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Monday, December 27, 2010

FB - the end of October

Oct 22nd

Nothing happens until it happens to you.

I received notice today that I *didn't* get that job. A 90 min interview that went like buttah, passed the reasoning/honesty test, good references, the right experience & education . . . & nada. At this point I usually doubt my own worth, but in this instance, the last step (credit ck) had to be the nail in the coffin. Two yrs ago, w/ every bill pd promptly on time each month, this job would have been mine. Damn.

Oct 23rd

After work Lisa & I watched "Frozen", a movie about 3 skiers who are mistakenly stranded on a ski lift when the resort closes for the week. From the start you *know* it's going to get ugly - and it does - but it was a solid effort and enjoyable (for us, not them).

Lulu is a big fan of 'Bony Legs' by Joanna Cole

Nine years ago today, at 4:20 in the afternoon, our YaYa came into our lives. Happy Birthday kiddo!

Oct 24th

I'm not a fan of football coverage on CBS. How Phil Simms ever got a job speaking for a living boggles the mind.

We took YaYa to CC's Pizza yest. for her bday, and to preview it for her bday party there today. Great price, good salad/soup, no decor whatsoever, mediocre pizza, artificially pleasant staff. The cinnamon buns rocked, I'll give 'em that. I wouldn't choose to return on my own, but YaYa and Lisa walked away as fans.

New drinking game: take a shot whenever LuLu trips, bumps into a counter, pokes herself in the eye, or otherwise finds legitimate reason to yell "Owieee!". I guarantee even a lush would be drunk by noon. And here's the rub: she's a natural athlete and dancer. Seriously. It just . . . doesn't seem to carry over to everyday life. ;)

[note: this update spawned a witty reply from my friend Carlos. " So that's how you hide the abuse? Get all drunk and blame the kid?
"Oh officer, she fell, seriously" Sad Dan... Really really sad."]

Eat shit and die, you purple wearing hillbilly Judas. [Brett Favre]

Oct 25th (my anniversary)

Dork alert: as of this morning I've met my annual [minimum] reading goal, finishing my 52nd book of the year. My bucket list goal has always been to crack the century mark, but as an adult I've never read more than 84 in a year.

I finished the horror novel "Let the Right One In" by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindqvist. It's the 2nd bk of his I've read, & looking over my list for the yr I think this might very well be THE best bk I've read in '10. He is a writer that can terrify you while never losing a deeply emotional connection to the characters & their world. I am in awe of his talent.

Obviously I dislike Favre. But independent of that, I've noticed for years that the minute he screws up - aka his classic INT's - he begins to limp, hold his elbow, grab his lower back, etc. Sure, he's banged up, but??? I'm not the only one to notice. Quote the article: "Of course, when he briefly believed he had hit . . . a game-winning touchdown . . . Favre was running around like he could do a 4.4-second 40-yard dash."

[from Lisa]: Happy 14th Anniversary!

Milwaukee is facing the worst windstorm since 1998 (a storm that killed four here).

Oct 26th

[a Muslim truck driver is suing his employer after they terminated him for not delivering Miller Lite ]He failed to do his job, wrongly using Islam as an 'out', & now threatens to use it as a club over the head of his former employers. By all rights he should be LOL'd out of town - it is his JOB after all, one he sought out, and one that by definition requires him to also deliver swimsuit magazines, pork products & many other "objectionable" items. Did he refuse those too, and if didn't - why not? Does he pick & choose when to obey his God?

The 30ft tree in front of my house is swaying w/ the wind. Not just the branches, *the whole* tree. Gulp.

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel endorses Scott Walker for Governor.

Taylor Swift's album "Speak Now" got a B+ from

Watching He-Man on Qubo.

Oct 27th

I stayed up late last night to finish 'The Twelfth Imam' by Joel C Rosenburg, only to have it conclude w/ a cliffhanger. Apparently it's the start of a series. Phooey. I doubt I'll pick up the 2nd bk. The story was good, even if the characters were shallow, but it wandered off into End Times schtuff near the end. C'mon now, this is a CIA thriller, not 'Left Behind'. C.

Oct 28th

Book 'em Danno. Hawail Five-O's James MacArthur passes away. RIP.

YaYa with some of her Taylor Swift posters:

Oct 29th

‎"Get Him to the Greek" was a fun movie, but awfully repetitive. Cut out 2 or 3 scenes - any scenes - and it would be a much better flick.

