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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Smiley does a Petition!!!

Smiley volunteered to do a petition @ the school Mass this morning, & all props to the teacher for letting him do it despite his speech problems. We've got him all gussied up & are planning to attend in force, & he's practiced all week. "For all soldiers we pray to the Lord". Sadly, he's so worried about it he had several nightmares last night, meaning sound sleep was in short supply here.


 "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." -Anais Nin

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

On Lara Logan

Lara Logan [The CBS reporter who was gang raped and beaten by a mob of Egyptian 'democracy' protesters] should sue the crap out of cbs.....why have security and camera men at all if they aren't going to do their jobs?! She was basically a bunny amongst wolves. - Lisa

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Nook Complaint

Big fan of the Nook, as you know, and I favor the reading experience and battery life of the b&w over the Color, but I gotta tell ya - the inability to read in dim light is wearing on me. As soon as twilight arrives your reading is done, long before a booklight would be needed for a traditional page. Not liking the idea that a Color might be the weapon of choice when funds allow.

My LuLu in Shades (and some of her work!)



 Enough is as good as a feast

I Spit on Your Grave

 After the Grammy's we (well, Lisa) baked cupcakes for the kids' Valentines Day treats, then settled down to watch 'I Spit on Your Grave'. It's a remake of a '70's film where a woman is gang-raped and left for dead, only to return & kill off her attackers in Saw-esque scenarios. Ten years ago, I'd have labeled the movie and *all* of its characters 'retarded'. Now, dutifully PC, I don't know how to describe it.

"The Ice Bowl: The Cold Truth About Football's Most Unforgettable Game" by Ed Gruver.

While waiting for the kids at dance class I finished "The Ice Bowl: The Cold Truth About Football's Most Unforgettable Game" by Ed Gruver. Stylish writing, great detail, tons of research; just a great read. Be forewarned tho' - the ebook version is awash in typos that don't appear in the print edition.

Happy Valentines Day!

 Only have 60 or so cupcakes to frost.... Happy Valentines Yo!

-  Lisa

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grammy NIght

 Great day at work, lousy night at home. Anyhwho, now we're watching the Grammy's. For the first time ever there has yet to be a nominee or performer whose album I haven't heard, start to finish, at least once. I feel all knowledgeable and schtuff.

Esperanza Spalding wins best new artist . . . [sx: crickets chirp]. She wouldn't have been my FOURTH choice out of the nominees. What a waste of airtime.

Yo, Babs: if you are presenting a Grammy, best not to stammer over the winner's album title. Kinda gives the impression you don't know them or their work (which you don't).