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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quote of the Day and American Idol

Yet another reason I love my wife.

On the way to work I was moaning about how boring my birthday seemed in print. While I loved my gifts (and in fact asked for each item) slippers, book covers, a book light, and a Mass book tend to scream 'Geritol'. Lisa quickly put me at ease.

"Seriously, what other option would you have on a family blog? You couldn't write 'I went on a coke binge and [slept with] a flight attendant' and keep your audience, right? So quit worrying about it."

* * * * *

I am so bleeping tired. I got home from work at 11pm and fired up the recording of tonight's American Idol. Before I collapse from exhaustion, here's my take on the week:

1. Matt - a fine performance, but I think he did better behind the piano at the start of the song than he did standing on stage. He obviously took Paula's critique of Scott to heart, without realizing it was simply Paula code for 'Scott you suck'. I think he's safe to stay behind the keyboard and razzle/dazzle us from there.

2. Kris - I don't understand where Simon's allegation of 'lack of confidence' comes from this week. Kris has a charming, boyish cockiness when he sings, much like Jordan Knight. Easily a plus performance.

3. Scott - Wow, he sucked, and what's entertaining is that he's so oblivious to the fact. "I'm a singer/songwriter Paula, so I'll stay behind the piano to let my talent show, allrighty?". Well, I hope you ARE a songwriter Scott because you sure ain't a singer. Lisa asked me to fast forward the last half of the song, but we stuck it out. The best part? When he said he was going to 'bring something' new to the song. Yeah, he sure did. Imprinting Bruce Hornsby on a Motown tune was original, you have to give him that.

4. Megan - Egads, you know an artist will be bad when Smokey couldn't cough up a decent compliment about her version of the song. Methinks the Megan smokescreen might be letting up on AI; she's hot, but she's very limited as a singer.

5. Anoop - a technically strong performance (no complaints there) but it's all so robotic. I'd listen to him on the radio I guess, but I sure wouldn't pay to see him in person. And I'm honestly curious about your opinion: are Lisa and I the only people in America who think Anoop looks like he's thinking "F.U." whenever the judges speak?

6. Michael Sarver - the world knows he should have gone home last week instead of Alexis Grace (!) but I rationalize it by saying at least now he's secured an income for his family through the summer (due to the guaranteed spot on the tour). Simon's spot on of course; the guy isn't going to win, there's not a chance in hell. He's dead weight at this point, useful only for a convenient pick to go home each week.

7. Lil' - I'm losing faith in her chances. She didn't sing the song, she screamed it, and I thought it was less than impressive. She'd better pull it together next week.

8. Adam - All right, never say I can't judge impartially. The song rocked and he looked great. I'd listen to the song on the radio NOW. He won the night.

9. Danny - good vocals, dorky and dumb routine. Not his best work at all. And is it just me, or did he completely dump Smokey's advice during his song? He ignored SMOKEY ROBINSON'S advice. My lord, if I'm right that's just plain dumb.

10. Allison - powerful, polished and sixteen. As Kara said, that is God given talent. She's a little too Janis-y for American Idol but an impressive talent who should make some $ over the years.

* * * *

My picks for the bottom three: Scott, Sarver, and Megan. However, I think Anoop might be a 'out of left field' choice to join the trio.

I say Sarver goes, but I think he'll skate. So I have no idea who gets the axe.

* * * *

You'll note that women only make up 30% of the final ten, and one of the three is on thin ice this week. I'd say the men stand an excellent chance to take the crown this year.

* * * *

If Randy and Kara refer to them as 'boys' and 'girls' one more time I'll throw a shoe at the TV. What is this, 1954?

* * * *

On the Match Game, circa 1977: 'Blank' Robinson. One of the answers was 'Smokey' and Brett Somers and the gang said "Who the hell is Smokey Robinson?"

Who the hell is Smokey Robinson? Brett, no wonder Jack Klugman left you honey. Get with the program! It's almost 1980!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My 35th Birthday

Wow, it's been more than a week since my last post and the absence seemed . . soothing.

