we signed YaYa up.

I wasn’t too enamored by it. The uniform was acres too large, her enthusiasm at practice was limited to snack time, and the debate over shin guards (under the socks or over?) wasn’t exactly Lincoln-Douglass quality.

The first game was a downer too. It was a miserable affair in which YaYa laid down on the job. That’s not a figure of speech; she actually laid down on the field in the middle of the game.


When the second game came around she’d listened to a solid week of pep-talks and Successories quotes. I wandered the sideline shouting encouragement - loudly - , and midway through the game she made contact with the ball and gave it a short kick.


I gave her a huge grin and a thumbs up. From then on any contact with the ball was met with a mutual ‘thumbs up’, and her enthusiasm for the sport began to grow.

As in all scholastic efforts, YaYa’s the youngest on the team. She’s just now four on a team of K4 and K5 kids, and while she’s not the shortest in height she’s dwarfed by some of the kids.

At this level they all run in a giant pack, back and forth in search of the ball. The sight of my little munchkin relentlessly following at the back of the group is burned into my mind.

Week 3 brought disaster. With my wife’s father in the ’stands’ the team was beaten down by a larger, more experienced team .

The next week brought redemption. Not only did the team win, but YaYa had her moment in the sun.

With a slight lead in the 2nd half the coach decided to make her goalie.

“NO!,” I screamed. “Don’t make her goalie, there goes the game!”

I make no apology. I thought the lead was too slim to risk the win on some wishy-washy feel-good “let’s all take turns” philosophy.

So sue me.

Naturally, she did me proud. Not only did she save two goals, she fearlessly threw herself face-first into a melee of kicking feet to pounce on the ball. Before she got up I half feared she was going to need stitches.

Brings a tear to the eye, it does.

The next and final week wasn’t destined to be a repetition of glory. The game itself was extraordinarily well played, with defenders advancing on the ball and kids moving it to and fro - even a head shot from one kid. What a difference a month makes.

YaYa did alright in front of the goal. No shots got past her, and she diligently went after the ball (past the appropriate line, too, drawing a foul) but there were no highlight reel saves.

Next year, next year.

I’m not a convert, you understand. But I did go and purchase two books on teaching soccer, and I’m looking forward to next year.

‘Long as it doesn’t conflict with the little league schedule . . .

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Sunday, October 30, 2005

What we did this summer

Back in May my wife sent me an email listing the things she wanted us to do over the summer. Here's how that turned out:

This summer I want to...  

take Grace to Great America - done. Although I managed to avoid this one when $ fell short, Lisa took her to Great America with a friend from her old school. I believe the highlight for them was performing onstage with Tweety and the Warner Bros. characters.

...take the girls to the zoo...maybe twice ..done. I went at least once (twice, I think) and Lisa took them at least one other time.

.take the girls to the children's museum, at least four times .Not sure; I went once or twice, Lisa took them at least once.

..take the girls to IKEA, get breakfast and buy something ..nope. forgot all about it. We should do this!

.take the girls to a water park WITH YOU ..Great America premiered a new water park this year, so that was accomplished (minus the 'with you' part)

.go to Friday night flicks down on the east side again ..nope. if it even took place this year, I never heard about it.

.go to state fair ..We skipped it this year, partly for $ concerns, partly because it conflicted with our schedule. That sucks - I regret not going. It's a good time.

.childrens fest (maybe) ..I believe this is at Summerfest, which we skipped because there were no acts that sparked our interest in going.

.be in the fourth of July parade with kids with a kick ass decorated stroller or wagon...we didn't march in the parade this year, but watched a pair. I had an abscessed tooth that flared up and was pulled the next day. fire works downtown, AND somewhere else ..not sure about the somewhere else part, but the downtown fireworks were a go - and YaYa threw one of the nastiest hissy fits EVER in the crowd.