Oct 30th

Last night we watched the film version of "Let the Right One in", a Swedish film w/ English dubbing. Everyone in the room enjoyed it but I don't think it measured up to the book. Of course, that might just me being a book snob. Of note: the climactic scene was WICKED, and brought a 'Holy Bleep!" from everyone in the room. One of the best 30 seconds of horror *ever*.

[6:20 PM] I'm on the front porch w/ the kids, passing out Halloween candy.

[9:19 PM] Just left a Halloween party @ the invite of our friend Darlene. It featured a haunted house for the kids.

Oct 31st

We just finished watching season one of Hell's Kitchen. Great show. We used to watch the F Word and Kitchen Nightmares on BBC America, so we came into it w/ respect for Gordon, but of the three I think this one is our fave. Time to put season 2 on our Netflix queue.

I've finished "Layover in Dubai", a non-political thriller set in the Middle East. The plot was . . . well, there wasn't much of one, but the setting was rich and detailed and the two main characters were well developed. It held my interest. B.

RIP Theodore Sorensen, one of JFK's aides and speech writer.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Peaceful Christmas

Happy Boxing Day. I spent Xmas PM making a dinner of ham, potatoes, green beans, and (1st x ever) homemade bread pudding.  The latter was greeted with gag reflexes by the kids, but Lu & Smiley wound up liking it. Then, w/ our friend Chris over it was a night of 'Survivor: Vanuatu', 'Kitchen Nightmares', & Anne Francis in an episode of 'Honey West'.  Hope u all had a great & peaceful Christmas.

Quote from Christmas

"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider" - Francis Bacon Sr (quote on a leather book weight Lisa got me for Christmas)

Fantasy football, some more RIP's, books, and Indian food

October 16th

RIP Mrs. Cleaver (Barbara Billingsley)

Oct 17th

The Badgers knocked off #1 Ohio State! Whoo-hoo! On Wisconsin baby!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel states that German multiculturalism has "absolutely failed." Huh. Between France and Germany, it looks like Europe is finally wising up. Wonder when it'll be our turn?

Neck to neck in my fantasy matchup this week. My gut says it'll come down to the numbers Peyton puts up tonight.

Despite a 3 digit score my fantasy team lost by under 5 pts. Take away Manning's fumble & Cooley's exit, and the game was mine. That makes *3* losses decided by 10 pts or less. An optimist would say that means I've done my homework & just had some bad luck. A pessimist would say that the scores mean I could've won, if only I'd put forth one extra bit of effort. A Dan would say, who cares? I'm 1-5 & dead in the water.

Oct 18th

I just returned from a 90 minute interview with two regional managers who came in from Chicago for the Q&A. Wish me luck - if I don't get it, it certainly isn't for lack of effort.

Oct 19th

Lisa's van had a flat tire this morning, a gash in the sidewall that meant a good chunk of change was spent before 9 a.m. OTOH, our local Pick 'n Save now carries sushi! About time. Whoo-hoo!

RIP Mr. Cunningham (Tom Bosley)

Howsabout that? My fantasy commish intervened in the outcome of last weekend's game, noting that Yahoo failed to properly post a lineup change that should have *cost* my opponent four points. The other owner concurred. The result? I won, changing my W/L to 2-4, which sounds a heck of a lot nicer than 1-5.

I finished Carter's "White House Diary" & will prob do a write-up on my blog. Meanwhile, I polished off Robert B Parker's "Painted Ladies" on the Nook today. It's (presumably) the late author's last Spenser novel, & while it was enjoyable I thought I caught a few instances were characters spoke or acted 'off' - perhaps the hand of a 2nd author polishing the text? Either way, RIP RBP, RIP.

I've been listening to Yankee radio out of an Albany station. So far Texeria pulled a hammy, the Yanks can't bring a run to the plate if you gave them an armed escort, and Josh Hamilton has homered twice tonight (4 for the series). We're going to lose this game, but hopefully we'll regroup and come back to win 3 in a row.

Oct 20th (Lisa's Bday!)

We received our first Christmas card of the year (!), from a blog reader in Great Britain. She wrote that she was sending it on what her post office claimed was the "last possible" date for overseas mail to arrive by Christmas, but acknowledged they were probably full of it. I guess mail service employees are the same the world over, eh?