My birthday was very nice and relaxing. As usual my Mom called me at midnight to welcome the day. In the morning I went to work where I was greeted by a lot of sincere good cheer. Afterwards Lisa treated me and the two oldest girls to dinner at Bucca Di Beppo's downtown, where we enjoyed a great Italian meal.






[sidenote: Here's Smiley on the 18th, on his way to a class trip to the zoo.]


My parents bought me two canvas, zippered book covers (one for hardcovers and another for paperbacks), a wonderful blue Mighty Bright telescoping LED book light with AC adapter, and some cash to pick up a book on shorthand (which I've always wanted to learn). My wife's stepmother, before she moved back home, bought me two pair of slippers.

In addition to the dinner Lisa got me a black leather missal for Mass. And from the kids: a hug and kiss from each.

* * * *

The day ended poorly, however, when at ten at night we were forced to have one of our cats put to sleep. Not 'our' cat, actually, but the one my sister has had us watch for months. It came downstairs shaking and in bad shape. No surprise, as I'd advised my sister for weeks that the end was near. The final diagnosis: cancer.

I'm not sure I believe the vet, as in my experience they're the equal to meteorologists in accuracy, but it was time for the cat to be put down.

* * * *

On Saturday, with my paycheck burning a microscopic hole in my pocket, I FINALLY took YaYa to see Coraline 3D. Afterwards we went shopping and then, with Lump, the three of us hit the observation park of the airport before jotting over to Nite Owl for dinner.



I then took them to the park before heading home. Later that night YaYa and I hunkered down to watch The Mummy together on pay-per-view, staying up late to finish the movie.

YaYa quote of the night, as one character in The Mummy ran blindly into a brick wall. "Ouch. He's off the team."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

American Idol 3/17

Pigs are flying, hell has frozen - pick your cliche. Paula is sober and making solid, intelligent analysis. Meanwhile I've turned against Kara, who seems far too in love with herself, a definite no-no unless your last name is Cowell or Slapinions. Plus she seems completely hung up on screaming your way through every song. She has no subtlety, or at least fails to appreciate it in others.

If one judge has to go next year, Kara should sashay away.

Ok, on to the artists. It's an important week. As Ryan said, the loser doesn't qualify for the summer tour.

1. Michael - It has to be some comfort and provide some sense of personal freedom to know you don't have a chance to win the big prize. I thought his vocals were fine, but the song lacked the energy that seems written right into the song. Blah

2. Allison - some complaint from the Mrs. that she sang it too hard, too Joplinesque. I'll argee, but argue that it works for her. I give her a plus.

3. Kris - the darkhorse keeps creeping up on the pack. He should sail through.

4. Lil - "I just wanted to prove I could sing more than R&B". Well, ya didn't honey. I agree with Simon, she seemed like a wedding singer stuck singing a song she hates. And her little - er, excuse me, "Lil'" - attitude during the critique was both whiny and desperate. She'll get through, but she's been knocked down a peg or two.

5. Adam - I know people love this guy, and Beth is a big fan, but I can't STAND him. The very sight of him makes my skin crawl; it is completely irrational. Even so, give credit where it's due. I agree with Randy for the first half of the song. It was funky, unique, and controlled. Well done. And I agree with Simon for the last half, as it turned into a self-indulgent performance right out of a cabaret.

6. Scott - Enough already with the sympathy votes. I don't get it; he's supposed to be blind, not deaf. And yet every song sounds the same, like a one-note Bruce Hornsby. AI could do 'Rap Week' and it would come out sounding like 'The Way it Is'. He does use the piano as a crutch, as Paula said, but far more importantly he just doesn't sound great. He deserves top 10 given who's left, but no more than that.

7. Alexis - I didn't dig it, but I thought it was better than the judges thought. 'Dirty' is a Kara staple, and I think Alexis would be wise to question her advice.

8. Danny - Not as good as in previous weeks, but I'll tell you one thing. Unlike a lot of artists, you know he felt the power in the Christian lyrics. Once again Kara wants people to scream all the way through the song. He'll make it through.

9. Anoop - Vocally it was fine, but I think he's rather robotic. Lisa liked it a lot. He should have been gone last week instead of Jorge, but he deserved the praise today.