.visit myg'grandpa or invite him over No, to our regret. We did attempt to call him (no answer) and his deteroriating medical condition precludes most outside activity.

go to lots of parks not as much as last year, but I'd give it a 'yes'.

grill outside a lot     see 'parks' comment

start working out again uh .. . no comment

take walks around the neighborhood when the sun is setting with you and the kids  we did one or two walks, neither in the evening.

Always interesting to compare expectations with results. It was a good summer; nothing mindblowing, but relaxing and pretty fun. I'd like to make a list like this again next May.

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Where've I been? October 30th 2005

Hey, I know I‘m not Amelia Earheart, but I’ve still heard a few folks asking where I disappeared to this summer.

Well, you might have noticed that despite revealing everything from my fear of mice to the most embarrassing moments of fatherhood, I never said more than a few words about work.


For one thing I believe in the old adage that says you can’t shit where you eat and expect dinner to taste great. I had no desire to lose my job over something I wrote as a hobby on AOL.

For another, I knew my stories would be skewed and give the wrong impression of the business. I worked 3rd shift for years- my clientele was neither well behaved nor typical for my place of employment.

And , probably most importantly, I worked there 40 hours a week. I didn’t want to spend my free time rehashing what happened on the time clock.

And then, in July, the boss quit.

To give you some perspective, I’d been in management for years but had long given up on advancing in our small, nepotistic company. When she quit it was on par with a drowning man seeing the sun break through the water above him; chances are you still weren’t going to make it, but at least there’s hope.

But wouldn’t you know it, I got the promotion.

It wasn’t easy. I had what amounted to a three month audition before the advancement was even publicly announced, and if that wasn’t enough, office politics have clouded the hierarchy of the post-boss era. Still, I’ve moved up in the world.

That’s a pretty good thing. I’m making more money, I dress pretty nifty, and I have more authority.

And stress. I have a lot more stress.

Part of the tension is just your normal adjustment to change. I have a work schedule 180 degrees from what it was, and I’m just now learning how to be a husband that’s home to hear the baby cry at 2 am.

Add to that the standard duties of the job, the natural hazing that comes with being a rookie, and a business that has yet to recover fully from the effects of 9/11 . . . well, pass the Tums please.

Ah, I’m just a whiner. I’m happy for the change.

But I do need an outlet for my nervous energy, something I enjoy and takes my mind off of things. For that reason, whenever I get a chance, I’m going to try and update Slapinions.

No promises, you understand. Sometimes when I have free time the last thing I want to do is sit down in front of a monitor and type, but it does feel good when I get around to it.

Dang good.

So here’s hoping we see a whole lot more of each other in the future.


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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

New entry - Gurda speech

I'm going to try to get a 'brand new' post up soon, but in the meantime here's another college-era project.

ps. Fred - long time no hear. Drop me a line, will ya?


When writer/historian John Gurda was working on a project several years ago he took in some photos for processing. One of the workers at the lab pointed to a photo of a South Side bartender. “That looks just like someone I knew back home in Alaska,” the man said. “Was he Polish?,” Gurda asked. The man shrugged. “I didn’t know what anyone ‘was’ until I came to Milwaukee,” he said.

“In Milwaukee ‘ethnic’ is anyone,” Gurda said in a speech at Centennial Hall, 733 N. Eighth St. “The title ‘ethnic Milwaukee’ is almost redundant.”

Gurda, who holds degrees from Boston College and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, is vice president of the Milwaukee Public Library Board of Trustees. He was appointed by Mayor John O. Norquist to the board in January of 1993. He has studied his hometown of Milwaukee for more then 20 years, and has written several books concerning the city.

Gurda views Milwaukee as a combination of united but distinct ethnic groups, as “the mosaic it is rather than the (traditional) melting pot.” Ethnic, said Gurda, means simply “roots”. “(In Milwaukee) the roots are certainly deep but is the tree still alive?” Gurda said. Too often, he believes, ethnicity is seen as something of value only to people of color. Lately however, Gurda has seen a change in Milwaukee.