Whatever your political leanings, the JSOnline "Choose your Candidate in the 2010 Governor's Race" quiz is woefully biased. Every ? is phrased to make one side the devil and the other sound like Christ himself. I would have been turned off by something that blatant on a partisan site, much less in an 'objective' major newspaper.

‎'finished "Write it When I'm Gone" by Thomas DeFrank. It's a collection of Gerald Ford interviews done over a 30yr period, all w/ the understanding they were off the record until his death. No surprises, other than that he was quite an astute predictor of future political events. The text is often circuitous & repeats the same anecdotes chapters apart, but it's an interesting read. B-

Oct 21st

We watched LESLIE, MY NAME IS EVIL (alt title Manson, My Name is Evil). It's either a poorly written attempt to rationalize the Manson murders as a by product of Vietnam, -or- a platonic love story btwn a fictional juror and Leslie Van Houton. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't good either. Ample sex scenes with beautiful women; unfortunately they were covered in blood much of the time. Yuck. C.

A taxpayer funded entity [NPR] fires a man [Juan Williams] for expressing the right to free speech. If his comments were about Christianity and not Islam, NPR would no doubt give him a raise.

The paper today has an article on 'dirt rain' that blanketed Milwaukee recently. As a victim of it myself, it was quite a pain to wash off the car.

Most people are mostly good, most of the time - Gerald Ford

We had white chili and cheese quesadillas for dinner, & the kids gobbled it up without complaint. As a matter of fact there were no leftovers. Bully for them - when I was a kid I wouldn't have tried so much as a bite of it. We've more or less agreed that since the kids are so willing to try new food, we'll cook up Indian soon. Quote Lu: "Indian? Like, Indian corn and stuff?"

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!


It isn't the best picture in the world, but as usual Lisa's done a grand job of decorating our tree. This is our first year with this a 7ft artificial tree that we got for free (yes, free) courtesy of a Craigslist poster who upgraded his own model.

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday with the ones you love as you celebrate our Saviour's birth.

‎"Every mother, when she picks up the young life that has been born to her, looks up to the heavens to thank God for the gift which made the world young again. But here was a mother, a madonna, who did not look up. She looked down to Heaven, for this was Heaven in her arms." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Weight by Andrew Vachh

I finished Andrew Vacch's 'The Weight', which I quite liked six weeks ago when I was 50 pgs in. Then, through no fault of the book itself, I had to finish it in blocks of 20 or 30 pgs over a month long period. By the end I resented the hell out of the novel. Couldn't stand to even look at it. Anyhow, it's the last bk I'm reading in '10. I'm done read out for the year.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


If a train is coming @ you, closing your eyes won't save you. But if u look right @ it, you at least have a chance to jump.

The Loss of Franklin the Turtle and other news

Oct 9th

Not the greatest day in the world. A headache, a dinner out w/ grouchy kids, and some other schtuff that wasn't the greatest. But I did get a a call back from Chicago re: a potential job, thank God. In other news, I've decided to ditch the TV version of 'Dexter'. It is a good show, well acted/written, but I prefer the books. So why waste X amount of hours watching it when I could watch something I'll love?

Oct 10th

Tonight, near midnight, I pocket texted my supervisor endlessly for nearly 15 minutes, prompting her to write me a pleading yet snarking message to stop. Bet that'll go over well on my next review.

Congrats to my Yankees for advancing to the ALCS!!!! WOO HOO!!!! Only 8 more wins 'til #28! (they lost the ALCS)

I came home from work to find that the kids had taken Franklin, our pet turtle, out in the yard to play. They *also* went to bed w/out taking him back inside. With the possum prowling around, I'm not sure he was even around to be found by the time I was done w/ work, but I scoured the yard w/ a work light and an extension cord. No luck. He's still MIA. He's been part of the family since Feb '05, predating Smiley. Damn.

It is wise to remember that you are one of those who can be fooled some of the time - Lawrence Peter

Good - the Vatican aims to strengthen Christian communities in the Middle East

Oct 11th

I cleaned the toys off the lawn & raked it all. I moved their playhouse & everything in it. I went through the compost pile. I trimmed the weeds by the trampoline. i moved the trampoline itself and searched underneath. No Franklin. Maybe he skedaddled 'neath the shed, but if he did he's SOL. Lisa wants to think he's quote "truckin'" endquote on down to the pond at the park, & I guess we'll let that myth stand.

