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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Quotes, books, movies, and kids

August 20th

‎"(he) realized now that a man can be free as a wolf, yet unable to do what he wants at all."

‎"(he had) some idea of taking something of hers w/ him, as if 4 company; but he stopped himself . . .I got these hands she used to hang to, he told himself. I don't need nothing more."

"It was singular how often people found themselves searching for things they dreaded to find."

- The Searchers by Alan LeMay

11:26 pm:

off work and at Kopp's, waiting on a do-over of a burger that was served bloody.

August 21st

An episode of The Cosby Show was just on, one from a later season where Theo was already in college. Within the first ten minutes the characters used a typewriter, a record player (!) and had to rush home to use the phone. Savages

My Dad's always said The Searchers is the best western ever made, and I've never found a film that proved him wrong. I just finished the book that inspired it (by Alan LeMay) and it was just as good - in some ways better. Many of the quotes you've seen here recently are from the text, and I think the ending (while more or less the same) is more powerful in print. Very highly recommended.

I use Google Chrome as a browser but use Bing for searches. Go figure.

August 22nd

Watching The Killers in concert on Palladia. I miss cable.

‎"Nooo. . . No u may not use the term 'finger-bang' in your status. Do not make me hit you." - Lisa, minutes ago

August 23rd

We had a busy/great weekend. On Sat we drove up to Red Granite WI for a corn roast at a tavern owned by the parents of a friend; my girls got up and did karaoke for the crowd- they're a lot braver/better kids than I was @ their age. Afterwards we drove 3.5 hours in the other direction and spent the night at my buddy Erv's house in IL, arriving at 10 pm and leaving ~ 7pm Sunday. A great last summer hurrah.

I just finished 'The Ghosts of Cannae' by Robert L O'Connell, a GREAT non-fiction work on the famous battle. Having read it, I say screw Hannibal; give me Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus any ol' day.

8:33 pm Driving w/ the family on dark country road near Union Grove, returning from an errand [buying a cell phone for Lisa off a Craigslist ad] in Burlington. Justin Beiber's "Baby" on the radio & everyone singing along.

Watching 'Dating in the Dark' on ABC. Man I love reality tv!

August 24th

While I was at work today Lisa brought the kids by to visit, then took them to the mall and treated them to lotion, necklaces & amusement rides before going out to dinner w/ them w/ some of her State Fair earnings. Since Smiley was excluded from the lotion/necklace party, he got a dollar store snake that will grow to 6X its size when left in water.

[on this day the incredible ordeal of 33 Chilean miners broke on the news. Trapped in a cave-in, they were located after 17 days underground. At this point in the story, it was believed they could not be extracted until close to Christmas!}
This is nuts. Say a prayer for their physical - and mental - health.

‎"He was looking anxious & worried, like a man who has done the murder all right but can't think what the deuce to do with the body." - PG Wodehouse

11:52 am - These kids are weird.Ginger keeps trying to play leapfrog but insists on saying 'oink', and Smiley is eating a hoagie roll stuffed with summer sausage, cheese, and whole strawberries. *I should mention that within minutes of this post Lauren was in the backyard pool in a bikini . . and bicycle helmet.

YaYa and I stopped at a lemonade stand out of sympathy for the kids - no one ever stops and buys any from my kids, may all the passerbys rot in hell. Anywho, it turns out it was run by, the son of a friend of ours. I greeted him with "Well if it isn't YaYa's little boyfriend" and thereby ensured me bitter stares & silence from her the rest of the way home.

The chesnut tree Anne Frank wrote about in her diary fell today.

40 years on, the FBI is still hunting Leo Frederick Burt. In 1970 Burt bombed the UW campus to protest the Vietnam War, killing a man in the process. It was the largest act of domestic terrorism ever, prior to the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.

LOL - I was just watching a music video and a gorgeous lady shook her behind to the camera. Smiley had just walked into the room, and seeing the woman on the screen he tugged on my shirt, & with a huge grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye said "Me like that a lot. Play it again."

Big fan of Kate Miller-Heidke's new album. Go out and buy a copy!

Bud Selig will be remembered by history as the most influential [baseball] commish since Landis, and almost certainly as the most innovative. I'm proud to say I've met him. Meanwhile the haters hate, because that - and not a sport - is the true National Pastime.