“(In the) last 15 to 20 years there is….strong evidence there is a reawakening of (ethnic) pride,” Gurda said. He points to popularity of ethnic festivals - eight including the new Asian Moon- as one such example. “Attendance at (all eight) the festivals totaled about 500,000 people, which (shows) the continuing importance of ethnicity,” Gurda said.

Milwaukee has been diverse since pre-European contact. According to Gurda there were “dozens of tribes” in the Milwaukee area before contact. “(Although) by 1700 the most important tribe was the Potowatomi,” Gurda said. By 1940 however most Native Americans had been “removed” West. In there place came Yankees of English decent.

“We don’t usually think of the English as an ethnic group,” Gurda said. He believes their importance can ot be denied. “They called the tune to which the rest of us have danced.” Gurda said.

By 1850 however two-thirds of Milwaukee’s population was foreign born. These first true immigrants were of Irish and German descent. By the 1860’s the Germans had become the majority, a fact which has not changed even in the present. “There are more Schmidt’s (in the phone book) than there are Smiths,” Gurda said.

Later in the century, as Milwaukee converted to a manufacturing base, a “constant infusion of new blood” brought Poles and Italians to the city. In 1866 St. Stanislaus Catholic church was built by Polish immigrants. “(It was) the first Polish church in any American city,” Gurda said.

After World War I, a wave of nativism, or anti-immigrant feelings, closed Milwaukee to European workers. To meet the need for workers, African-Americans and Hispanics, especially Mexicans, were recruited to work in Milwaukee factories.

“The roots of African-Americans in the Milwaukee area are…deeper than most people realize,” Gurda said. The first African-American church in Milwaukee was built in 1869- a mere three years after the Poles built St. Stanislaus and nearly half a century before most churches were built.

“The fastest growing group since 1980 has been Southeast Asians,” Gurda said. Their culture is vastly different than what they encounter here, their language is unknown, the climate different. In short, they are not that unusual.

“The same pattern holds true for virtually all the groups that have made their home here in the last 150 years,” Gurda said.

“(It’s) an old story that is constantly renewed…and still in the process of telling,” Gurda said.

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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Book Review August 25th

The Silence of the Rain by Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (translated by Benjamin Moser), Henry Holt and Company, 261 pages, $24.00


“I’d rather not have to fill out useless forms or write reports as an expression of police incompetence. I’d rather, when I meet a pretty woman, not have to start out with the ominous line: ‘I’m Inspector Espinoza from the First Precinct’.”

If your image of Rio de Janeiro is one created by your travel agent, don’t bother looking for it here. Espinoza’s city is one of prostitutes and murder, where crime and corruption are as easily found behind a police badge as in a back alley.

A best-selling novel in Brazil, The Silence of the Rain is the first of a trilogy to be published in the U.S.

A prominent businessman abruptly commits suicide, leaving behind a note for the police – and a large amount of cash - asking them to dispose of the evidence. The gun and the money vanish before the police even arrive, and the death is ruled a homicide.

While Espinoza tracks down the ‘murderer’, a gruesome trail of bodies begins to appear, with each victim linked to the suicide.

As mysteries go, it’s no great shakes, namely because there shouldn’t be a mystery to solve. Any number of forensic tests could have determined the true cause of death, just as later bodies go unidentified because of a lack of fingerprints.

In an odd way this works, as police incompetence and budget restraints turn an otherwise simple case into an old fashioned who-dunnit. But for an American audience used to using DNA tests to settle even simple paternity suits, its frustrating and slow going.

As in James Lee Burke’s Robicheaux series, the true story lies within the character and the city he haunts.

Espinoza is a rarity in his department, an honest and educated officer so used to corruption that he recruits his own partners right out of the academy to ensure their integrity.

At times he plays the part of Columbo, stumbling through an interview while silently sizing up the opposition. A moment later he’s critiquing art or stopping at a used bookstore to purchase an illustrated edition of Moby Dick.

His work has consumed his adult life, leaving him alone in an apartment cluttered with books and endless amounts of pasta dinners in the freezer. While he ponders the mystery at hand he’s also searching for a way out, something outside the department to validate his life.

