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Monday, October 1, 2012

The New Daughter

Just finished watching "The New Daughter", a horror film starring Kevin Costner. Costner moves his family to an idyll country home, only to discover the earth mound on the property is an ancient burial mound populated by deities who seek to restore their power by corrupting his daughter. I liked the movie. No big surprises, but it was more than substantial enough to than keep my attention and I liked Costner's acting; he physically portrayed the father as a jittery, somewhat fear driven guy. Grade: B+

YaYa Opens Her Nook E-Reader

Sure, I did a Christmas morning post, and loaded it with pictures. As I said in that write-up, however, YaYa's reaction to her Nook was worth a post all its own.

She'd been asking for a Nook, the electronic e-reader, for over a year. I had no doubt she'd use it, since she's a voracious reader, but I just couldn't afford it. Around November an opportunity arose for me to get one for her, and I didn't hestitate to fork over the cash.

She saw her Nook before it was wrapped, but Lisa (after scolding her for snooping) brushed it off by saying it was a gift for me. We made this all the more credible a statement by having me open my Nook first. She was happy for me, but you could tell she was jealous.

And then we gave her the package.


I don't think she knew what it was. Not a clue. And then she came unglued.


She started crying. She tried covering her face, but the emotions were too strong, and she lay there on the floor short of breath and weeping.


I thought she was doing this for show, but it quickly became clear that wasn't the reason. No. We had simply SCORED THE BEST GIFT EVER for the kid. :)



She calmed down and opened the Nook cover we bought her, but began to cry again. Ginger, who at the time wasn't very close to her (they grew closer here in 2012) went and put her arms around her to support her.




What a great moment. What a great reaction. What a "remember this forever" Christmas memory :)


Sunday, September 30, 2012

.500. Finally.l

And with that I win my fantasy match-up, bringing my record up to 2-2. More importantly, I beat the commish aka Socialist, and that is a sweet and sassy thing.

The 1995 Project

I have been sorting through and organizing the hundreds - and I mean hundreds  - of letters, cards, notes, ticket stubs and receipts Lisa and I accumulated in 1995, the year we first met. It's nostalgic, certainly, but a little bothersome. As many of you might remember, there was a bit of a persistent bump in the road that year.  Whenever that subject came up many of my letters reek of ignorant (but sincere) rationalizations for my behavior, dismiss Lisa's objections as selfish, and, well, to put it plainly, in retrospect, I sound like an ass. While I've made up for it over the last 17 years it's still hard to read. I destroyed one of the worst of the bunch, but that pissed Lisa off, saying it's our shared history and not to be disturbed. Easy for her to say; my grandkids are gonna read this stuff and get the deeply mistaken impression that I'm not The Greatest Man Ever. How can she do that to them?

Costume Time

What costumes are your kids mulling over for Halloween? Who's already got the glue gun, sewing machine, and velcro on the ready? We've got a Cinderella, ninja, goth rag doll, and Katniss Everdeen in the works @ our house :) Large pumpkins at the pig $1.98 w/ card btw :)

- Lisa

Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Blast from the Past - House on the Rock '95

Excluding my huge'90's glasses, my thin to the point of alopecia beard and my patented "this gray sweatshirt makes my belly look flat" method of dress, this is a swell picture.

This was taken on May 24th, 1995 at the House on the Rock in Spring Green, Wisconsin. It was my first visit to the place, but Lisa was a veteran and had recommended it, and good on her - I loved it.

It was on this trip that I bought her a lovely glass paperweight that still resides in our home today.

Note also my red winter jacket, which Lisa had absconded from me. I ordered that from a glossy advertisement in the Sunday paper, and gladly paid extra for my name to be embroidered on the chest. It was a different time, what can I say?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Donald J Sobol

A belated RIP to Donald J. Sobol, the creator and author of the Encyclopedia Brown series that I gobbled up a kid. He passed away at age 87 on July 11th. :(

Welcome to 2003! pt 1

In 2003 I used my monthly planner to jot down very brief notes about my day - sometimes too brief. At times, reading over the list, I had no idea what a notation meant. So when it came time to type the notes up for posterity, I’ve added a ‘?’ behind my reports of those forgotten but apparently noteworthy events.

There are several significant milestones in the newborn LuLu’s life mentioned below; those events I’ve written in boldface.

You’ll also note that I spent a lot of time going out to eat and attending Brewers games. That seems so implausible, given my current financial standing, that I literally grew depressed almost to the point of tears after I typed it up.  Apparently, I had a lot more financial wiggle room in 2003 than I noticed at the time.

With that nonsense out of the way, welcome to 2003!

January 2003

Thursday the 2nd: Grandma Clara turns 80

Friday the 3rd: found out we’re having a girl!

Friday the 10th: noon [appt] for Yaya

Sunday 12th - Grandma's (Clara) Bday Party 1:30 PM  in the Hospitality Inn Columns ballroom

Thurs the 16th: Jaspare and Chris’ birthday’s

Sun the 19th: Tastefully Simple Party

Monday the 20th: Lisa 3 PM appt with ob/gyn

Wed 22nd - Lisa sick. I watch YaYa. [pediatrician] 1pm. Cafe Chili @ night.

February 2003

Thurs the 6th: Dan water aerobics

Monday the 10th: job interview [for who?] at 4 PM

Tuesday the 11th: Toddler playgroup 9-10 AM

Wednesday the 12th: 1:45 PM appt with ob/gyn + glucose [test] 6PM Aerobics

Thurs the 13th: toddler group

Thurs the 14th: todder group 9-10 AM

Friday the 28th: Dan [what?] 11:15

March 2003

Sunday March 2nd:   Barney! [live show downtown] After Barney cake for Katie.
Thursday March 6th:  Stacey’s bday. Sleepover.