10. Megan - What the hell are the judges hearing that we're not? Who's [redacted] is she sucking to get that praise? Her motions on stage look like a Marilyn knock-off and I dare you, I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU to close your eyes then swear on a bible that you'd buy her record if you heard it on the radio.

11. Matt - damn he's good, and Scott take note: that's the difference between an artist who also happens to play piano (Billy Joel, Elton) and yourself. Energy, a connection with the audience, and mighty fine vocals. Well done.

Hmm. A hard one to pick this week. My ears say Megan should go home, but that 'flu' thing and the pendulous chest probably bought her some time. I'd say that Michael, Scott, and Megan are voted in the bottom three, with Scott instantly told to return to his seat. In the end, Michael goes home.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This and That as I wait for Lisa

A slight change of plans. Lisa and my sister have decided to go late-night shopping again, leaving my American Idol plans on hold. How will I fill the time? Why, the way I mentioned under 'ways you relax' on that application earlier: by blogging.

My wife's step-mother was able to move back home yesterday, thirteen days after her arrival with us. By the end Lisa was exhausted, but I was pretty comfortable. Unlike Lisa I wasn't a child when I met her step-mom. I'm largely the same Danny she was introduced to in 1995, and so I bear no burden of trying to shake off a quarter century old first impression made in childhood. Nor did I have to aid her in any personal grooming, which Lisa did each day. Lord knows that can wear a person down.

I'm glad to have my couch back, but she was good company. I certainly think it was a good thing for her relationship with the kids, and vice versa.

* * * * *

As my upcoming 35th birthday approached, I decided to go in for a physical. I don't consciously avoid them, but when I thought about it it had been five years or more since my last one (note: that's code for ten years) Time to bite the bullet.

So: Kidney, thyroid and liver functions are good. My cholesterol is 106, but my 'good' version is a bit low. Blood pressure surprisingly good. I'm obese (really? Hadn't noticed doc) but lost three pounds between the day of the blood draw and the follow-up a few weeks later.

I have flat feet - my Dad was always grateful, saying it'd keep me out of the draft -and possible bone spurs in my constantly aching left foot. X-Rays await, but I have to find the time first.

About that blood pressure reading. Every time I go to the doctor they take a second look at my weight and shake off the blood pressure results as improbable. This time they felt compelled to take it three times before raising their eyebrows and jotting it down. Never fear medical professionals: the blood pressure might be good, but the ol' brain is still screwed up enough to put $ in your pockets for years to come.

* * *

Last Tuesday LuLu read a petition during Mass and aced it. Good job girl!

* * * *

Both LuLu and Smiley won't go to bed unless I read to them now, which is a great sign of future readers. Meanwhile YaYa has begun a list of every book she's ever read, just like her old man.

* * * * * *

My wife's step-mom yesterday: "I can see why you call her Lump. The girl can't stay on her feet for more than a minute without cracking her head."

At which point, I kid you not, the Lump took her cue and fell to the floor. She bumped her head on the ottoman, rubbed it briefly, then got up and walked away.

Lump's trouble by the way, a true YaYa Jr. She'll dance half the day away, especially if you say "Do the [Lump], Do the [Lump]" but the rest of the time she's busy destroying. She stuck a paintbrush in the glue bottle, upended a box of cereal, tried to play in the toilet, tossed toys down the stairs, spilled soda, hit Smiley, threw a sippy cup 1000 times, spit food at people and giggled, and upended a plate of food.

All that, my readers, in one afternoon.

Just to Clear Up a Facebook BooBoo

Today birthday wishes kept coming in. Here's the problem: it's not my birthday.

True, it is right around the corner [on Thursday the 19th] but the messages all specified tomorrow as the big day.

The source of the error falls on my shoulders. Apparently my little-used Facebook account lists the 18th as my birthday. Maybe it was an honest mistake, or else I might have fudged it in a paranoid 'Big Brother' moment.