In other, happier news: Saturday Lis & watched "Kinky Boots", a Brit film about a man who inherits his father's failing shoe factory & tries to save it by making custom made boots for drag queens. Surprisingly non-camp, the film is predictable but sweet and entertaining. We also picked up LaRoux's album; other than the techno 'Bulletproof', the CD is very mellow, not at all what we expected.

‎"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." - Carl Sagan

Oct 12th

We just cleaned Gingers's room. She really is 1/2 of the 'bookends' - like YaYa, she's a hoarder. Unlike YaYa, however, she also destroys. One drawer had 1/4" of rice crispies; another was coated with orange kool-aid powder she rubbed into the wood. Spilled nail polish & paint. Broken toys. Rotten apples. Broken CHINA. It took two 13 gal. garbage bags + 2 laundry baskets and 2 LAWN & GARDEN bags to clean up the mess. Ok, to be fair 1/2 of the garden bags were devoted to toys I jettisoned, so I guess *that* doesn't count.

For Family Night this week I rented the live action "Marmaduke" and made cajun style salmon cakes with rice and broccoli. Cue the standard kid reactions to unknown food, but they all tried it. Heck, LuLu even liked it. But the best, most honest reaction to my meal? Smiley took a big bite, swallowed, and said "It taste yuck. Me feel like I 'ave to 'uke"

The first of the 33 men trapped in a Chilean mine since August 5 has arrived at the surface in a rescue capsule, greeted by hugs and cheers. - CNN

Oct 13th

I caught Ginger having a tea party in her room. Her drink of choice (which she was chugging liberally)? The pail of water we'd used to mop her floor.

The last of the Chilean miners has reached the surface, and I'm so genuinely happy for all of them it's nuts. What a great, honest, moving story of heroism and determination. Kudos to the government of Chile for fixing the problem, not the blame, and doing everything they could to rescue their people. I wish nothing but the best for the miners and their families. God Bless them all!

Oct 14th

A few days ago I finished "Star Island" by Carl Hiassen, an entertaining but forgettable novel about a spoiled pop star. I'm now ~ 150 pg's into Jimmy Carter's "White House Diary", which would mark the 4th bk on his Presidency I've read in the last 12 months. It's fascinating stuff, and at some point I'll devote a blog post or FB 'note' to some talking points about the text.

Took Smiley to visit his old school & sign him up for speech. The outporing of love for him there was great - everyone from office staff to teachers came to hug him, comment on his growth spurt, & tell him they miss him. His old teach even let him spend 1/2 hr in her class w/ his old friends. Best line? She sd his summer school teach emailed her to say Park liked being Heidi's student 'cuz she "blond and pretty" :)

Ironic license plate of the day: SUBTL T

Oct 15th

I've finished "Bad Blood", a Virgil Flowers mystery by John Sandford I read entirely on a Nook. It was great start to finish, and those last fifty pages - whoa.

‎"30 Days of Night: Dark Days"? I didn't even pay for the rental, and I *still* want a refund.


'Bear', a 2010 movie directed by John Rebel, was just . . . yeah. 

I'm not sure who should be more embarrassed, the folks responsible for creating this drivel, or yours truly for thinking "well, crap, at least *they* managed to get something produced. What does that say about my own talent?"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

 Just in case anyone was wondering, I don't play farmville, or ANY other computer game. Dan does my farm when he gets the time because he likes having two farms to tend, lol. So If I don't know what the hell you're talking about when you're referring to my farm, that's why 🙂 - Lisa

The 15 Directors Quiz

15 Directors in 15 Minutes

The Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen Directors who've influenced you and that will ALWAYS STICK WITH YOU. List the first fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes..

Steven Spielberg

Francis Ford Coppola

James Cameron

Roman Polanski

Alfred Hitchcock

John Ford

Victor Fleming

Ashley Altodonna


Oliver Stone

Frank Capra

Clint Eastwood

Billy Wilder

John Landis

Martin Scorsese

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dance Class 2010-11

After a one year hiatus caused by financial hardship, the kids are now back in dance class, thanks to a generous payment option.

Actually, this is the first year *all* of the kids are dancing, which is a heck of a blow to our schedule. Monday's YaYa, Smiley and Ginger dance, which means we have to keep the two little one's busy for nearly two hours while YaYa dances. (it's too far to drive home and back). Saturday morning's are devoted to Lu's class.

