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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Handling the Undead by John Ajvide Lindvist

I've finished "Handling the Undead" by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindvist. Yes, superficially it's a zombie novel, as the dead do rise, but that label does it a disservice. The dead are not violent, active, or even aware; the story is not about them, but about how their appearance affects the relationships and emotions of their loved ones. It's a damn good novel, and well written.

Rule #1 for the Modern Filmaker

Rule #1 for the  thriller/action/horror filmmaker: in the first act you must either explain why the protagonist's cell phone isn't working, or conspire to destroy/lose it before the action starts. If you don't, four minutes into the flick the audience is wondering why the dummy doesn't just call 911.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Record Time

Rejected from a prospective employer less then 24 hrs after applying........DAMN! Now that's a record breaker for me. - Lisa


Every problem has a solution, except for those that do not.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Nightmare

Last night a nightmare woke me up at 3 in the morning. I was absolutely convinced that Whoopi Goldberg had died, and woke Lisa up to tell her. Why my subconscious would give a sh** about her passing is still under investigation.

Monday, October 4, 2010


4X this school year my oldest three have been late for school because Junie's bus can't make up its mind if it wants to be 10 min early or 20 min late for the scheduled pickup. %$%#

Dad and Lu Time

After work, w/ the other kids off at dance or Girl Scouts, I took LuLu to Tenuta's for a kiddie cocktail and an order of garlic bread (1/2 price before six folks). As usual she was a chatterbox as we sat at the bar, and it was a good time. She's a good kid, she really is. Short, but good ;)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Yaya and her sillyband collection

Our kids aren't allowed to wear them to school...they were "banned"


Watched the first two episodes of Carnivale; I liked it, & will add the rest to my Netflix list. Still loving the hell out of the BBC "Life on Mars". The kids liked "The Last Song" but I didn't see more than 5 minutes of it. Wish i could say the same for "MacGruber", which was piss-fing-poor even by SNL movie standards. We could only stomach 15 minutes before throwing the DVD out the window.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Halloween Fittings

Fitting for Yaya's Fallen Angel costume

A test run of Ginger's Halloween costume