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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Night of TV

We watched Bill Clinton on Letterman last night. Sure, it meant I had to put up with Dave's Lewinsky-worthy love for the guy [retch], but I was still expecting to be entertained; politics aside, Bill is good TV. Alas, he seems to have lost a few steps in the wake of his heart problems. It's sad, really. What was w/ the grade school tectonic plates lesson? Or his habit of quoting studies w/out referencing a source?

Yeah, it was kinda strange....he USED TO BE good tv, I guess. - Lisa

I worked last night and missed the premiere of NBC's "The Event". I've heard it's the Lost of this decade, which seems like a tall order. Did anyone see it? What's your verdict?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Things that make you go "hmmm"

I just returned from a dentist appt. It turned out my dentist had broken his arm "cleaning his pool" Saturday night and wanted to reschedule. 


Seems to me I remember seeing him wearing a Brewers road jersey and stumbling through Pick 'N Save's parking lot drunk off his ass at 2am that very night. 

My bad; must have been some other Indian dentist who drunkenly waved hello to me . . .

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In Which I Defend Jimmy Carter from Spurious Accusations

IMO, the best thing you can say about the Carter Presidency is that it inspired the sitcom 'Benson'. Still, I must call foul on some local radio DJ's who labeled Carter's recent comments "sour grapes" against Ted Kennedy and a 'cheap shot when he [Ted] isn't around to defend himself'. Wrong. As early as his bio "Keeping the Faith" he accused Ted of sabotaging health care reform for his own political gain. This is nothing new.

Dexter in the Dark by Jeff Lindsay

Just finished 'Dexter in the Dark', bk #3 in the series & by far the weakest. Demonic possesion? Really? My objection isn't spiritual one. I just think it's far more fun to think of Dex as just one royally f'ed up dude. C.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lu/Dad time!

Lu last Monday, as we spent an evening of "Dad/Lu" time.

A Rule of Life

A rule of Life, as certain as death and taxes: However much you hope otherwise, damn near everything told to a person - even in the strictest most pinkie swear confidence - will find its way into the ears of their spouse.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dearly Devoted Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

I just finished "Dearly Devoted Dexter", the 2nd in Jeff Lindsay's series about serial killer/vigilante/crime lab worker Dexter Morgan. I have to say, it feels a little creepy to laugh out loud during dismemberment scenes; but aside from a novel premise, great characters, and a solid plot, the books are flat-out FUNNY. I tip my hat to you, Mr. Lindsay. Well done sir, well done.

Great Job LuLu!

LuLu is in the dining room reading "The Mouse who Wanted to Marry" to the little ones. Despite a bad cold, she is reading with impressive inflection and emotion; her ma's genes at work. Well done.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our "S" Flag is up!!!

We bought this flag two or three years ago at the Fireside, but first put it up this week.

we had such a good time at the first and only visit to the fireside, glad to have something so nice to remember it by...Some day when we all have money it would be so fun to take the kids. - Lisa

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our Phones are Down

An accident near the airport has knocked down a Cricket tower, leaving most of the south side w/out mobile service. So if you're trying to call me, try FB'ing instead.

Update: The phones are still down. I have a land line, but truthfully I don't even know where we keep the phone; it's certainly not plugged in. Anyhow, I called the service dept to find out when the tower was going back online. A nice Indian woman who insisted on calling me "Mr. Daniel" said she would be happy to assist me but alas, failed to back up her claim.