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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ke$ha, Flowers in the Attic and other vital issues of the day

Whodathunk Ke$ha, the over the top, cheesy pop star who hit paydirt in 2010 with her album Animal, would emerge as more than just a one hit (album) wonder?  The tracks from Warrior are catchy, fun and just as important, doing well and getting airplay. I love this line from an Entertainment Weekly review of the disc: “When you need someone to rhyme ‘sabertoothed tiger’ with ‘warm Budweiser’, you know who to call”. All hail the corny pop diva!

Recently 106.9 FM changed its format to top 40/pop, so you’re bound to hear Ke$ha there. I like the new station enough to have added it to the pre-programmed buttons on our car stereo, but to my ears they play pure R&B too often, giving it an urban tint I could do without.

Speaking of radio, on the way to work last night I got crystal clear reception of a Chicago station playing tracks from a July 6th, 1973 Led Zeppelin concert in that city. Listening to them live just reminded me of how damn good they were. 

Ginger/Lump is going around lately singing the hook from Taylor Swift’s “We are Never Ever Getting Back Together"  and from Rhiannia, the line “Shine Bright Like a Diamond” J

The Discovery Channel has cancelled Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe after eight seasons.  Buggers.

 On the movie front Lisa and I8 watched the documentary The Tents, which chronicles the fashion world’s time in Bryant Park.  You would think an industry centered around excitement, glamour and keeping your attention could pull off a halfway decent documentary about its seminal event (Fashion Week ) - but you’d be wrong. Dull, dull, dull. Grade: C

On the other hand the dance community scored with First Position, a documentary about six young dancers who compete in the prestigious Youth America Grand Prix for a chance for scholarships and company positions. We both had a good time watching this film and recommend it. Grade: A

Flowers in the Attic is a movie I could have sworn was from the ‘70’s, but nope, it’s actually a late ‘80’s retelling of the VC Andrews story that girls in grade school adored. It’s cheesy, but it actually held my attention. So did Kristy Swanson, future Buffy the Vampire Slayer, who was awfully cute as the trapped teenage girl. Grade: B

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Not This Time

Surprisingly, I did not win the $550 million Powerball drawing.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


One hysteria tends to produce another

Who Loves Ya Baby?

I’ve had some rather eclectic television habits lately. Lisa and I have been watching “American Horror Story” on Netflix but have yet to finish the season, so that review will have to wait. Aside from that, and our standard TV viewing choices, I’ve recently watched:

1.       The pilot of Magnum P.I. I thought it was very entertaining and didn’t deviate much from the feel of the series as a whole, though Magnum was more of an outsider/rebel at that stage in the game.

2.       Season 1/Episode 14 of The Donna Reed Show entitled “A Very Merry Christmas”. This episode features the great Buster Keaton, which was a treat in and of itself. I adored The Donna Reed Show when it ran on Nick at Nite back in the ‘80’s, and I liked this episode, but I did notice the characters seemed stiffer and less convincing then I remember.  Perhaps it was just a bad choice of episodes to pick. 

3.       I watched the Kojak episode  “Die Before They Wake”, which originally aired February 6th, 1974, a month before I was born.  I really dug this episode, which featured Tina Louise (Ginger from Gilligan’s Island) as a heroin addict and a recruiter for a prostitution ring. It’s a bit part, really, but noteworthy. Jess Walton, who I guess has made a name for herself on soaps over the ensuing years, actually had the big guest starring role and wowy wow wow was she gorgeous. My word. Great story, great characters, great dialogue. I’m a fan.

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Dream

I had a spectacular (non-sexual) dream about . . . . Tommy Thompson. I was at a huge banquet, with a non-partisan crowd of maybe 1500 people. There was some issue, now lost to my memory, that was troubling the crowd, but no one was brave enough to voice their concerns. 

Then my Tommy stood up, dressed in a white shirt just like Smiley's. He started out by stating the obvious, that his political career was over in WI, but that that didn't change his love for the state. He went on to address this unremembered concern, laid into an honest and brutal assessment of Tammy Baldwin's inadequacy, and then, finally, hit the hot button issue on the table. 

"Do I think they did it?" [long pause, pained, regretful look, solemn sincere nod] "Yes. Yes, I think they did."