These are some camera phone pics Lisa took on the sly, as parents aren't even supposed to be in the studio during a class.

Movies, Farmville, and Baseball - FB the 1st week of October

Oct 3rd

Watched the first two episodes of Carnivale; I liked it, & will add the rest to my Netflix list. Still loving the hell out of the BBC "Life on Mars". The kids liked "The Last Song" but I didn't see more than 5 minutes of it. Wish i could say the same for "MacGruber", which was piss-fing-poor even by SNL movie standards. We could only stomach 15 minutes before throwing the DVD out the window.

Oct 4th

4X this school year my oldest three have been late for school because Lauren's bus can't make up its mind if it wants to be 10 min early or 20 min late for the scheduled pickup. %$%#

After work, w/ the other kids off at dance or Girl Scouts, I took LuL to Tenuta's for a kiddie cocktail and an order of garlic bread (1/2 price before six folks). As usual she was a chatterbox as we sat at the bar, and it was a good time. She's a good kid, she really is. Short, but good ;)

Oct 5th

Last night a nightmare woke me up at 3 in the morning. I was absolutely convinced that Whoopi Goldberg had died, and woke Lisa up to tell her. Why my subconscious would give a sh** about her passing is still under investigation.

Oct 6th

Every problem has a solution, except for those that do not.

Rule #1 for the thriller/action/horror filmmaker: in the first act you must either explain why the protagonist's cell phone isn't working, or conspire to destroy/lose it before the action starts. If you don't, four minutes into the flick the audience is wondering why the dummy doesn't just call 911.

Oct 7th

Today is the 25th anniversary of the cartoon She-Ra.

Financially troubled Grand Avenue Mall is up for sale.

Yesterday the Phillies' Halladay pitched a no-hitter in the NLDS. Wow. Great job.

Here's some more Farmville pics.

I've finished "Handling the Undead" by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindvist. Yes, superficially it's a zombie novel, as the dead do rise, but that label does it a disservice. The dead are not violent, active, or even aware; the story is not about them, but about how their appearance affects the relationships and emotions of their loved ones. It's a damn good novel, and well written.

We watched "The Time Traveler's Wife" tonight. I don't regret the 90 minutes we spent watching it, but I'd rate it slightly less than average. Still, an OK 'pass the time' - no pun intended - flick.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Sweet Gesture

Here's an odd place for an otherwise sweet note:  "Have a good night Mom & Dad. I love you! Gracie". The place she wrote it? On the first sheet of the toilet paper roll in the bathroom. I saw it and left it for Lisa, thinking she'd see it and we'd share a chuckle. Alas, I believe it went unseen and was put to a. .  .more traditional use.

Cirque de Freak: The Vampires Assistant and The Other Guys

Recent viewing: 'Cirque de Freak: The Vampires Assistant' turned out to be a fun little movie, and well worth the spot on my Netflix queue. 'The Other Guys' was much funnier than advertised and I stand by my ever-present adoration of Will Ferrell. "Gator's bi**hes better be wearin jimmies!". Classic!

A whole heapin' helping of quick TV reviews

Sept 27th

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." --Japanese Proverb

Buncha quick TV thoughts to follow in my updates - why? Why not? If you had something better to do than read my posts, you wouldn't have time to be on FB in the first place.

We just started Season 4 of Big Love. No spoilers please, but I can't help thinking Bill is ignoring his true calling. He is destined to be the One True Prophet of Juniper Creek. Also - I'm a new fan of 'Big Bang Theory' (~1/2 way into season 1). I love Sheldon, but Lisa doesn't seem as adoring of the show. Mayhaps a past as a dork helps breed empathy.

I've begun watching the original BBC series "Life on Mars." LOVE it. Also nearly done with Season 1 of "How I met your Mother". While I love Barney (NPH rocks!) I think the actor playing Ned dragggggggs the show down. I dig it, but overall I have to grade it a B-

RIP Titanic star Gloria Stuart, age 100.

How fitting. On this day in 1939 the free and just people of Warsaw fell to the Nazis. 71 years later the Bears triumph over the Packers. No good can come of September 27th.

Sept 28th

Not the appropriate response to your wifes complaint: Tonight the brunette Danny-girl from across the street knocked on my door, introduced herself, and asked to borrow our blender. I obliged. "Don't you think that's ballsy," Lisa said. "Knocking on a stranger's door and asking for their blender?" To which I replied: "Did you *see* her??? If she'd asked to borrow our car I'd have signed over the title."