Garcia-Roza’s writing is witty and atmospheric, a wonderful change of pace from the cookie cutter writing that often taints the mystery genre. The Silence of the Rain is a welcome addition to American bookshelves.

A final word of warning: In the end, the mystery is resolved – in a manner that is unforeseen, erotic, and frighteningly disturbing.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Parker Pics and Family Update August 18th

Here's a few shots from a recent photo session of the Boy. He is, far and away, the happiest baby I've ever known - a nice change from the turmoil of Middle Child's first year and the terror of the unknown during YaYa's infancy.

He's got two teeth, as you can see, is eating cereal and some solids, and has discovered his feet. He's also a great one for laughing and a big fan of Baby Einstein videos. He rarely cries - honest and true - save when in desperate need of a bottle or a diaper change.

The Mrs. however, informs me that he does have one drawback over the girls - no matter how many times she bathes him, she claims he has definite 'boy funk'. :)

BTW, on a seperate tack - Middle Child is now about 80% potty trained, with a few #2 accidents keeping her from mastering the art. Her personality has really expanded, as has her vocal abiltiy. She's a joy to be around, 'tho she still retains a fierce temper when slighted. Not one to turn the other cheek, that girl, but at the same time she's the most generous and loving of any kid I know. The way she dotes on her brother is heartwarming.

YaYa, after spending most of the summer on our S list after endless sassiness and gigantic tantrums, seems to have turned the corner back to normalcy. The less said about that the better, so on to some more pictures:

here's one he'll make us regret posting someday, but at least I can say "Park, it didn't even convert well. You can barely tell it's you!"

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Quote of the Day August 18th

For a long time now YaYa has used the phrase "I love you too much!" in response to someone saying "I love you".

It's just a cute little tack-on to "I love you too" but for some reason it's always annoyed me. Why? Eh, who knows.

But today, after spending the day grocery shopping with the girls, and suitably awed by their excellent behavior, I told them I loved them 'too much".

YaYa snorted. Ever quick to point out her learnin', she decided to trump me.

"I love you eight much!" she said.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Excerpt from Little Grandpa August 17th

It seems an opportune time to reproduce part of the book I wrote about my relationship with my Grandfather.  Written for my Grandmother's 79th birthday this chapter, appropriately enough, was originally entitled 'August 17th" . . .

In the middle of August 1983, little less than three weeks before he died, my Grandpa and I took a road trip together.

It was my idea. I had asked him if we could spend the day together, take in some local sites, and maybe take a short drive. He agreed. So the night before we left I took a map and circled a half dozen cities without any concept of distance or travel time. I showed the map to him as he sat watching TV in the living room.

“You’re crazy!” he said.

We went anyway.

We pulled the car out of the garage at 8 o’clock and drove down to the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory – better known as the Domes. It was our first stop for the very practical reason that admission was free on that day, provided you arrived early enough.

There are three glass domes, greenhouses really, that stand a few stories high. Inside, each of the domes features a different botanical landscape: one desert, one tropical, and one much like our Wisconsin scenery.

We took our time walking through the Domes, spending a lot of time in the desert landscape. My Dad had worked there in his teens and we’d visited only a few weeks before, so I tried to impress Grandpa by pointing out what plant was what. Nevermind the little identification cards stuck right next to each plant – it was important he hear it from me.

Ironically, what I remember most from that stop is that Grandpa had to use the restroom. I was stuck waiting for him outside the stall, keeping an eye on the cane he draped over the side.

As we were leaving the parking lot Grandpa pointed to a building across the street. “See that?” he asked. “I helped build that in the fifties. It used to be an insurance building, but now they just rent out the office space.” Having a Grandpa that could point out a building and say, “I made this” made me proud, and bumped him up even further in my eyes.

We took 27th Street up to Forest Home Avenue, passing Paul’s Diner along the way. Paul’s was a tiny hamburger stand that had been on that corner since the invention of ground beef, and I’m sure Grandpa had downed a meal or two there. “You hungry? We can stop for some burgers,” he said.