Election Day - My choices, my opinions

Tomorrow - well, today, as it's already past midnight here - is Election Day. According to most pundits, the GOP will retake the House, and fall just short of that goal in the Senate. That's music to my ears, but I'm not as gung-ho about it as I would have been in the past. I've seen too much to believe a GOP victory will mean the dawn of a stunning new era in politics, any more than I bought into the media hype that 2008 was the death of the Republican party.

Sure, if the GOP takes the House I believe this country will come out the victor. But even with the best of intentions, they willl still be facing a Democratic Senate, a President with a suspect agenda, a news media manipulated from within by the Left, and the momentum of the last two years.

It's a long road back to sanity. Hopefully we'll have enough time to make the trip.

Plus, let's not forget a midterm election defeat could give Obama new life in '12. {shudder} The 1994 midterm debacle forced Clinton to move from the Left to the Center. That, along with a new foe to blame ("Look what Congress has done to my agenda!) gave him six more years in the Oval Office.

But that is then, and this is now. Here in Wisconsin there are three major contests that have drawn my attention.

First, the race for Governor between current Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D), and Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker (R).

I think both Barrett and Walker have a genuine love for Wisconsin and have its best interests at heart. Unfortunately, in his time as Mayor Barrett seems to have done a whole lot of treading water, and little else other than raise property taxes each year he's been in office. If that seems like a political tagline, save your voice; my taxes have soared in the last three years, even while the bottom fell out of the housing market. It isn't easy to make a living here in Milwaukee (one City employee, a Democrat to the core, told me we are ranked behind Detroit and Buffalo in economic health), and Barrett's done a lot to ensure it's not easy to own a home here either.

I'm not in 100% agreement with Scott Walker, and I find the crisis at the County Mental Health complex an abomination (forced integration of the sexes, leading to assaults and rapes that were marginalized as 'acceptable risks'). I'm not claiming he should have known of the day to day events inside the hospital but I do wish he'd cleaned house sooner, and with more gusto, once even a hint of the allegations came to light.

I think he's done a fine job of restoring integrity and respect to the County following the pension scandals of his predecessor. While I disagree with some aspects of how the County is run I acknowledge it is a cumbersome, largely underfunded behemoth and I believe he's done as well as anyone can given that fact.

I don't have to agree with him on everything. The only time you should agree completely with a candidate is when the name on the ballot is your own.

He's got my vote.

I'm also voting for Ron Johnson to replace current Senator Russ Feingold. Feingold, a self styled maverick' has voted the party line far more often than not. When he's stepped outside the lines, such as on the Iraqi War vote, it was done for effect, knowing his vote wouldn't decide the outcome.

If you want any more evidence that Feingold has gone native in D.C., note that his political ads have become more and more aggressive and bitter. Change was the buzzword in '08; true change will come in 2010 by getting Feingold out of Washington.

In the 4th Congressional District I'll be voting for Dan Sebring, the friend of a good friend of mine. I've met him, and while he's far and away my choice over incumbent Gwen Moore, Sebring's campaign is underfunded and largely ignored above the grass roots level. I wish him well.

If I was in State Assembly District 20, I'd vote for Molly McGartland, the mother of one of YaYa's classmates and the only candidate to have their sign on our front lawn this fall. In State Assembly District 19, please vote for Krista Burns, not because of her party, but because a district that encompasses Bay View should have a rep with an address in, gosh, I don't know, BAY VIEW.

{btw, at this hour I truly can't remember if the Sheriff's race is on the ballot. If it is, my vote will go to incumbent Democrat David Clarke}

Lastly, I'd like to express one last opinion: except in cases where the obvious exceptions apply (illness, travel, deployment, handicap) absentee voting is absolute BUNK. Getting off your butt & showing up at the polls is a sign to the world of how much you value YOUR voice being heard. It's also a great way to teach kids the same lesson. If you reduce the act to something akin to filling out a sweepstakes form or voting for American Idol, all the more shame on you.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Yesterday was a long day. I took Lu to church to sell candy w/ her Brownie troop (my rare contribution to her Scouting; Lisa's one of the leaders), then went off to work before returning at halftime of the SNF game. Meanwhile Lis took the kids trick or treating again (Milwaukee has different times than Bay View) and ran the show at home. Another long one ahead of us today . . .