And with that the crowd rose to their feet, and WI once again took Tommy into their hearts. 

Said Lisa when I told her: "What kind of freak dreams about Tommy Thompson?"

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Art Ginsburg

RIP Art Ginsburg, aka 'Mr. Food.' I remember his short syndicated segments on the Channel 6 midday news. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Welcome to 2003! pt 2

July 2003
Friday July 4th: parade, Brewers game, fireworks

Sunday the 6th: Lu’s baptism at 9:30 mass and brunch

Tuesday the 8th: Dad Kohn’s bday

Friday July 11: Tre’s wedding rehearsal; YaYa pukes in our car

Sat July 12: Tre’s wedding

Sunday July 13th: mall with Lu and YaYa

Wednesday the 16th: 2pm 6 week check up with ob/gyn

Sun July 20th: Chuck E Cheese for Jonah’s birthday

Monday the 21st: Zoo

Wed the 23rd – theft! (of what, I don’t remember)

Thursday the 24th – park with Mom (Lisa?) and Grandpa S.

Sunday the 27th:  Anthony’s ? birthday party at chuck e cheese. Pink eye.

Monday the 28th: Discovery World

Tuesday the 29th: Lu pink eye; doc appt

August 2003
Friday the 1st: museum with Jonah, Caitlin, Jordan and YaYa

Sat the 2nd : pink eye me and jonah & bronchial sinus infection. Dinner at jeanne’s. Jonah stays with us through the 5th.  YaYa stays with my folks during that same period to avoid getting pink eye.

Sunday the 3rd: Federation picnic

Tues the 5th:  my Dad took YaYa to the playground. I took Lu to the doc. 40 cm, 23”, 11 # 12 oz. 4 shots (immunizations).

Wed the 6th: Chris, Miller Park. Rain.

Thurs 7th: movie with Jon. Pirates.

Friday the 8th: slept all day.  That weekend “bad weekend at work”

Monday the 12th : WIC

Tues 13th: take both girls to play on Miller Park’s playground

Thursday the 14th: Snappers ballgame

Friday the 15th  through the 16th: take Jonah and Caitlin with us to the Kalahari; our kids left behind with my folks

Monday the 18th: Chris over. Watch Adaptation. Watch Lu 1-5 and go shopping

Tues the 19th: Italian restaurant and Walmart

Wed the 20th: Lu sleeps through the night!

Thurs the 21st: Lu rolls over!

Friday the 22nd: dinner at Jeanne’s. I watch Lu 2-3 hrs (why did I keep noting this? It’s my kid, why *wouldn’t* I be watching her?)

Saturday the 23rd: Bad day at work. Ballgame with Dad and Elliot; 5 wins in a row. This is the day of Becky and Balto’s wedding; my absence would earn me her scorn for years afterwards.

Sunday the 24th: did nada

Friday the 29th: horrible dinner at La Toscana

Sat the 30th: Harley Parade. YaYa enjoys it a lot. Olive Garden with Lis

September 2003

Monday the 1st – slept all day. Felt like sh*t.

Tuesday the 2nd – Lisa & the girls went to sleep early. Watched Brewers game

Wed the 3rd: cemetery. Olive Garden. Sick – cxl Brewers game

Thurs the 4th – family has pink eye. Lu 11# 140z.  also that day: YaYa and Lisa and the chicken/M&M incident, followed by a  smiley face.??????

Friday the 5th: bought YaYa a tent, watched ‘em 630-9 am. Fight with Lisa

Monday the 8th: tour Miller Park. Brewers game with Elliot

Tues the 9th: YaYa and Lu doc. 12# 12oz? Tour Miller Park with Lisa, eat at Front Row. Hepatitis 2 vaccination.

Wednesday the 10th: Took girls to Blockbuster and library to sign up for storytime, and McDonald’s to sign up for party, then Walmart for party supplies, then Pic ‘N Save (grocery). Lu laughed! Lu’s 1st baseball game!

Thursday Sept 11th: 2nd anniversary of 9/11. Beef meal. John Ritter and Johnny Cash die.

Friday the 12th: Socialist and I hang out. Rickie Weeks called up to majors.

Saturday the 13th: Brewers win 5-4. Sexson 2 hr. Clean house in exchange?. Lu in saucer (walker)

Sunday the 14th: YaYa pees in potty!

