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Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Event/Alias/The Walking Dead


With the family out of town enjoying a visit to Wisconsin Dells, I fell asleep after work watching the DVD of Season 1 of "The Walking Dead". It's a zombie series that follows the plight of one sheriff's deputy intent on guiding his family through the post-apocalyptic hell that's become contemporary Georgia.

There's nothing overly original about the series, no unique advancement in zombie physiology, our reaction to them, or our methods of killing them. (you still shoot 'em in the brain). Actually, it may have one original trait: an intelligent script and a decent respect for characterization. Sure, sure, I saw the cheating wife coming, and the goody-two-shoes lead can infuriate, but all in all it's well written and certainly worth your time.

And I want to know what secret Keller whispered in the deputy's ear in the season finale.

Grade: A


I've been meaning to watch Alias for quite a few years and finally got around to watching most of season one. I like it, and find it entertaining and decently complex. But - and you know there was a but coming - it's also tedious. Keeping a weekly spy series going, especially one that has an overall story arc, demands that for every X amount of episodes there is a mandatory X amount of death defying, all hell's breaking loose missions. Hard to believe, but 8 or 9 episodes in I felt it was very mundane.

Plus, as a network show intent on showing Sidney isn't 'bad', she continually exhibits what I feel is Slapinions Golden Flaw of Action Characters: she fails to end the threat. John Doe is a bad guy, you say, one who constantly is trying to kill you and has nearly succeeded in the past? You just defeated him in a fight, and despite his spiteful warning that he'll be back to kill you . . . you handcuff him to a radiator and move on. Bulls((t. End the threat. Kill the guy. Not because you are bad, or evil, or callous, but because by letting him live you're not proving you're better - you're endangering your own life and that of the world as a whole.

Grade: C


I haven't seen but two episodes of The Event so far, so my judgement is incomplete. It's a Lost-ish thriller about a group of aliens who have been kept prisoner by the US for decades and now may/may not be orchestrating a violent takeover. I like it, but again, there's plenty of time for it to go south.

Grade: Incomplete

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Bush Legacy

I literally kissed the cover when I saw it.  Disturbing but true. 

Al Davis

Breaking news: Raider's owner Al Davis is dead @ 82. RIP. 

YaYa Rides a Horse

This past spring YaYa attended a Girl Scout camp (I think it was 3 days/2 nights) and the highlight, nay, the very focus of the experience, was a chance to ride a horse.


Of course, other activities were scheduled too


but as I said, it was all about the four legs.


She had a blast, and was convinced her horse was smarter than the others because it took care to journey around, not through, some puddles on the trail.


Another great life experience courtesy of Scouting!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Haunted Hayride and Zombie TV

Home from Eric's. Once his wife came home it was kibosh on MLB night. Lisa and the kids are in the Dells with a friend (enjoying a haunted hayride, I'm told) so I Redbox'ed "The Walking Dead, The Complete First Season" and plan to knock that off tonight.

On to the NLCS!!

I'm @ eric's watching game 5 of the NLDS

Update: NLDS Victory in the 10th inning, courtesy of T-Plush! Fireworks went off in Bay View (literally) and cops are pulling people over everywhere, as the whole damn neighborhood is drunk (or just delirious w/ joy). Whoo-hoo!

My Day

Work bit ass. Went to tailor shop afterwards, tried on some threads. Looked smashing. Par for the course. Came home, wrote and submitted JS column, it may run Tues. Wrote it intending to stir up some schtuff, so less than 50 JSonline comments will mark it as a failure.

Big Plans for the day

Went to bed 3 hrs earlier than normal in a depressive funk, but time to nut up & keep slugging. Off to work soon, then afterwards I'm going to stop and price a new suit. I clean up well, emerging, when I care to, as a plump but politically wiser Alec Baldwin. Enough of this bulls--t. Time to make some money again.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


And . . . I didn't get the Dells job. I was just notified - @ 10:27pm!? - via a personal email. Ugh.

Aaaaand Detroit just ousted the Yanks. What a crappy half hour.

Go Go Power Rangers!