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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Watching The Voice on NBC w/ Lis and Erv, after a 2hr dWtS marathon

LuLu's Artwork

Senator Thompson?

Ryan will not run for Herb Kohl's seat, but it looks like my man Tommy Thompson is game! Whoo hoo! Welcome back Tommy, I missed ya.
I have a dishwasher repairman coming at 1 o'clock. That means I have to clean. Ugh.

Easter 2011

This Easter was a little convoluted. I worked the whole weekend, Lisa and the two oldest girls spent Holy Saturday up North, and it was just generally chaotic. We even bumped our Easter dinner to Tuesday to accomodate our schedules! None-the-less, we had the Easter baskets full and ready to go come Easter Morn.




How Lisa pulls these off I'll never know. Every kid got a pair of sandals for the summer; the older two got fashion heavy pairs, while Younger Two got sandals that were more functional.




They also each got a pack of underwear, some clothing, a toy or treat (Smiley got a pack of Punky Brewster DVD's to share with the kids) and of course candy. The girls also got earrings, and YaYa got some suspenders too.



A few days later, when we held "Easter" dinner, Grandpa K dropped off some Easter baskets too. Here are a few of the gifts in use:


I hope your Easter was happy and meaningful.

~ Dan

Monday, May 16, 2011

@ Olive Garden w/ Lis, then off to work.
Given 10 min unsupervised, Junie decorated the vanity, sink, toilet, her clothing and her face with lipstick & eye shadow. We cleaned it up, yelled at LK, & then sat down. I still had an angry, PO'd look on my face. "Just drop the act, she's out of the room" Lis said. "You know you live for this sh-t." I LOL'd - she's right.
Before school LuLu and I went to the local high school in hopes of retrieving a necklace she'd left behind aftter a rec swim class over the weekend. I didn't think there was a chance in hell of it still being around, but lo and behold there it be. Storing it in a broken locker with a smashed, askew door probably helped her cause.

I Remember

20 years ago today (IIR the date right, and I usually do), I was confirmed in the Catholic Church. The retreat that preceded the ceremony was one of the turning points in my life. There was a clear, defined moment when I looked at who I was and who I wanted to be and realized the two were worlds apart. The last 2 decades would not be possible w/out that insight.
Lagniappe (lan-yap) This word is Cajun for "something extra," like the extra donut in a baker's dozen. An unexpected nice surprise.