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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I watched the Mexican horror film 'Cronos' last night, the 1993 directorial debut of Guillermo del Toro. I liked it, and actually thought it was very sweet at times.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


"Haters are confused admirers who can't understand why everybody likes you" Paul Coelho

Audrey Rose

Watched the '76 horror flick "Audrey Rose" starring Anthony Hopkins. Awful, boring, and lame.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Some more yield from Smiley's garden


"The best lie is silence. It's consistent, it speaks volumes and you never have to remember what you said last time if you remember that the last time you said nothing." - Steven Moffatt

Thanks Fred!

My friend Fred sent me the new season of Doctor Who via BBC America (all praise Fred!). "The Impossible Astronaut", the series opener, was a grand Who tale full of action, humor, and twists. Moffatt is a hell of a writer, and Dr. Who is lucky to have him at the helm. Also, Farscape's S4E5 "Promises" was excellent, just a prime example of why the show deserves more attention than it gets.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011