[When I corrected one person they asked "Are you sure?". To give them the benefit of the doubt: I've forgotten much of those pesky womb days, so no. No, I'm not 100% sure. But I'm most of the way there :)]

Either way, a big and heartfelt thank you to Slapinions readers Joann and Jeanne!

* * * *
I spent the better part of the night completing essays required for a job I'm pursuing. Two bleepin' hours - closer to three really. If I don't get it I should at least win a merit badge for sticking out the application process.

* * * * *

A small thing that bothered me like a grain of sand in the eye:

Recently I wasted an hour of my life fascinated by a special about a 1969 Vietnam war battle at a Special Forces camp. The Military Channel went all out to sell this as a 'must see'. They gathered the survivors of the battle together. They had archival footage from both the American and NVA sides. They had splashy computer graphics. I agree with showing all of that. I'm thankful for their comprehensive and professional presentation.

The problem: they said, a dozen times, that this was one of the most vital and costly battles of that era. Then at the very end of the show they revealed the death toll: two Americans and seven NVA.

Please, for the duration of this post, put aside the reflexive 'All lives count.'. Of course. But from a historical point of view, nine dead isn't a battle. It's barely a decent Vietnam era skirmish considering the NVA attacked a fortified and armouored position head-on.

I didn't need a huge death toll to find the show interesting. I would have been fine with the truth, or even if miraculously everyone went home unscathed. I just don't like being misled to think this was Midway revisted, in both casualties and importance. Some kid probably walked away from the TV thinking that skirmish ranks up there with Tet as a turning point of the war. That bothers me.

Anway, enough of that. I'm off to watch AI and post about it later.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Two by Kanye West

I often think Kanye West is an idiot. But a very talented one.

He's certainly said some stupid things in his day, and the three or four times I've seen him perform on TV he was dramatically less impressive than on the radio.

I love performers who sound identical or better live than on their records, and I'm generally against taking a three minute song and stretching it to ten onstage. But there are artists (Pink Floyd for example) who need the full possibilites of a studio to create 'their' sound, a sound that understandably cannot be fully re-created live onstage.

I think Kanye falls into that category.

When I heard 'Love Lockdown' on the radio I was blown away. It is remarkably different than anything else in the top 40, so much so that I was inspired to call and ask the DJ for the name of the artist. I haven't done that in well over a decade, if not close to two.

In addition to 'Love Lockdown' his single 'Heartless' is currently number four on the American Top 40 countdown. The official video for the song is rather neat, but cannot be embedded: you'll find it here.

* * * *

I'm going to try and post some pictures here in the next few days, but I can't find the da-- cord to rig the camera up to the comp and upload pictures.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Selection Sunday

Hot dog!

Both Marquette and UW made it into the NCAA tourney. There wasn't much doubt about Marquette (#6 seed; will face Utah State) but after their six game slide I was worried about the Badgers. They got in though, taking a #12 seed and extending their string of NCAA appearances to eleven. They'll face Florida State in the opening round.

Also thanks to Beth and Ken, who let me know that the FDIC acts to keep the bank solvent rather than simply stepping in after the fact to reimburse the funds. A good thing too, as a week's delay in getting to our accounts would be disastrous for us.

However, I will point out that PRIOR to the announcement - perhaps in anticipation of the news, or because of the lack of capital the government mentions - my bank posted signs at my branch capping the daily limit on most withdrawals and requiring a three day notice for anything over a couple thousand. Maybe its just a new policy unrelated to anything, but if so it's a bad piece of timing.

I'm sure it's not the case here, but is there any example of an instituiton not folding, but being so on close to the abyss that funds are unavailable with the FDIC unable to step in because it is still in business?

* * * *

One last point about the Time Warner deal. If I had gone ahead and cut services as I wanted to I would have wound up paying more than I do now. Limiting my phone plan or removing the DVR would have knocked me off the promotional rate and put me at some ridiculous ala carte cost.

Trust me, if I could have changed my phone to limited long distance or trimmed a few cable channels in exchange for a smaller bill, it'd be done by now.

Still, on their worst day,they're still 1000 times better than AT&T.

