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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Royal Congratulations!

Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton have announced their engagement. 'bout time you made her an honest woman William!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Full Dark, No Dawn

I'm 50 or 60 pages into Stephen King's new story collection and yawn yawn yawn. Hopefully it picks up. BTW,  I hate when King writes about sex, even in passing. I don't care how many kids he has or how long he's been married, the text always comes off crude, like it was written by the ugly kid in high school who has to pretend he knows what boobies look like.

Good and Bad

The bad? I didn't land (yet another) job I'd applied for, making me quite grumpy for a minute. Then, a small burst of good news. The Journal-Sentinel has asked me to do a holiday column, w/ the editor stating that "From previous columns of yours, I think you could do one with the right feel, be broad enough to appeal to all readers, and also steer clear of politics." So there's a coupla bucks in my pocket.


Junie after dance class 11/15/10

Ginger's first school bus ride

Despite attending K3 for the first time the week prior, September 8th was the first day Ginger took the bus to and from school. Unlike our experience with Smiley, who was both picked up and dropped off in front of the house, Ginger must travel to a bus stop a few blocks away each morning (although she is dropped off at home).

The good thing about all of this is that it forces up to be up earlier, and because of that all the kids have been getting to school on time for once. Yay!

Here's how I captioned the following photos: My scared baby takes the bus for the first time

She was only upset for a minute or two, but I was nervous to see how she'd handle the day. This caption? A change of heart; Ginger after her bus trip home.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Today is my parent's 40th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to them, and may they enjoy 25 more together!

Towers of Midnight

I just finished Towers of Midnight, the 13th book in the Wheel of Time series. As expected, it's a well written, engaging storyline populated with characters you know better than you know yourself (and small wonder, unless you've written 13 autobiographies of 1000 pgs each). The sun has begun to set upon the Third Age; Tarmon Gai’don is near. May the Light preserve us all.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stem Fest

Stem fest with brownie troop 3057 and junior troop 1373, sooo much fun. Silk screened our own bags, and made our own perfume. The girls were about as excited as the adults, lol. Can't use the perfume til Tuesday, and they're chompin' at the bit! Good times with great kids and even better fellow lady-scouts, lol. - Lisa

Nightmare on Elm Street

Just finished watching the new "Nightmare on Elm Street". It was pretty good, but I'm not a fan of the new Nancy, or the humorless Freddy. 

The worst part? The preschool picture, w/ all the kids in the ancient outfits? It was dated *1994*. I was wearing flannel and mourning Kurt when those buggers were being potty trained. Ugh.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

We watched "Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore". It was fine, if you can stomach watching a fantasy world where dogs are remotely as smart as cats.

Smiley's K5 School Picture

Thursday, November 11, 2010


In Schaumberg, eating @ IKEA

One Summer Day

11:57 am: I'm sitting in the kiddie pool w/ Pdiddy [Smiley] & Ginger, reading a bk & soaking up the sun. 'seems the possum is again residing in our yrd, judging by the poop pile & a fat chipmunk just ran up 2 me, realized his booboo & did a 180.

12:21 pm : Update: make that a family of chipmunks. Once the scout returned with our location, they all came out & raced around the outside of the pool like a Commanche raiding party, then stopped and glared as if to say "Whatchu gonna do about it big man?" before running off under the shed.

Sept 1st through the 6th

September 1st

Lisa and I just finished watching the complete first season of "Big Love", a drama about a polygamist family in Utah. It's well written with top notch acting. We'll be sure to watch the other seasons.

Don't believe that crap that you're as young as you feel. Your feelings lie.

[RE: David Garrett, a classical violinist who plays renditions of rock songs] I like his album but I recognize it's a gimmick. If he wants to elevate the commercial appeal of his instrument, then he should compose pop/rock music for the violin, instead of just adapting old hits.

September 2nd

How you can tell Farmville has taken over your life: Lisa and I were in the produce section when she asked me if I'd ever heard of a sale item called an asian apple pear. I stared at her for a second in disbelief, then answered - unintentionally - in valley girl upspeak: "Uhhhh, *yeah*, I raise them on my farm."

September 3rd

Women are the repository of personal details in the lives of all who intersect their worlds - Sara Paretsky

This is one of 4 sunflower plants Smiley and I planted this summer. He really loves gardening.

September 4th

So my Escort got a flat last night when a friend borrowed it, returning it to my parking slab with the rim damaged. Sigh. This morning, the same car won't start. It is inevitable - my cars work only in summer. At the onset of cold weather I should just think ahead and buy a bus pass.

LuLu got the 1st tomato from her Topsy Turvy Tomato Plant today.


Yes, I own Ke$ha's album 'Animal', and yes, Lisa and the kids play this song whenever possible. "D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R a dinosaur, an O-L-D man, Old man, At first we thought that it was kinda ill/ when we thought that you were like a billion And still tryna make a killing/Get back to the museum"

We're watching my Godson TJ today. Here we are on the front porch, along with some candids we snapped later.

We just saw Justin Beiber on SNL, and called the girls down to watch him perform. Olivia is well and truly in love w/ the guy, and Lauren says his name so cute. Anywho, while the Haters Hate, the kid produces enjoyable music with a radio friendly hook. Also of note: he did a fine job replicating Luda's rap from "Baby".

September 6th (Labor Day)

Any job is better at time and a half.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mass and Legion

Saturday night Lisa and I took the Bookends with us to Mass (Lu was ill and Smiley was at Grandma’s). As expected, our Feral Child was less than perfect, but still did OK :) 

I’ve also finished reading Legion, a novella by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a hoot, and features a character that deserves to return in a longer format. Unfortunately, its size prohibits me from listing it among my “read’” list for the year.