Monday the 10th: Ob/gyn appointment 2:30 PM – ask for records

Friday the 21st: Swizzlers? [restaurant]

Saturday the 22nd: Bucco [Di Beppo’s restaurant] 4:00 w/ Mom [Jeanne] for Dan’s bday

Sunday the 23rd: Stacey’s bday party

Monday the 24th: car seat [buy a second one?]

Tuesday the 25th: Los Mariachi’s [restaurant]

Friday the 28th: 1 PM Dan doc appt

Monday the 31st: We take YaYa to see the 3 PM showing of The Piglet Movie at South Shore, cost $5.50, theater Left 9. YaY’s 1st ever movie!

April 2003

Friday the 4th:  10:30 Walmart pics

Saturday the 5th: Bucco @ 4PM for Dan’s Mom’s bday

Sunday the 6th: Pancake breakfast [w/ Easter bunny] and from 12-230 Skate University skating party [for who?]

Monday the 7th: 2:30 PM ob/gyn

Tuesday the 8th: last day of playgroup

Wednesday the 9th: 3 PM ob/gyn

Tuesday the 15th: Lisa – haircut

Wednesday the 16th: 1PM pediatrician for YaYa. Anthony and Nina? [playgroup friend (Anthony) of YaYa). Question mark original] Bucks game 7:00 (Dan, Jonah)

Thursday the 17th: Easter egg dyeing

Friday the 18th: baby shower 11:30

Easter Sunday the 20th: Church. Arthur Ave 4/4:30 pm

Tuesday the 22nd: Stacey’s baptismal anniversary (kitty and card)

Wednesday the 23rd: ob/gyn at 3:15PM. 6-8 open house at flat ?

Saturday the 26th: Tre tuxes

Sunday the 27th: favors and invites at Pam & Tre’s

Monday the 28th: oil change

Tuesday the 29th: playgroup at 9 AM

Wednesday the 30th: 2:45 ob/gyn

May 2003

Thursday the 1st: playgroup 9 am

Tuesday the 6th: project and snack for YaYa’s class

Wednesday the 7th: 2:45 PM ob/gyn

Friday the 9th: Pick up slide @ 2 PM

Saturday the 10th: Mindy’s class @ 8 am.

Sunday the 11th: Dan’s Mom’s house and hospital then eat at Bamboo House

Tuesday the 13th: Playgroup

Wednesday the 14th: 2:30 ob/gyn

Thursday the 15th: tuxes with tre. Dan’s class at 7 pm

Friday the 16th: Fish fry Sioux and Dave @ 5-7:30? (? Original)

Saturday the 17th: Dave – videogames, movie? Sprint (? Original)

Sunday the 18th: 3 PM manicure/pedicure for Lisa and Jeanne

Monday the 19th: Chuck E Cheese for YaYa

Tuesday the 20th: playgroup

Thursday the 22nd: ob/gyn 1:15 PM playgroup 9-10

Friday the 23rd: Movie

Saturday the 24th: 4PM BBQ w/ Mom and Jaspare

Wed the 28th: LuLu's due date (marked with a blue colored heart). 8 am ob/gyn

Thurs the 29th: Olive Garden; library with YaYa

Friday the 30th: Finding Nemo opens. Yaya went with grandma (Jeanne) to Southgate to see Nemo!

Sat 31st - Pam's wedding shower 2PM

June 2003
Sunday the 1st:  Elliot’s graduation. 1PM Brian and DeLaura’s baby shower

Monday the 2nd – tux fitting 4PM

Tuesday the 3rd: Sammy Sosa is caught using a corked bat

Wednesday the 4thLuLu is born! J

Sunday the 10th: 9pm channel 71 - madonna

Wednesday the 11th: Jaspare and Jeanne’s anniversary

Thursday the 12thumbilical cord falls off; 1st bath. Pick up mindy @ 3:30. 6-8PM Chuck E Cheese for Caitlin’s bday

Sat the 14th – Eric and Kris’ wedding reception

Monday the 16thLuLu’s 1st bus ride! Nina and Anthony 5ish

Wed the 18thLuLu doc 22” 9# 15 oz [1st visit to Pri**o]

Thurs the 19thLu and YaYa’s 1st bath together! Jolene 1ish? [? In original]

Friday the 20th: 1:30 PM appt at Walmart Vision @ Southgate. 3PM tux fitting

June 21st – Tre’s bachelor party. Esperanza’s 3rd bday @ Jackson park

Thursday June 26thpoop incident (I think this is when YaYa chose to decorate the wall of her room in her poop). Mindy’s party 7pm.

Friday the 27th: Tastefully Simple party 6PM. Mindy’s party at 11:30-3:30PM

Saturday the 28th: Lisa gets hair cut and dyed “by Robbie” at 1PM

Monday the 30th: noon-3 Children’s Day [Summerfest]

Thursday, September 27, 2012


"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." --Japanese Proverb

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Just finished watching 'Battleship', and yes, I did go at midnight to rent it the minute it came out on Redbox. I thought it was a swell movie, with lots of action and an endearing cast of characters that populated a pretty tight storyline.  MUCH better than your standard shoot 'em up, and while it isn't Oscar material, I'd grade it a personal A and an objective B.