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Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Long Ramble

So where was I? A lot happened over the fourth of July - good and awful - but I don't feel up to writing about that yet. I'm gonna try to keep this post coherent, but I warn you: it may ramble in places.

After Middle Child's party, the month was pretty hit and miss. School let out (hard to believe YaYa is finished with TWO years of school already) and we made sure she had a week or two to just mosey around before starting any activities.

We had a freak hailstorm - actually, that might have been in May - and got these neat shots.

Awhile back I'd called to get YaYa into TeeBall, only to be told registration was closed and I'd have to register her in person on the first day. So I show up and naturally, the class is full. Nevermind that the lady on the phone said there were 23 openings left when I was turned down. That was not only frustrating but embarrassing - I had to walk YaYa away and explain why she couldn't play with the kids. And I'd splurged and bought her a brand new pink batting helmet too!

So we played on the swingset for a bit, then stopped at a nursery to buy some flowers which I then planted in the backyard.


Parke continues to wreak havoc everywhere he goes. Mind you, he is the happiest, most pleasant, easy to take care of baby in HISTORY, but he does LOOOOVE trouble. While (at this early point) he doesn't appear to be the brightest of the offspring, he seems to have an affinity for anything mechanical. He loves to take things apart, put things in their place, and generally fiddle with things.

This has its downsides: we had to replace our toilet because he jammed a shape-sorter so tightly into it that it couldn't be removed without breaking the toilet and flooding our bathroom . .

He doesn't talk much. 'Dada' is about it. He's a massive eater, downing amounts of food that rival his Daddy - and he's less than a 10th my size. Naturally, unlike his sisters he refuses to eat any vegetables. Basically, he walks; he poops; he smiles; and he eats. :)

 I can sum him up in only a few words: cheerful, with a wide smile he gives freely for any reason, and awesome size. In my words, he's 'a monster' lol . . . his shoulder span and frame hint at a giant full-grown man down the road. Heck, he's already wearing a size 5 diaper, a size his sisters NEVER reached, 'tho I concede that has more to do with his boy-parts making the smaller size leak than anything. What more could a guy ask for in a son? After all, as I've always said, "I bred for size".

 I do feel a slight disconnect with him tho'. Why? A bit of initial awkwardness after raising two baby girls, the fact that I've never been able to gel with a kid until they turn one, and the new(er) job all played a role. So did his aversion to cuddling or being held. I've said that I think all I am is the guy who puts him to bed, because it seems like the only time I hold him is to walk him to the crib. :(  

But, I'm working on changing that, and have made a concerted effort to reconnect with the kids, especially Parker.

Middle Child is just a doll. She continues to be generous and very vocal (her favorite thing lately is to call Mrs. 'Mamacita', and me 'Daddycita'). She is also very mischievous and enjoys taunting her sister, and while still doting on Parker has become annoyed with some of his actions. "Naughty Baby!" she yells, pointing her finger dramatically while scowling and squinting.

YaYa alternates from darling, intelligent angel to spoiled selfish 4 year old in the blink of an eye. Always athletic, she adores her ability on the monkey bars and is always in a state of motion.

Oh, I did eventually get her into a TeeBall program, only instead of Saturday mornings it's Tuesday and Thursday evenings - right at her bedtime. The results were predictable, with her wigging out and asking to go home midway through.

Oh yeah - I also got drafted into being a coach. Normally I'd love it, but it's hard to instruct the kids when your own four year old is lying on the ground yelling "Daddy take me home!"

Other than that . . .hmm...we went to see Cars for their cousin Sam's birthday. I thought the movie was boring, and Middle Child was asking 'is it ova?' ten minutes in. Afterwards we attended a birthday partty for the boy next door, and the girls took nice looking swipes at the pinata. Heck, one guy asked if YaYa was in baseball, she swung so nice.

Cripers, I almost forgot. My mother-in-law retired from the IRS midway through the month and we had a big gala. The mild mannered Grandma even rode a Harley around the parking lot for the occasion!

I'd post pics of it, but no one has sent me any and my own camera was low on power ...

The arrival of my kids out of state cousins for the events let to a week of fun with the extended family, but also caused YaYa to miss the first week of UWM's College for Kids Young Astronaut class.

She did attend the second week on campus, and she really did enjoy it. I attended the creative writing class when I was a kid, but YaYa seems very science oriented. She made crystals, launched a bottle rocket, and learned a lot.

Example: "Daddy, what does I-S-S spell?" she asked me. "Nothing" I said,  "No, it spells International Space Station," she stated proudly.

The first day of her class I had off, and the family and I wasted the two hours perusing my old campus. A lot has changed, and a lot remains the same. We played at the fountain - the same fountain I remember my Dad taking me to when I was in College for Kids - and walked through the 11 acre Downers Wood Preserve.

Neat fact: in the woods is a house made of sticks. "Eeyore's house!," we all declared.

My niece Caitlin also spent a few weeks with us over the course of the month and was a big help with the kids.



Middle Child's 3rd Birthday!

On the 4th of June Middle Child - aka Lu, LuLu, Livvie, Livvie Lu, Liv, Munch, Kewpie Doll, O-Livia, Olivia - celebrated her 3rd Birthday.

It was a family affair conducted at our house with an aquatic theme.