LuLu's 2nd Grade School Picture

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

W on O

Watching Dubya on Oprah. I adore that man, I truly do.

A Bad Evening

The kids were awful tonight. Junie picked up her dinner plate & chucked it across the table; we put her to bed w/out supper. Meanwhile Smiley's had 7 or 8 crying fits (no exaggeration), YaYa was moody, and LuLu was a demon before she fell asleep before supper. All the kids are now in bed for the night. I don't care if it is 6pm, or if homework's done - enough.


It's a beautiful, warm November day and Smiley and LuLu are outside w/ me in the backyard. They are playing a game called - can u believe this? - "Fartchicken"

Monday, November 8, 2010

August 25th - Sept 1st

August 25th

Lisa's mildly p.o.'d at me (what a novelty, eh?) because she dyed her hair a deep, dark red at my request. Uh, a) she doesn't listen to me about anything else, so y start now? b) it's not *half* as dark as I had hoped, so it's not like she 'caved' to my demands c) it looks hot against her pale skin. C'mon - I work hard to look THIS freakin' hot for her, it's only fair she returns the favor. ;)

Lemon law - it's gonna be a thing! - How I Met Your Mother's Barney

August 26th

Ok, saw the Percy Jackson movie and thought it was top notch. The kids enjoyed it a lot but I don't dig PJ murdering his step-dad after the credits rolled (WTF??- glad my kids had already left the room; don't need them getting [more] ideas). Also saw JLO in "Back Up Plan", which was entertaining and featured a fine supporting cast. Easily her best rom-com since "Maid . . ."

It [Marc Cohn's Listening Booth 1970] is a mighty fine album. Pick up a copy.

For no good reason I was up until 5 a.m., then woke up for good at 9:30. It is now just shy of 1 p.m., and I am already a right mean bugger. It's gonna be a doozy of a day.

A Muslim soldier who enlisted in 2009 is refusing deployment to Iraq, citing a conflict with his religous and ethical duties. No comment.

August 27th

WARNING: All my kids have Pillow Pets, courtesy of the various grandparent's, but it turns out that Grace's is a *knock off* , sold fraudulently at a kiosk at Southridge. We'll be contacting the mall officials tomorrow. Despite what the workers tell you, they are NOT pillow pets.

I have come to the conclusion that the sight of a woman wearing capri's and open toed sandals is a gift from God on par with sunsets, kittens, and Oreos. Well done Lord, well done.

August 28th

[Following news of yet another Mexican atrocity] Mexico is a good and proper mess right now, and it's only going to get worse. BTW, the State Dept has ordered the children of American diplomats out of Monterrey citing the danger in Mexico.

Lisa purchased, transported, and set up a twin bed set for Ginger today while I was at work. [thanks!] That means we have a) no more bottles b) no more diapers c) no more cribs [the last of which was converted to a toddler bed for her a year and a half ago]. All milestones, & all good news - but I must admit I got nostalgic walking thru the baby aisle at Pick 'N Save today.

August 29th

It is now 403 am. If I am not hungover in the morning, then I did something wrong.

August 31st

This record [John Mellencamp's "No Better Than This"] is growing on me. "No one cares about me" is a memorable song, and there is, to my ears, a mature Buddy Holly vibe to some of the album.

Finished " The Automatic Detective" by A Lee Martinez; a fun read. I finished it here in a dr's waiting rm on a Nook. Answered several ?'s about the unit. Think I sold one, actually.

[this one only makes sense if you know the kids true names, but it's sooo cute] True story: As you know YaYa is my oldest, but her younger brother doesn't quite grasp the dictionary meaning of her name. When I said the Hail Mary with Smiley the other day, he balked at the traditional wording and came back with "Hail Mary, full of Smiley . . . "

September 1st

It's 3 in the morning and me, Lisa and her friend are sitting on the front porch watching the rain come down.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Dance Intensive

 Grace is up in Wausau at a two-day dance 'intensive', a seminar that includes a solid 6hrs of dance tomorrow. Pics of her departure were posted earlier. Here's an email from her to Lisa (I didn't warrant one apparently

🙂 " hi mom we're at the motel, havin lots of fun.... syl !!!! love u gracie i would write more but only got 20 mins!!! your daughter gracie/gracye"

nervous much Grace? LOL....the kid peed three times in 15 minutes!- Lisa

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Dead Path by Stephen M. Irwin

I finished "The Dead Path" by Australian writer Stephen M. Irwin. It's a ghost/horror novel reminiscent of Straub's "Ghost Story", and it's quite good; intelligent, well written, and disturbing in all the right places. BTW, I first saw the book advertised here, on FB, on one of those sidebar ads. So I guess they do work sometimes :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I just finished 'Splice' , a horror film about a genetically engineered humanoid. It wasn't terrifying, but it was intelligent & raised some valid concerns about that line of research. It also featured the oddest sex scene I've ever seen in a mainstream film. BTW,  I found the female researcher morally repugnant, start to finish. In another life she would have been sewing kids together in a concentration camp.

"Little Lisa's" 1st Day of School Ever!

On September 1st Ginger, our youngest, had her first day of K3. After trying (and failing) to get our first three children accepted into a Montessori program, Ginger got the nod. :) Note that she looks apprehensive in some of the photos, proof that sometimes a still image lies. She was happy and very excited that day, and never showed a whiff of fear or trepidation.