This became one of those silly moments that take on too much importance in life. I was hungry, and I wanted to stop for a burger. In fact, I thought it would be neat to eat at the old diner, but . . . somewhere inside I got nervous. I had never eaten there before. What if the burgers were nasty? What if the place was dirty? I shook my head no.

Obviously, far from an important decision, but it bugged me for years. What if we had stopped? Would the day have lasted just that much longer, instead of ending when it did? Would I have another memory to treasure forever? How could I have been so scared?

Well, we didn’t stop, and I doubt that if we had it would have altered the course of human events. And I did eventually eat at the diner – with my wife, who happened to have waitressed there in her teens.

Our next stop was the Experimental Aircraft Association museum out on Hwy 100. Later that year the EAA would move the museum to their home in Oshkosh, where it became a mammoth display of aircraft that stretched for hangar after hangar. When it was in Franklin t was just a single large building packed to the rafters with flight memorabilia.

Here Grandpa was in his element. Most of the planes were WWII vintage, and he’d been trained, as an anti-aircraft gunner, to identify all of them by sight. We didn’t have to get close to the plaques on their sides – he’d stop ten paces away and say, “That’s a Zero. It was made by Mitsubishi, the same guys that make cars now,” or “That’s a P-40 Mustang. That John Wayne movie, The Flying Tigers? That’s what they flew, but they painted shark teeth on the nose because the Chinese thought that was lucky.”

There was a replica of Fat Man, the atom bomb that dropped on Japan, and actual pieces of the Hindenburg. We’d just got done watching a movie on the dirigible, and in one of the display photos was a passenger describing the even. In the movie he was played by the French guy from Hogan’s Heroes.

Hanging from the ceiling was a model of Lindbergh’s plane, and again, Grandpa, consciously or not, combined cinema and history to teach me something. “You remember that Jimmy Stewart movie, Spirit of St. Louis? Can you believe he flew across the ocean in that thing?”

Amelia Earheart was mentioned too, and lo and behold, we’d seen a movie about her too. (God Bless the Late Late Show on Channel 6 – how do history teachers manage without it nowadays?)

Grandpa stopped and talked to someone with the same love for the aircraft, and picked up a souvenir card that featured an optical illusion that spelled out EAA. I still have the card, but I have more trouble spotting the letters nowadays.

Afterwards Grandpa took me to the one hamburger joint I’ve never turned down: McDonald’s.

It was a beautiful restaurant compared to the one we frequented, with crisp white paint and new tile. It was five minutes from home but seemed a world away, just me and my Grandpa on the open road. It was marvelous.

The restaurant was packed for the lunch hour, but we found a seat. I had my standard hamburger, milk, and fries and Grandpa had a large coffee (his cream and sugar milkshake) accompanied by an oar-shaped stirrer that’s permanently burned into my memory.

To my left sat a family. Mom, Dad, infant child – and Japanese exchange student. It was his first day in America, and the family wanted to treat him to some genuine Americana. They would ask him a question, he would feign understanding, and then they’d all laugh and ask another one. This went on for the entire meal.

On my right was another family, identical but minus the exchange student. They were trying to feed their crying child an ice cream cone, but the kid just wasn‘t having it.

Midway through our meal the infant on the right had enough, cocked his arm, and launched the cone in the air. It landed upside down on the floor by Grandpa. All three tables were quiet for a moment. Then the Japanese student spoke.

“Ahhhh, ice cream!”

We all burst out laughing.

From there we hit the open road. We went to St. Francis, Cudahy, New Berlin, and from there we ventured outside the county. It was more or less what I’d planned: a haphazard route that went nowhere in particular.

We found ourselves driving past Lake Donoon. “When I was a kid your age we’d go swimming in that lake,” he said. I looked out at the vacation homes strangling the lake and wondered aloud how he could have afforded it.

