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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

it should have died with RBP!!!!

Oh heck no! BLASPHEMY!!

The Minnesota Fire

Old news to anyone in Milwaukee, but all afternoon/evening the city has been covered in a haze and reeking of smoke, courtesy of a wildfire in Minnesota - 300 miles away.


These are pictures of how a bilco door was constructed at a friends house. I'm just saving them for ideas about ours. 

News from Afghanistan

CNN is reporting the US Embassy in Afghanistan is "under siege" by the Taliban . . .

This is probably inconsequential in the long run, except that the press will seize on it as a Tet moment and start pushing for a quicker withdrawal, when of course it should generate the opposite approach. 

History Repeats

I kicked off the NFL season by continuing a grand tradition: the Sad Sack Slapjacks got their butts handed to them 134.08 to 75.42 in fantasy football. 134 points is a monster game (my opponent's D earned 33 points alone) so a loss was all but inevitable, but I didn't help  by starting a WR benched for injury and going with Bradford over Cutler. Ugh.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Just back from an interview in IL, about 60 min from here. Yes, it's a long ride everyday and yes, I would take the job if it was offered.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


While the White House might think the War on Terror is winding down, the *77* US troops wounded today in Afghanistan might disagree.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tomorrow my 9/11 column will be published in the Journal-Sentinel. Please pick up a copy if you can.


Me: (as I put on Voltron via Netflix) "This was my favorite show from when I was a kid" 

Smiley: "So it in black & white, cuz it super old?"

[It's not in B&W, he just assumed it would be.]

In My Time by Dick Cheney

Yesterday I finished Dick Cheney's autobiography "In My Time". It's no shock that I hold the man in high regard, and I'm grateful that a man of his character and strength was there to guide us through the last decade. Politics aside tho', it was a very well written political bio, solidly constructed and entertaining. Well done.