Sept 29th

I've finished 'Dexter is Delicious', the newest of the series (#5) that inspired the hit show. Well written w/ an interesting plot, & very enjoyable.

For family nt yest. We suprised our oldest 3 by taking them to see 'Ramona & Beezuz' @ the budget showhouse. It was a great family movie, w/ a contemporary urgency to the plot, great acting and best of all true to Bev Cleary's characters. A+

I'm loving Hells Kitchen! They HAVE to keep Raj - that nut is a pip! [Lisa's response: yeah, highly enjoyable last night....esp. watching it w/ you. xoxo]

Arod hit his 30th homer of the year tonight - to go along with 122 RBI's! That's the 13th season in a row he's reached the 30 dinger plateau. Well done sir. You are the best of the best, and I bow to you.

A day late, but what the hell: I didn't love the Glee Brittany episode. There were some laughs, sure. Yet overall I thought it was poorly written and oddly constructed, w/ the music forced into place as an afterthought. Yawn. Plus, what's with the wheelchair kid joining the football team? Must this show ALWAYS push political correctness to the point of absurdity? It's wearing thin.

Ooooo, Big Love season 4 is getting juicy!!

I've finished Flashforward, the Robert J Sawyer novel that was supposedly the inspiration for the short lived series. El boringo, w/ a thin plot, little action, and enough science jargon to fill a txtbk. Blech. C-

Sept 30th

We just finished watching Season 4 of Big Love . . whoa Nelly! That is a Damn Good Show.

Oct 1st

Watched the pilot for Psych. I enjoyed it but found the characters too flippant; I think I can safely cross this show off my netflix list.

Rumor is Glee is planning a NSYNC episode, which I think is bull---t. I like NSYNC, but if they pass up NKOTB in favor of mere pretenders to the throne, count me as an ex-Gleek.

I had high hopes for this [Brian Wilson Reimagines Gershwin] album. The 'genius' of Brian Wilson reinterpreting Gershwin sounded good on paper. The reality? Blech. Wilson's 'signature' sound is just the same dated Beach Boy vibe trotted out again and again, and he does no justice to the Gershwin catalog. I suppose if you are a huge Beach Boy fan it's palatable, but otherwise D-

Oct 2nd

I forgot just how much I miss David Tennant until I saw him walk on screen.

According to a Bay View Compass article YaYa brought home, Bellas Fat Cat 's food license expired JUNE 30th, & they were ordered closed to the public on July 14th - yet they were seen serving customers as LATE AS SEPT 1ST. Any chance of them reopening is kaput now that the truth is out, &I just drove by and saw a "for lease" sign in the window.

RIP TV Producer Steven J. Cannell.

To my (happy) surprise, my oldest girls not only asked to watch the vid clips i posted earlier, but declared themselves big fans of 'Lauren Cooper' and her tagline "Am I bovvered?". As late as a few minutes ago Liv recited the line, which inspired my own Lauren to walk up to me and say "You not bovvered Daddy, you not bovvered

A busy, productive day. Lu had dance in the AM, whileSmileyr went to Home Depot's kid class w/ grandma before heading to her house for a sleepover; then some grocery shopping and a trip to pay the Cricket bill. We spent 3-4 hrs this PM cleaning the office (I discarded ~50 bks - ouch!), the pantry, & washing dishes; then visited w/ our friend Chris before watching "The Last Song" w/ the girls & making milkshakes.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

On to the end of September . . .

Sept 25th

Why I am not employed by the UN: Smiley & I were raking leaves when he told me a boy in his class was 'mean' and hitting other kids.
"He ever hit you?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Naw, not 'et".
"Huh," I said. "Well, if he does, beat his ass. Then tell your teacher."

Some camera phone pics of the kids:

70-3 at Camp Randall??? For a second I didn't realize it was a football score. I just assumed someone had tallied my lifetime record w/ redheads.

I just read an online review of the 1982 version of 'Annie', a movie my ma took her Brownie troop to see back in the day. The reviewer was appalled by the "foul" language and called it far too adult and "risque" for her (presumably obnoxious) children. WTH?! When you have whackjobs like that for a parent, you're sure to wound up in therapy. Get a freakin' life.