“Oh, it was different then. This was fifty years ago, even before the war. You could just come up here and swim with your buddies. You didn’t have to worry about who owned what back then. It was just a lake, and we were kids. We didn’t know any better.”
We drove for an hour, maybe two, but nothing else sticks in my mind. I just had fun riding shotgun with Grandpa, watching the Wisconsin countryside go by in the last great summer of my youth.

We had one more scheduled stop, the Boerner Botanical Gardens in Whitnall Park. If you forget the fancy name, the Gardens were just what they advertised – a huge public flower garden run by the County.

By this time Grandpa’s legs were hurting him, but he still followed me up and down the path. In truth, the Garden’s always bored me a little, but he seemed to get a kick out of them. He always had more of a green thumb than I did.

As we were winding down our tour he stopped and talked at length with one of the County gardeners. The subject was, of course, plants, but the guy did interrupt to scold me for scraping my shoes on the gravel. “That’ll ruin your shoes son”. Yeah, well buy me a new pair or mind your business old man.

Grandpa apparently missed this proof of the man’s ignorance and continued talking to him. He loved a type of plant that, to my eyes, looked like it had been splattered with a florescent paint. I’ll give the guy this much – he seemed to give Grandpa some good tips on how to make the plant flourish.

By then it was nearing late afternoon, and Grandpa treated me to an early supper at Denny’s. He stopped and bought a paper on the way in – it would wind up tucked beneath his recliner by morning – and we sat down to eat.

When dinner was over Grandpa graciously allowed me to get desert. Remembering the boy at McDonald’s, I ordered an ice cream sundae. “One scoop or two?” the waitress asked. Two, I said.

Gramps waited for her to leave and then jokingly kidded me for emptying his wallet with the other scoop. “She asked me! I thought the second scoop was the same price!” I said. Gramps laughed and told me to relax, that he could certainly afford another scoop for the Piper Man.

We came home in late afternoon, and Grandpa stretched out his tired legs on the couch. We watched Laverne and Shirley, then MASH. It was the episode where a undetonated bomb lands in the camp, and Hawkeye and Trapper have to defuse it before it’s too late. They approached the bomb carrying mattresses over their shoulders.

“What are the mattresses for?” I asked.

“In case the bomb explodes,” he explained.

I thought for a minute. “So, what do they expect the mattress to do, break their fall?” I replied sarcastically.

Grandpa roared with laughter, and I felt proud to have made him laugh.

A few weeks later I started the fourth grade, and for the first and last time in my academic career I actually had to explain what I did over my summer vacation. I chose Grandpa’s Day as my theme - our day deserved a title, just like any other day you want to celebrate each year. On a sheet of drawing paper I made a collage of our day, start to finish. It was pretty darn good, earning me one of the few A’s I’d receive in that troubled year.

A week later, Grandpa was dead.

It’s a tradition, at least in my family, to include with the deceased mementos of his or her life. Notes from a loved one, pictures, and perhaps a small cherished object. Among the notes and pictures placed inside Grandpa’s suit was that art project. I wanted him to remember, as I always will, how much fun we had that day, and how special it was to me.

For a few years I celebrated Grandpa’s Day by recreating the spirit, if not the actual itinerary, of our trip. In 1984 Mom took me out; in 1985 Grandma and I went to see Back to the Future and ate at a pizza parlor. Then, as my memory began to blur, I pushed the day aside. I’m not even sure of the exact date anymore - it’s either the 16th or 17th - and it really doesn’t matter.

Midway through each August I think of Grandpa. Sometimes I visit his grave, other times I treat my wife to a special dinner out. In 2001 my wife’s baby shower was scheduled for Grandpa’s Day, and in return Gramps successfully petitioned God to turn off the rain long enough for the picnic to be a success.

When my daughter is older I will ask her to climb in the car one hot summer day and take a look at the lake where her Great-Grandpa once swam in the heat of an August sun. God willing, decades from now her son will do the same.

And each summer, from now until the end, I will think of that day we spent together. Even if it was a crazy idea.

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