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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

45 degrees. Pouring rain. Gray skies. It's either Milwaukee or a Dicken's novel. This sucks

Flashback: LuLu on the Computer 2007

Lisa has enforced a no video games/no gaming system rule in this house since the start of our marriage, and while I once chafed under this Luddite decree, I now see its value. Too many times we've chaperoned an event where the kids were just transfixed by their handheld systems, just brain dead and lacking social grace. Forget that.

We do, however, allow them access to the PC and approved games online, like Club Penguin (where, btw, I am the *best* mine cart surfer EVAH).


It's beginning to backfire on us, as the kids are obsessed with getting comp time, so who knows? Maybe we'll cut that off too in the near future.

At any rate, here's two pictures of little LuLu playing on the computer at her Grandma J's house in 2007 (age 4)



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Who eats bread like this??? And what's with the squirrel??

Angelcakes and YaYa

TV watching

AI - I think Lauren won the night, but Scotty ruled the season . . . what to do, what to do?????? 

DWTS - what bs on dwts. Chelsea deserved better than 3rd. Shameful. 

 Hines wins! @ least it wasn't Kirstie. He's a heck of a dancer.

This makes me sad

This is, of course, refuse, left behind our garbage containers in the hope (and near certainty) that someone will see it and take it to a new home. But boy oh boy, those are a lot of memories going away. 

There's the Hello Kitty tricycle I bought my girls from 7 Mile Fair.  Smiley's Radio Flyer retro rocket scooter. The blue Graco stroller that held all my kids. The double stroller that has taken us to Florida, the Bahamas, and everywhere you can think of in town. 

I gotta go. I'm about to tear up. 

Gnomeo and Juliet

To forget about an awful day yest (Lu's fault, but who keeps track?), I rented "Gnomeo and Juliet" for the kids. The verdict: "That was a freaking great movie!" [YaYa], "We need to buy that Daddy!" [Lu, w/ a thumbs up] "Good!" [Smiley & Junie]


Some oil dripped in the oven and while the smoke was negligible, it was enough to set off all the alarms in the house. Hard-wired alarms are great for all that "don't want to die in a fire" schtuff, but suck ass for cooking miscues.

Quote of the Day

What worries you, masters you. - John Locke

The New Nook

I'm in awe of what I've read of the Nook that debuted today. W/ that & the Color Nook on the market, Amazon's board should quietly start dumping their shares.