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Friday, February 11, 2011

Smiley Learns the Truth about the Tooth Fairy

Smiley just asked if the tooth fairy was real. I asked him if he wanted the truth, & he repeated the ?, as he's prone to do w/ his speech problems.

"I understood you, I want to know if u want the truth."

When he said he did I told him it wasn't real, and that I was the tooth fairy.

"Or Mom," he said, very serious. He thought for a second longer. "Mom is. Fairies are girls. "

The Cypress House by MIchael Koryta

 'tho it meant going to work on shy of 4hrs sleep, I stayed up to finish 'The Cypress House' by Michael Koryta. It's a supernatural story set in the gloomy swamps of Depression-era Florida. Very well written & satisfying. Count me as a fan.

Yeah NO.

NEVER ask for what should be offered - a quote from Winter's Bone, and one that rings true. We used it just this week to teach LuLu a lesson about pride. She was hurt that she's never asked over to a friend's house, while other (wealthier?) kids are, and wanted to call and ask the parents for an invitation. Hell to the No.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Middle Men

I just turned off "Middle Men" w/ 45 min left on the DVD. How do you take a film about porn, strippers, drugs & the mob and make it boring? For starters, bury it under so much narration you think you're listening to an audio book. This ain't Goodfellas, buddy, & you're no Scorsese. Show us the story, don't recite it. Yawn.

Mr. Sunshine

Matthew Perry's new show, "Mr. Sunshine", has taken some heat here on FB but I enjoyed it & found it funny. [Plus my opinion is worth ten of anyone elses, so pbbbt.] Good to see the girlfriend from 'Joey' bed down yet another Friends alum on TV; I eagerly await her future co-starring role with Jen Aniston.

A Knock Knock Joke

Junie: Knock knock

Me: who's there?

Junie: Uh, doctor who

Me: Doctor who who?

Junie: doctor who, uh, soda!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Egads! The long awaited DVD of Project Runway Season 8 arrived via Netflix and won't play! We've been forced to jump ahead 5 episodes & start w/ disc 2. Pfui.

Lu's report

 Lu had to list 3 Presidents as options for a report, & her teacher then chose 1 on a 1st come/1st served basis so there'd be no repetition among the students. Lu listed Obama, Polk & Adams. She got *Obama* which presumably means no one else in the class had him listed high; quite a diff from what MPS, no? She solicited my help to start it. I quipped "Barrack Obama, our 44th President, was born in Kenya . . . "

lol. I thought the book was awfully presumptuous as well, said he was the president till do they know that for sure? I would be creeped out if someone put that, like they jinxed me and tomorrow someone's gonna assassinate me. - Lisa

Paranormal Activity 2

Tonight we watched 'Paranormal Activity 2', a movie that takes place before/during the events of the original. It wasn't bad, if u can stomach a movie where a child may be in danger & can tolerate watching security footage of an empty room where (mostly) nothing happens. A decent waste of 90 minutes & worth a cheap rental.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Groupon Ads

As soon as I saw the Groupon Super Bowl ads I knew some ninnies would throw a fit. They were witty, edgy and just plain funny. Get a sense of humor people, or @ least leave ur gripes out of the media.


 Damn, it is well and truly bitterbit*h cold out there.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bad choice, AOL

 AOL has purchased The Huffington Post and given it complete control over all AOL editorial content. Ugh, yet another reason to seperate from AOL.

The Virginity Hit

We (me, Lisa, Chris) crammed in a viewing of "The Virginity Hit', a mockumentary following a young guy looking to lose his virginity. Much to my surprise it was LOL - the inflatable tranny doll scene had us all but peeing our pants in laughter. it turns out that it was produced by Will Ferrell. Rent it if you have a sense of humor.

Just FYI :)

 I don't know if y'all heard, but the Packers won the Super Bowl. Just thought you'd like to know.

An Alleged Robbery

 A cop just knocked on my door and asked if I witnessed an alleged strong arm robbery directly across the street. A guy says he was robbed * & * bit by the crook's dog. We were in our living room, w/ the bay window uncovered, & saw/heard diddly. Not saying it's a drunk fairytale, but . . . Neat to have to give my name/middle initial/DOB/phone to a cop again. Strange what I miss from Job Prior.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Nowhere Man

Back from work & not happy. Moving on . . 'Nowhere Boy' a biopic of John Lennon's formative years, is a good film. I will note that I was annoyed that the lead actor is 100x better looking than Lennon, and that Paul is portrayed by what appears to be a ten yr old waif. Still, very enjoyable. (creepy incestous Mommy relationship aside)

Scary Smiley!

Smiley's Caillou

My Gals

Love Ranch and The American

We watched 'The American' a few days back, and despite a good trailer & George Clooney in the lead role, it was el-boringo. Criminy, *I* wanted to kill the dull bugger myself by the 3rd act. 

'Love Ranch' a Helen Mirren/Joe Pesci film about a legal brothel in the '70's, was pretty good but ended like a bad TV movie, narration and all.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Woes

Hey you asshat city plow drivers - thanks for burying the entrance to the alley under three feet of snow for the *8th* time. The only reason I'd ever own a dog would be so I could have it take a dump on your lawn.

Just dug out the alley entrance again. The side street to our north is damn impassable, but this yahoo insists on making pass after pass on the driveable street to our south.

While we were out in the alley LuLu konked me on the side of the head with a steel snow shovel. Full force, on a ridiculously comic backswing. Ouch.

Winter's Bone

Btwn shoveling we watched 'Winter's Bone'. Set in the Ozarks, it's about a 17 yr old girl who must find her meth-cooking father or lose the house he put up as a bail bond. It's very bleak, but the acting is superb. And the character of Teardrop? He didn't raise a hand in the whole movie, & he still scared the crap out of me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


We watched 'Cyrus' tonight, a John C. Reilly comedy with a plot that seemed, at first glance, too similar to his awful 'Step Brothers'. No fear; it turned out to be a sweet, mature rom-com. We liked it.

Congrats Aaron!