Monday the 15th: boring day off. Shopping, Ned’s Pizza. Watched TV.

Tuesday the 16th: Spare ribs for dinner. Miller Park with Dad. Lisa moody. YaYa peed once, then disaster after disaster. MIR sighting by Jose??

Thursday the 18th: Argue with rec division. Comiskey?

Friday Sept 19th: poop at 648! (I assume this means YaYa used the potty)

Saturday the 20th: Jenny’s bachelorette party

Sept 21st: Brewers game with Grandpa Kohn and Dennis. YaYa – toddler bed!

Sept 23rd: Brewers w/ YaYa and Faith. Buckethead. Called shot. Harley.

Sept 24th: White Sox game (I think this was the Yankees game I attended with my Dad)

Thursday the 25th: slept all day. Friends premiere. YaYa at Arthur Ave – 1st time post potty training!

Friday the 26th: dinner at Uncle Kenny’s

Friday the 27th: Yaya’s 1st swim class and music for tots!

Saturday the 28th: Lisa sees ‘Thirteen’ with Mindy. I watch girls. $ store boxes J (?)

Monday the 29th: shave beard (followed by frowning face)

Tues the 30th: dentist

October 2003
Wednesday the 1st: Great A’s/Bosox game

Thursday the 2nd: took YaYa to toddler group (she peed). Watched girls for 2 hrs.

Saturday the 4th: 2nd swim class. Took grandma then went shopping

Thursday the 9th: 3rd shift field trip to Holy Hill and Mr. D’s

Saturday the 11th: Dale’s last day at work

Friday the 17th: tour Dale’s new hotel

Saturday the 18th: Jose’s wedding

Tues the 21st : Miller Park symposium with Tre

Wed the 22nd: took girls to Jaspare and shopping.

Thurs the 23rd: YaYa’s 2nd birthday. Opens family gifts. Toddler group and library for her first library card! Chris and Jeanne over.

Friday the 24th: clean bedroom. Dinner at Schroeder’s.

Saturday the 25th: 7th anniversary. Trick or treat. Ricardo’s for dinner and saw Wonderland at the Downer (loved it). Yankees lose the World Series. Ray calls to taunt me with that fact at the movie.

Sunday the 26th: Trick or Treat. YaYa’s second birthday party (McDonald’s) at 4 p.m.  Yankees lose Dada??

Wed the 29th: 7pm Halloween party at Zablocki school. 3PM pediatrician for YaYa

November 2003

Sunday the 1st: Rosie’s bridal shower

Saturday the 15th: work xmas party

Thursday the 20th: good Friends episode. JFK special.

Friday the 21st: Aunt Rosie and Bob’s wedding.

Saturday the 22nd: Jonah and Caitlin book making? Christmas tree up.

Friday the 28th: Royette’s bday

Saturday the 29th: Saw Bad Santa (I think with Jon)

December 2003
Saturday the 6th: St Nick’s. Fight with Chris. Candy Cane lane.

Monday the 8th: Olive Garden

Tuesday the 9th: Pewaukee? Rafters (restaurant)

Wednesday the 10th: Scabies! [relax, it was NOT me - but it's an anecdote worth remembering]

Friday the 12th: Rockettes (YaYa). I watch Lu.

Saturday the 13th: The shuttle van at work was shot at. Sadam Hussein captured!

Sunday the 14th: Lunch with Santa

Monday the 15th: Dermatologist appt. Ground Round. YaYa’s 2nd baptismal anniversary

Tues the 16th: Christmas shopping

Wednesday the 17th: Sledding! 100th anniversary of manned flight

Thursday the 18th: Lisa sick. Dinner at Uncle Ken’s. Jonah and Caitlin’s Christmas concert.

Monday the 22nd: LuLu get’s shots (immunizations) at 

Flowers in the Attic

Following a late night viewing of Flowers in the Attic with Lisa earlier in the week, I sat down to read the V.C. Andrews book that seemed to grace the desk of every girl in grade school back in the ‘80’s. To my surprise, I enjoyed Andrews’ style and found the book well written, even if she had a nasty little obsession with incest. For a classic cheesy horror novel, it wasn’t bad at all. Grade: B