Worth Dying For by Lee Child

I've finished "Worth Dying For" the latest Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child. 'twas a time, a few yrs ago, when I thought the series was going to hell, and quickly, but he's turned it around BIG time with the last 3 bks. Very enjoyable. Book geeks - who'd win a three way fight: Reacher, Joe Pike, or Spenser?

The Start of the School Year - Group Shot - 8/31/10

The kids leaving for the first day of the 2010/11 school year yest -Smiley's first day of K5 & his first day at his new school. No, Smiley wasn't scared. . This was the second or third shot I took, and he was getting antsy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Layover in Dubai by Dan Fesperman

I've finished "Layover in Dubai" by Dan Fesperman, a non-political thriller set in the Middle East. The plot was . . . well, there wasn't much of one, but the setting was rich and detailed and the two main characters were well developed. It held my interest. B.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Some more FB from August

August 17th

‎@ the barber w/ Smiley and there's a ten yr old crying during his haircut. Nut up dude.

"You don't see your own children grow unless there's a new one to remind you how tiny they come." - quote from The Searchers, by Alan LeMay

During today's trash TV (Maury, etc) there were many ads encouraging people to sue drug companies for X, Y & Z. Here's my 2 cents: if a drug is tested & approved by the FDA, then drug companies should be exempt from litigation related to side effects. Sound harsh? Then make the approval process tougher. Of course, folks already think the process is too long, but the public always finds *something* to complain about. It really is a choice between those two options.

I'm making traditional Hungarian Goulash for dinner. It's the first time I'll ever eat it, much less create it from scratch. I saw the recipe on 'America's Test Kitchen' & had to try it. Beef, paprika, bay leaves, vinegar, 2.5 hrs in a dutch oven, etc - I hope I didn't take on too large of a task.

I rented 'Furry Vengence' w/ Brendan Fraser & Brooke Shields for the kids. They luv it, & I admit LOL'ing when the racoon peed in Fraser's mouth.

9:32 pm: The goulash? Good schtuff Maynard.

August 18th

Study, drill and technique do not stifle talent - they free it. (Fame [2009], a pretty decent flick)

We watched the movie "Extract" last night, starring Justin Bateman, Ben Affleck, and the hot brunette from 'That '70's Show". It was a pretty good comedy, and certainly worth a Redbox rental.

I look good tonight. It's times like this I wish I had a twin brother, just so I'd know what it's like to stand alongside true beauty.

Ah, the culture of snark and pointless hate rises up again, this time to point out how games like Farmville aren't 'real' games, and how they're on the way out. Because remember boys and girls, if a video game appeals to an audience wider than males under 40, it must be crap!

August 19th

Gizmo, the cat we inherited from my wife's Aunt when she passed away in June, stole a 2# bag of shaved ham Lisa had just put on the table. I recovered the torn/chewed bag from the basement floor a few minutes later. Ghetto little beast. In other news, something you don't see every day: two dragonflies bumping nasties in the backyard. It was quite the sight for the kids.

My niece Caitlin made the freshman volleyball team!! It's been proven that High school athletes:* make higher grades* get into less trouble* graduate at a higher rate* drop out less often* have higher GPAs than non-athletes. Now she is a high school athlete, and I couldn't be prouder of you Kay kay!! - Lisa, with a monster 'ditto!' from me

Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart", all I hear is "I'm not REAL smart, but I'm IMAGINARY smart" - Carlos Harmon

A local station chopped Snoop's rap out of Katy Perry's "California Gurls" & I mean CHOPPED - as abrupt a change as you''ll ever hear. Another station edited out 'crackhead' in "You're Love is my Drug" - presumably because the Crackhead community might take offense. I suppose these r the same yahoo's that flip over the cover of Rolling Stone on newstands to protect our fragile little eyes. G'damn morality police.

And more radio drama, this time a reverse discrimination phenomenon: a local 'black' station crudely edited out a white singers contribution to an R&B song {Fergie's parts of a Black Eyed Peas tune. EDITED OUT OF HER OWN BANDS SONG}. C'mon - can't we all just get along?

'Slap Chop' is a kitchen gadget sold on late night informercials. Someone got the idea of making a rap video out of the spiel. If you've seen the commercial, you'll be LOL.

YaYa and Her Taylor Swift Posters

YaYa and her Taylor Swift posters

Friday, October 29, 2010