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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

True Grit

We just finished watching the remake of True Grit. The acting was wonderful, and the film closely follows the great book of the same name. Still, while I enjoyed the movie I was not overwhelmed with affection for it. Of all the Best Picture nominees I've seen, Social Network remains the clear *should have been* winner.

Taylor Swift - A Surprise for YaYa!

This evening we suprised YaYa w/ an early bday gift - a pair of tix to tonight's Taylor Swift concert! She literally screamed when we gave them to her. She's there now with Lisa. I hope they're having fun.

Three Times the Lump!




Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What a Day

My day: took kids to school, took down the tent, went to Smiley's graduation. Went grocery shopping & to the pharmacy, rented True Grit, took the kids to library to sign up for Super Reader program, returned items left behind @ the sleepover, hung laundry outside, played in the sprinkler w/ the kids, now watching The Voice while waiting for the Nook to charge. I look fwd to returning to work tomorrow so I can relax.

Oh, Anthony, You Sure Can Pick 'Em!

I love the ABC interview w/ one of Rep. Weiner's online girlfriends. Not only did she speak like she was auditioning for the role of 'hot beauty school dropout', she chewed gum the whole time. I repeat: she chewed gum while being interviewed by a national news program about a Congressional scandal. Priceless.

The Heat Lose

If you are a Miami Heat fan, you can blame Tre for the loss. They were up by 9 when he called to talk to me; by the end of the call they had permanently surrendered the lead in Game 4. A pox upon you sir! ;)

Some pics of LuLu's 8th Birthday Party!


Dwayne Wade. Wow.

The Voice

If you're watching The Voice, you best be voting for Jared Blake. And what's w/ Christiana Aguilera? Judging by the live show, she is universally disliked and dismissed by the other judges. Good for them. I've never cared for her.