Cease and Desist Unsafe and Unsound Practices? Oh Boy

I'd beware the Ides of March, but the bad news came yesterday. Someone should have told me to beware of Pi Day.

My bank has been ordered by the government to "cease and desist from any unsafe and unsound practice", as it continues to hemmorage money. For the quarter ending December 31st they lost $3.8 million; the quarter before $9.5 million.

The losses, if you listen to bank officials, are due to the decline in the real estate market and the economy in general. Luck of the draw, if you will. If you listen to government regulators, the bank has a shortage of capital and a habit of handing out bad loans.

"Pull out our money Monday," Lisa said.

"How is starting a run on the bank going to help?" I said.

"I don't care about helping the bank. I care about it going under and taking our money with it."

Good point.

The trouble is there's not many banks around I like or trust. Lincoln has been bought out by Harris, and it won't be long before they're bought by someone else. US Bank sucks (we dealt with them at my old job), I dumped Tri-City years ago, I won't go to the bank that holds my mortgage out of superstitious fear of putting everything in one basket, and another major player in the area refused me a checking account in my youth and I still nurse a grudge.

So I'm going to - well, I don't know what I'm going to do.

* * * * *

In other financial news I settled accounts with Time Warner, enabling me to finally (!) reduce the services I have with them. I wisely placed them behind the mortgage and whatnot in the aftermath of the layoff, and so was playing catchup for the last two months.

It was a Catch 22 for awhile there. I couldn't dump Time Warner because they provided not only my cable but far more importantly my internet and phone service. But while I owed them money they wouldn't let me trim my services. Nevermind that if they had allowed me to cut it down I would have been able to bring the balance to zero months ago. No sir, they would rather I keep the whole package and ring up a larger bill, even at the risk of defaulting.

Anyway, I brought the account up to date and asked to cut 'x' and 'y'. No need; they had a promo going that enabled me to keep what I have AND add channels 120-199, which includes DIY, The Military Channel, and the MLB Network. The cost? $15 less a month than I was paying, or a savings of $180 a year. That's more than a month of free service at the old rate.

Yea me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Sassy Girl

Avoid this movie. It had potential, and the cast is certainly above par, but the movie as a whole . . .

Look, I love romantic comedy. It's very metrosexual of me, but I do. On a seperate note I suppose, if I was into it, I could handle watching some sick masochistic relationship develop on screen.

Just not, you know, in the same movie.

The film traces a romance that begins, in a sign of things to come, when the young and very drunk Cuthbert is restrained from falling onto a subway rail. Over the next few months love blossoms, yada yada.

Here's my issue with this film: start to finish Cuthbert is a manipulative, destructive drunk, a woman who intentionally - intentionally! - destroys her boyfriend's career and sabotages his future. Throughout he takes it all with a smile, ignoring the advice of a friend who sees her for what she really is.

There's not even any sex. I don't mean a sex scene, I mean anything past 1st base that could broker an explanation as to why he's so drawn to someone that debases him each and every day.

Oh, it's all rationalized away with a cutesy ending, but there's no going back. Just watching the movie made me feel ill. This is a remake of a Korean hit, and what that says about their society I'll leave to the professionals. As for myself, I was disgusted with both the abuser and her enabler boyfriend.

1.0 out of 4.0

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Joker

Ack, I should have done this sooner and tacked it onto the 'quote of the day' post, but better late than never.

[sidenote: odd that it's Friday the 13th for the second month in a row. How frequently does that happen?]

Lisa was telling me about a frequent customer at her place of employment. His real name is unknown, but the staff refers to him as 'The Joker'.


Because he wears a picture perfect mock up of the traditional purple (Batman) Joker getup, complete with all the tiny details you'll catch only if you obsess over the TV and movie versions of the character.

The kicker?

He's apparently had his face tatooed in the maniac Heath Ledger Joker style - white face, smeared blood red smile, the whole shabang. Tatooed. As in 'I'll look like this forever'.

And what's really odd is that he browses, shops, and purchases as if he looks no differently than the little old lady down the block. Apparently this isn't just for attention, he actually lives the part.

Let's hope he avoids the messy 'serial killer' bit tho' eh?