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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

 Lisa took Grace (or Grac.E as she now writes her name) to Justice to use up a gc from her aunt katie (thanks!). She found a lot of bargains, even buying something for LuLu. Nice mother/daughter time.


I watched 'Monsters' tonight. Despite its moronic choice of title, it was grand. The story involves 2 people trying to cross the "Infected Zone" & reach the US - the Zone being an area of Mexico that has been overrun with ET's who arrived when a space probe broke up on entry. Yeah, yeah, I know - but it's GOOD, even moving at times. IIRC it won several film awards in the UK, and I think it was well deserved.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A quick word from your host

It's been awhile since I've posted here, and while no excuses are required, I'll mention that part of it was due to a lack of internet service. I could access Facebook on my phone, but venturing here? Nuh-uh.

Anyhow, today is the 16th anniversary of the day I met Lisa. Happy Anniversary babe.

A few random thoughts:

The Sentry (grocery) store on 51st and Oklahoma is shutting its doors after what's probably a fifty year run. I remember it largely for the bulk bags of dog food stacked by the windows; as a kid I would lounge on them while my Mom was in the checkout line. I also stopped there on my way back from a tour of Pius. Both memories are irrelevant, but when else am I going to mention them?

By the standards of its day I'm sure it was large, but in today's world it's not leaps and bounds larger than the produce section of its competitors. As a co-worker said, they can't compete with Aldi on the price of canned goods, nor with Pick 'n Save for produce, but their bakery and deli always did well. Failing to expand and stress those areas hastened their demise.

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Yesterday, while the rest of the family was at dance class, LuLu and I watched the movie Secretariat. It was quite good, and well deserving of a rental.

Lisa and I have also just completed watching Season 8 of Project Runway. The winner, Gretchen Jones, is a good designer, but we both felt Mondo Guerra should have taken the gold.

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"BabydollAngelCakesHoneyBunchesofOats" = my term of endearment for the girls. It comes out naturally, and as one word, all in a rush.

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I'm annoyed by how the girls, especially YaYa, are stressing the last syllable of every word. "want" becomes "wanttttt". Have them say 'uh' and it comes out as eight syllables and takes half a minute to complete.

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"No offense, " = another verbal tic of the girls. They use this phrase to inevitably launch into an offensive tirade about your faults.

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"Me a Robot. Me a Robot" - a phrase Ginger uses as she walks around with her arms out like a TV sleepwalker, a bucket or box on top of her head.

Happy Anniversary

16 years ago today I met Lisa for the first time. 2/22/95 will always rank as one of the pivotal days of my life, and she remains the best thing to ever happen to me. Happy Anniversary.

Monday, February 21, 2011


This evening's soundtrack: Edith Piaf, George Harrison, Amy Winehouse, Fleetwood Mac, Rihanna, David Bowie, Black Sabbath . . .


"I find it ironic that the same day that thousands of people skipped work to rail against our “undemocratic” leader [Walker] fewer than a quarter of the registered voters in Madison bothered to vote in an actual election." - Phil Hands of the Wisconsin State Journal

"Republicans. . . are holding possible bargaining chips in their efforts to end the stalemate. . . one of those chips may be a bill to require voters to show ID at the polls . . the ID bill could come another day if Democrats don't return. Without Democrats present, the Republicans have enough members to be able to hold votes on non-financial bills but not on a fiscal bill such as a budget"

Coincidentally . . .

YaYa: That's the third time today you've called me a liar!

Me: Coincidentally, that's the third time today you've lied.


Ugh, I keep posting and then deleting because i dont want the drama. I need to just stay off facebook. I don't pick friends by politics, nor do I intend to lose friends that way either, so what's the point? It's just hard, passion runs deep. - Lisa