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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tomorrow my 9/11 column will be published in the Journal-Sentinel. Please pick up a copy if you can.


Me: (as I put on Voltron via Netflix) "This was my favorite show from when I was a kid" 

Smiley: "So it in black & white, cuz it super old?"

[It's not in B&W, he just assumed it would be.]

In My Time by Dick Cheney

Yesterday I finished Dick Cheney's autobiography "In My Time". It's no shock that I hold the man in high regard, and I'm grateful that a man of his character and strength was there to guide us through the last decade. Politics aside tho', it was a very well written political bio, solidly constructed and entertaining. Well done.

Second Son

Lee Child's short story "Second Son" is the tale of a teenage Jack Reacher, circa 1974, as his family relocates to a Marine base on Okinawa. Unlike Stephen King's recent short, *this* one features both a plot and some fine writing. It certainly left me hungry for the upcoming Reacher novel, which meant it done did it's job and did it well.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Moving Tribute

KISS FM played a moving 9/11 tribute this morning, mixing actual audio of the day from flight controllers, Bush, news reports, and calls from the Towers. I teared up in the car but of course the kids seemed oblivious to its impact and just argued among themselves. Afterwards I called KISS and spoke to Wes McCain, and thanked them for making the effort.

The Burrowers

Last night I watched "The Burrowers", a movie set in the 1870's. White homesteaders are attacked and their women kidnapped. A posse sets out to recover them from the Indians, only to discover some . . . *thing* else took them. Think "The Searchers" blended with "Alien". I liked it, but way too little time was given to the creepy crawly aspect. It was 85% western, 15% horror. I grade it a B/B-

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Entertainment (coupon) Books

If anyone wants an Entertainment book, the kids have some for sale. Let me know.

The Start of the NFL Season

i couldn't find the remote for the big screen so I'm forced to watch the game on the kids tv in the hallway. Ugh.

update: Booyah baby! 42-34, w/ the Packer's D putting up a wall @ the one w/ 3 seconds on the clock. Whew!

It was a good game - Grandma J

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mile 81

Yesterday I finished reading Stephen King's new ebook "Mile 81". My verdict? Turdalicous. If it had any other writer's name on the cover, it would never have made it past an agent's desk, much less into print. Aside from the lack of a story (!) King tries hard to make a character sound like a young kid, which to Stevie means mixing vulgarities, brand names he swiped off the nearest TV ad, and slang from three different decades. For your own sake, skip it.
Got a call back about a job I applied for and the voice mail  directed me to the company website  - which then asked for my credit card # to pay for the privilege of  filling out a screening questionnaire/IQ test. But don't worry; if I get the job I'm promised the $ back! Yeah, uh, I'll pass, thanks.