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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Finishing 2010 on Facebook

Dec 29th

We watched 'Barry Munday' last night, an indie comedy about a man who loses his testicles and then learns he knocked up one of his last conquests. It's a very sweet but dry film, w/ a few scattered LOL's, and Lisa liked it a lot. I wasn't as thrilled, but it was OK. Of course, the subject matter begs the question: would they make a comedy about a woman who loses both breasts to cancer? Same diff right? Ah, the double standard at work.

Bleepin' kids are all over me while Lisa's at the mall. No, you can't go on the computer. No, you can't watch a movie down here. You have the entire 2nd floor, TV and all. Use it. And don't complain. You are a guest here. That's right, a guest. A guest for 18 long years, but a guest all the same. It's my house & my toys, so pbbbt!

Dec 30th

Two pics of YaYa's new perm:

NY Eve
Fyi Adalbert alum - I just saw Sr Kathleen. She says Sr VIrginia's lung collapsed yest. She is in St Lukes but not doing well.

Here's some photos taken during a recent Girl Scout tour of Palermo's Pizza factory.

Jan 1st

A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it - Samuel Johnson

Monday, March 7, 2011

 Tim Cuprisin is reporting that Charlie Sheen has been fired from "Two and a Half Men". What crap. If you aren't allowed to be a drug fueled sex addict, then what's the point of Hollywood success?

The Ghostwriter

 Just finished "The Ghostwriter". It would be a dang good movie if the plot made any sense. A former PM of Great Britain demonized for having 4 known terrorists kidnapped & waterboarded? The UK allowing a PM to be brought up on charges by the (ridiculous) international court? A consistent anti-American plot thread (literally)? Bullsh-t.

I just watched some new footage from 9/11, & LuLu came up & asked me if the Towers were factories (because of all the smoke rising from them). She admitted she had no idea what 9/11 was or what it meant to this country. I spent several minutes explaining what happened that day, and I think I did a good job. I'm surprised she hadn't been taught about it in school, although in fairness she is quite young.

 Happy 6th birthday Parker! We love you Smiley!

Happy 6th Birthday Smiley!

The title of the post says it all. Happy Birthday Smiley, and may God bless you with as much love and happiness as you've given this family over the last six years. I love you Little Man!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Knew it Was You: Rediscovering John Cazale

Tonight, after a long day at work, Lis & I watched "I Knew it Was You: Rediscovering John Cazale" (aka Fredo from The Godfather). It was an entertaining tribute to him as an actor, but little else. As to Cazale as a person, we learned he was born in 1935, smoked a lot, died young . . . and that's it. The filmmaker could have done a lot more with the material.

Girl Scout Mass

 a rather blurry shot of the Girl Scout's at Mass this AM

Better than nothing! I'm so proud of those two cadettes too! Are there more cadettes? - Lisa

My Thoughts - Recall Elections

For the record: I believe recall efforts are an ugly attempt to undermine the value of the election process & our democratic system. If you don't like the guy in office, fight their policies and then vote him out at the end of his duly elected term. There's no damn mulligans here. If my signature was the deciding factor that would get OBAMA out of office, I'd put my pen away.

The Chuck E Cheese Christmas Party 2010

On December 28th we all gathered at Chuck E Cheese for my mother-in-law's annual Christmas party. Here's a good handful of pics taken that day with my cellphone (so apologies for the quality). The kids had a blast!

Our friend Chris' daughter, Meadow.

and her oldest, Faith