At this point I think our culture is programmed to find fault in everything and everyone; humans would do well to relearn the art of shutting up and just living their own life.
On Stephen Colbert, a comedian, being called to testify in front of Congress (in character!) . I know our country actually went to shit long long ago, but we should really stop trying to advertise that fact at every opportunity. Why the hell was he invited to testify in character?

Sept 26th

Let me be honest to the pt of vulgarity: if she was not a celebrity, by virtue of her face Leann Rimes would be considered a two-bagger - on a good day.

I don't understand why step 2 of the job application process was to upload my resume, while step 3 and 4 is to replicate it by typing in endless fill in the blanks. What was the point of asking for the resume in the first place??????

Sept 27th

I'm torn. I've been a very nice person (well, by my standards) for a few years now and my life has gone to shit. So, I'm thinking . . . maybe it's time to resurrect the douche. I enjoyed life quite a bit more when I was making people enjoy theirs less, and the bills were certainly paid quicker. So what do you think? Y/N?

Even with a WR set to play tonight, I've already notched a win in my fantasy league. I am now (wait for it!) 1-2 on the year! Whoo-hoo! ;)
I should have won last week too, when I posted a score well above the century mark, but of course I was playing the lucky yahoo who got 20 pts from everyone from the kicker to the waterboy.

LuLu & friend at roller rink yest:


Pray with your heart, not just your words. Be always good to people. That is prayer. - paraphrase William Peter Blatty, from "Crazy"

Friday, December 17, 2010


Yeah, I'm about done w/ this whole Tooth Fairy business. YaYa is complaining, again, that we're ignoring her recent 'loss'. 


I'm lost teeth in the last five years, and what did *I* get? A bunch of dentist bills and a hillbilly smile, thank you very much.

[seriously, give us a minute kid: we don't just put a buck under the pillow, we get an inexpensive but cool little gift. We just can't pull that out of a wallet.]

Thursday, December 16, 2010

15 Authors in 15 minutes

The Rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen authors (poets included) who have always influenced you and will always stick with you. List the first 15 you can recall in no more than 15 minutes, and they don't have to be listed in order of relevance to you.

1. Beverly Cleary

2. Louis L'Amour

3.Robert B Parker

4.Stephen King

5. Peter Straub

6.Joseph Heller

7. Rudyard Kipling

8. Mario Puzo

9. Herman Wouk

10.Robert Jordan

11. Bernard Cornwell

12. Lawrence Block

13. Bruce Catton

14. Neil Gaiman

15. Walter Lord

Honorable Mention: John Sandford, Ed McBain, Robert Crais, Steinbeck, Agatha Christie, Dick Francis, Hemingway, Heinlein (minus his piss poor characterizations of women), the author(s) behind the Three Investigator's series and Landmark's history books, along with the staff of the Britannica Young Person's Encyclopedia, Lawrence Sanders, Michael Connelly and, naturally, myself :)

Note: Other than Cleary (and my last second edit of Agatha Christie) there are no female authors on the list. That isn't intentional, but I've noted the fact on prior lists and it continues to bother me.

The Hell's Kitchen Results

I'm not sure I agree w/ choosing Nona as the winner of Hells Kitchen, but I sure as hell recognize Russell as a prison term waiting to happen. Blaming his brigade for his loss, being pissy at the celebration, getting physical on the line - c'mon dude, grow up.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A quick pic of Smiley

Smiley, wearing the Johnny Appleseed cap he made in school (~ September)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

LuLu's 1st Reconciliation!

Lisa Me warming her icicle hands on Lu's oven-like back at Denny's for our after-church celebratory dinner.

The Fort by Bernard Cornwell

I finally finished 'The Fort' by Bernard Cornwell, a novel about the failed Penobscot Expedition of 1779, aka the worst naval disaster in American history prior to Pearl Harbor. 

Incompetence, cowardice, & plain stupidity cost the U.S. not only the battle, but a fleet of warships (and to a much smaller force). Hard to read, 'cuz the American characters were so less than admirable. BTW, Paul Revere was an ass.

The Possession of David O'Reilly

I thought "The Possession of David O'Reilly" was truly frightening, even tho' I would have driven the guy to County Psych long before the 3rd act. It's a low budget Brit film, 4 actors, 1 location, miniscule FX, & an intentionally ambiguous dilemma - is their houseguest completely insane, or is he being terrorized by demons he's now brought to their door? Well done.