Take careful note of this next pic: Mrs and I spent HOURS trying and retrying a Jell-O recepie for a fishbowl of Jell-O that was SUPPOSED TO look like the real thing, gummy fish and all.

They lied. We wasted X number of Jell-O boxes on two failed attempts, and finally compromised with this lame dessert:

Next to our wedding cake, this was the most expensive cake I've ever bought, ~$47.

Outside, while I barbequed chicken, the kids played on the swing, a Slip and Slide, a wading pool, and an inflatable trampoline.

Inside, because of the heat most of the adults stayed in the vicinity of the kitchen table. We all joined in to sing Happy Birthday.

My girl opened her gifts outside . . .

This is but a smattering of what she got:

Happy Birthday LuLu!

Bleeping May

I thought the month would go well - I really did.

Just a few days prior I'd gone to 7 Mile Fair (a huge outdoor/indoor flea market) with the family and walked away with a huuuuge Barbie house and a pricey toy for Parker for only $11:

and then on the 1st, Parker took HIS FIRST STEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, that was just about the last happy moment in the entire month. :(

For starters, on the very day Park took those momentous baby steps, the Mrs. and I got into our worst arguement in YEARS, one that spilled over into much of that first week of May.

Then, the owners of my business returned from their winter sojourn, and my stress at work quadrupled.

Just when both issues seemed resolved, a horrific day: an accident at work that claimed the life of one person and injured another. I will say no more about it, except to note two things: I have lost a lot of faith in the news media, based on the widly innacurate versions (plural) of events that circulated, and two: it is extremely frightening to face a dozen news cameras as they hozer near your face, just creaming themselves for some sensationalistic tidbit . .

So the rest of the month is, basically, just sleepless nights and sad days . .

A few momentary bright spots: YaYa and I marched in a Memorial Day parade (well, I marched, she rode on my shoulders)

and YaYa had her recital. I posted a pic of her in costume once before, but what the heck:

I was never so happy to see June 1st . . .

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Easter 2006

When I last left you, we were touring the candy factory . . .

On Good Friday we followed our ten year old tradition of dyeing Easter Eggs with all the kids in the family.

Here's Parker as he watched the fun:

Then, naturally, came Easter morn . . here's Parkers:

and Middle Child's

and YaYa's

Here's a pic of the girls on their way to dinner with my family:

and what I consider a GORGEOUS shot of my youngest girl:


I was horrified to hear that Pam aka  His1Desire passed away after a relatively brief battle with lung cancer.

When I first started on AOL Journals Pam was the one and only person who answered my emails when I pleaded for help navigating around my blog. Because of her, this site improved dramatically. I'm forever grateful to her, and regret that my discomfort with her illness limited the amount of time I spent on her site near the end.

She is missed.

I'm Back

I know it's been nearly three months since I last posted, but I assure you I have no one to blame but myself. Many a night, when I should have been writing, I wasted away time watching TV or (less often) actually sleeping at night. But rest assured, I missed Slapinions.

Anyhow I have a lot to say, and a lot of pics to load, so bear with me: I'll try to do this in chronological order.

Nice to be back - hope someone is still reading! :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spring Update

I've been busy in a boring/routine/nothing to write about way. I haven't even had a chance to watch this week's Sopranos or AI yet (they're on tape) so I can't wite about that.

I do have a brief update on the kids. Two Sunday's before Easter (which is what, 10 days ago, right?) we took the kids to the annual Quality Candy Factory Easter Tour.

Mainly you just walk around certain areas of the production line, watching the chocolate being made, and scoop up lots of free candy on the way.

The kids, like their Mom, love watching production machines at work (hence my wife's love for Mr. Roger's video tours).

The kids also posed with Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny. Parker had it all backwards - he cried when we tried to take him away from the Bunny!

Afterwards we went to look around the pet store (where YaYa is obsessed with watching me squirm around the disgusting rodent cages), and then on to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The kids weren't the best by that point, but they've been worse - count on that!

* * *

Okay, some misc. pics:

Here's YaYa in her upcoming dance recital costume:

and here's here dancing along to Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat

Here's my two girls and one of YaYa friends meeting the Easter Bunny at a Breakfast with the Easter Bunny:

Here's the girls with their favorite stuffed animals

and a close up of the famous and so imaginatively named BROWN BEAR and WHITE BEAR

And some signs of spring:

Chalk angels of the kids on the sidewalk

the tulips my wife and I planted last fall are poking through just fine

and here's Parker Daniel, Maker of Trouble TM banging on the screen door to get out with his sisters:

More info to follow . . .

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Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Kurt Cobain

Today is the twelfth anniversary of the (estimated) death of Kurt Cobain. The tribute I wrote last year strikes me as a little too dramatic and formulaic in retrospect, but the sentiment holds true [and what I wrote in the comments sections is some writing I'm pretty proud of, imho]

It's been generating some comments lately, so feel free to give it a read if you like.

BTW - anybody else catch the recent news that Courtney has sold off a large share of the rights to Kurt's work? Always the opportunist . . look, let me be blunt: take a look at the website on the pic above, and tell me she didn't have something to do with his death. Maybe she didn't murder him, but she knows more than she's let on. Take a listen to the genuine (candid) audio tapes that reveal her duplicity and judge for yourself.

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